Archived Strictly Frown Upon?

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Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score
"Linking websites if the website contains any form of inappropriateness or pornographic content then it is strictly frowned upon. If the website is completely safe, e.g. a YouTube link then you are fine to post it in Faction, Alliance and Direct."

This is taken form the Massivecraft wiki- section "Massive rules"

Now I love massive craft, and I like the rules. Its light hearted, wanting the better for the "nice guys" but I just ran into this part of the rules. Now I have read the rules many times, (mostly in hopes to find loop holes for my advantage) but I never realized this. "...pornographic content then it is strictly frowned upon". Strictly frown upon? Dont you think that if someone is sending links to porn in a game intended mostly for children to be a matter of ban or at least a warning? I mean it should be prohibited right? Not just strictly frowned upon. Now if this is a reason for ban, I think that they* should rephrase how they put it in the rules.

*Massivecraft staff
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
@Messivs7 We are always looking for ways to improve MassiveCraft and I feel that this feedback does hold some merit. The staff will review this rule and make appropriate changes where need be. Thank you for bringing it up.
Are you really reading the rules just to find loopholes? That's a very honorable thing thing to do
To me this sounds like complaining. If you want to make a real suggestion, I suggest you reword some things and make sure it is in the correct section next time. For now, I'll just move it there.
The way I think you're supposed to interpret, "strictly frowned upon," is that the first time you get warned possibly with a mute, jail, or temp ban, the second time Cayorion comes down from the heavens wielding the banhemmer of doom.
My interpretation of strictly frowned upon is "You will get permanently banned".
I don't mean to question you, but some people might interpret it as "Only a jail or mute". Putting in "Such as permanently banned" next to it would elaborate a bit more for newer players.

Yeah I'll just ask a game staff member to change the wording to "Will be punished severely". The wording may be culturally different for people as the majority is written out of my norm, which is not the same for everyone.
@Messivs7 I have updated this on the Rule page to better understand the punishment involved!
  • Linking websites if the website contains any form of inappropriateness or pornographic content then the account holder will face immediate punishment via a permanent ban from the server. If the website is completely safe, e.g. a YouTube link then you are fine to post it in Faction, Alliance and Direct.
Since we are knitpicking wording, "any form of inappropriateness" is super vague, open to interpretation and could be miles from pornography. That combined with "will face.. ban" sounds like someone WILL be banned for posting a pg-13 image because it could be considered inappropriate for someone under 13.

Perhaps "posting content deemed by staff to be inappropriate could result in a permanent ban."
Honestly, considering this is like a PG server, I would think you would have common sense not to post things like that.
I'm pretty sure it's been obvious that stuff like this will get you banned, because you can get banned for ERP.
Better to have simple, easily understandable rules where someone knows when they have crossed a line, than to rely on "common sense". One person's common sense is another person's "never crossed my mind".
Honestly, considering this is like a PG server, I would think you would have common sense not to post things like that.
I'm pretty sure it's been obvious that stuff like this will get you banned, because you can get banned for ERP.
i never saw such rule apart for teh ocasional:
[A] inpaproriate stuf needs to be in prvate chat
or something, and because people got banned for it and i was told about that rule, but it's not written in massivelaws (or am i just such a derp?)
I don't really understand why these players are trolling the staff with their obviously petty and rediculous rule observations. I have yet to see a single player have an issue with the rules in question ... Ever. The rules may be easier to interpret if one would use common sense while reading.
I don't really understand why these players are trolling the staff with their obviously petty and rediculous rule observations. I have yet to see a single player have an issue with the rules in question ... Ever. The rules may be easier to interpret if one would use common sense while reading.
Firstly I (we) are not trolling. I (we) spend a lot of time on Massive and I (hopefully we) wish the best for the server. I want to make this server safe for people to play without having to worry about stuff like this. Also have you not noticed that some people do agree? Besides who are you to talk about common sense? I did not mean this in a petty way so please don't interpret it that way. No one else seemed to find it as a troll so I see no reason why you should. @Grixer
I don't really understand why these players are trolling the staff with their obviously petty and rediculous rule observations. I have yet to see a single player have an issue with the rules in question ... Ever. The rules may be easier to interpret if one would use common sense while reading.
It's sometimes better to take caution and prepare for future incidents than to leave something alone, and create a problem which you could've fixed with pressed a couple harmless buttons.
@Messivs7 I have updated this on the Rule page to better understand the punishment involved!
  • Linking websites if the website contains any form of inappropriateness or pornographic content then the account holder will face immediate punishment via a permanent ban from the server. If the website is completely safe, e.g. a YouTube link then you are fine to post it in Faction, Alliance and Direct.
What if the two people are over 18 and ask for a link to a website?
Since we are knitpicking wording, "any form of inappropriateness" is super vague, open to interpretation and could be miles from pornography. That combined with "will face.. ban" sounds like someone WILL be banned for posting a pg-13 image because it could be considered inappropriate for someone under 13.

Perhaps "posting content deemed by staff to be inappropriate could result in a permanent ban."

As someone who wrote the guide to making one's self rich, you of all people are expected to know why stipulations are left intentionally vague by the rule of law : D
"Inappropriate" could mean a picture of a skeleton, as in Chinese culture, depictions of a human skeleton are considered taboo.

Things should really be spelled out. As Marty said, the rules don't necessarily take into account the potential for difference in interpretaion, and they really should. Or at least clearly specify whose interpretation is being used.
to go further on it.
maybe look to the rules like how someone with autism may read them after they are being written.
they tend to get confused by vague things and somethimes take things literal, and since i have autism myself i'll hapily help with that if asked..