Archived Speed Trait And Speed Pots In Pvp

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Professional Potion Bouncer
Jun 9, 2013
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Roleplay Guilds
Bongo Squad
So this isn't that big a deal and I didn't really know where else to put it so im just gunna put it here, but I found, I wouldn't say a bug, but just something wrong with the new trait system (all traits disabled when pvp active)
The problem I found was if someone is using the speed2 trait, and is about to pvp, if they drink a speed2 pot while potting up to pvp then attack someone, making them pvp active, this disables speed2 which pretty much gets rid of the speed pot they just drank, they only thing you can do atm is drink it after becoming pvp active which is a pain because usually by the time you're pvp active people are attacking you, so you risk dying while everyone is critting you out while drinking your speed pot again. Not sure what a solution to this could be, maybe a command you can put in to temporarily disable your traits or something, kinda like saying, hey i'm about to pvp so disable all my traits so I can drink my pots. Only solution I can think of, If anyone thinks of anything better put it below or whatever
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I see, this is a major glitch. From what i understand however, this will take a very long time to code. It took months to code in the PvP flag disable, so this probably would take longer. I agree that it is a major issue.
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