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Statement From The Lord Commissioner


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score

To the denizens of Regalia,

With High Command in shambles, we are gradually progressing towards our new state of normalcy. In this period of time where we all work together to rebuild what was lost in the threat of the Bralona, we have come to discover a number of enemy troops who have elected to surrender their post and make an attempt to integrate with our society. Although it is my belief as the fist of law that all Bralona deserve to be tried for their contributions in the foul scheme to bring down our Great Empire, I also believe that, as our wise Emperor Alexander the First would have advised, these surrendering parties must be given an opportunity to amend for their wrongdoings. After all, the concept of one Empire calls for union between all races and all peoples under the banner of the Emperor, as is the missive and the eternal quest of any who dutifully serve His Imperial Holiness.

In the lack of an official directive from the Crown and the Imperial Court, who are no doubt occupied in Princely matters within the circles above as they recover from the damage dealt to their establishment, it is upto I as the Minister of Law to decide the fate of the Bralona in the City of Regalia. Because I believe that the surrendering Bralona deserve an opportunity to make amends for their deeds, I hereby extend an olive branch, detailed further in reading.


Any Bralona who previously fought under the banner of the High Command may approach Greygate to formally declare their surrender to the City of Regalia. They will be brought to our questioning chambers and inquired to the intimate details of their involvement with the High Command, and afterwards, they will be offered terms of agreement for their freedom, active until overruled by a directive from the Crown.

These terms of agreement will involve that the Bralona in question will be permitted to freely wander the City of Regalia, will not be arrested on sight, and will not be subjected to Constable aggression, so long as they formally declare their permanent seperation from the High Command, agree to being periodically summoned to Greygate to assist in investigative efforts against the remnants of High Command, and do not involve themselves in the circles of Bralona who have yet to surrender to Regalia.

The names and identities of the surrendering Bralona who have agreed to these terms will be maintained in a ledger possessed by Lady Petra von Schwarzkrau (@Athelois), and the State Metropolitan will keep active tabs on them.

The remaining Bralona who choose to remain adamant in their opposition to Regalia, or do not make an attempt to clarify where they stand in the grand scheme of things, will be treated as criminals and will be attacked on sight by the Constabulary.


In closing words, I make the following statement to the nobles and business owners and common denizens of Regalia: I share your anger in the pain and damages caused by the High Command, and you are justified in excluding Bralona from your circles, from your business establishments, and from your neighbourhoods, but as the Lord Commissioner, I implore you to consider that these surrendering Bralona may be redeemed and earned as law-abiding peoples of our nation. The Bralona walk a thin moral line as is, and we must all acknowledge that we hold great influence over them with our actions; demonizing a surrendering enemy will embolden their resolve to fight us, but offering them a chance at redemption will prove to them that there exists a healthier alternative to villainy.

Count Rodrigo Peirgarten of Lorhauser
Lord Commissioner of the State Metropolitan
Marshal of the Golden Fist of the Emperor
"A archon...said this..." the Bralona pauses, as if in disbelief a Draconic servant would ever extend anything approaching mercy, "Well I've already completed these things. Best send a not for that orange haired constable to see if I'm to be summoned," sends a note to check with Trent (to be answered in rp hopefully or on discord)

@trent_rouls (Note is basically, just this above text asking if I'm to be summoned.)