
-walks into thread-
Hello everybo-
-starts to scroll through the confusion and chaos-
-fails to comprehend-
-brain starts to implode-
-Shivers in fear-
W-w-w-where a-am I?
I used to have a whole folder of Paul Blart memes but then they were deleted when I updated my computer. I need to take back what's mine.
is it really as violent n stuff as people say it is? like, is there a butt ton of sexual references and such?
okay, here's some tips to stay pure and play skyrim
  • don't read "The Lusty Argonian Maid" or it's like, 27 sequels
  • don't get the decapitation perks
That's really it actually. If you take ur cloths of u get like, a golden speedo/bikini. Uh, they kinda infer a lot of torture, but its really just like, a skeleton chained to a wall. Also if shriveled husks of what might be a person is too much, try staying out of wizard fortresses.

But if it all comes down to it, you literally don't even need to actually go into dungeons or anything. If u try really hard, you can be like, a farmer/errand boy your entire life