Archived Some Faction Additions

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Feb 22, 2013
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After the increase in idea proposals about various things, one such thing being the faction plugin, I have created this thread so people can propose ideas in a organized fashion concerning the "faction plugin."

Thread rules:
  • Post ideas concerning only the factions plugin
  • Please keep all your ideas proposed in one post. If you come up with another idea at a later date, edit your original first post on this thread. This will help avoid clutter.
  • Please provide only constructive criticism. While you are allowed to disagree with someone's idea, follow it up with how you would change it, and try to compromise with them.
Let the brainstorming begin!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I believe there was a misunderstanding. My intentions for this thread were to propose commands and features for the current faction plugin, and ideas for expansion on things after factions. I've seen a lot of post concerning tiers during the owning a faction. I wanted to keep the current faction plugin as it is,but expand on its commands and what can happen after you've had your faction for some time.

I'd like to suggest that raiding factions have the ability to capture gatehouses and lower gates. For example the gate mods should recognise that any player enemy to the faction that the gate is on should be able to right click on said gate and after 90 seconds the gate should lower. Ender pearls should be disabled but for yanar.
It would also be nice to add a warning system where any enemy capturing a gate shows a countdown in faction chat
To disable the countdown the player that selected the gate must be killed or pushed out of radius. The player trying to capture must stay within a two chunk radius of said gate and also on there enemy faction land.
Factions that have no form of entry for raiders should be reset, every faction must have at least two gates in two different places.
Not sure if this thread is too old, but oh well.

/f access command implementations

One thing that bothers me is that /f access is too simple giving access to a chunk. Even though simplicity is good, I`d like implements in the command.
/f access a,area c,choose-> enter area selection, where a leader can select a specific area. The concept is the same as in WorldEdit area selection.

/f access a,area s,save (area)-> saves the selected area with a specific name.

/f access p,player (player) (area) [yes/no=toggle]-> gives access(or takes) to a certain player to a chosen area.

I would like to have this implemented because this will make it possible to limit the height players can build in a faction based in the access command. It can also allow leader management of factions that weren`t based in chunks. This opens lots of possibilities, like INNs along a way in the wilderness, secure faction vaults and a better management of space, instead of 16x16 square buildings.

Hope you guys like it. :)
Not sure if this thread is too old, but oh well.

/f access command implementations

One thing that bothers me is that /f access is too simple giving access to a chunk. Even though simplicity is good, I`d like implements in the command.
/f access a,area c,choose-> enter area selection, where a leader can select a specific area. The concept is the same as in WorldEdit area selection.

/f access a,area s,save (area)-> saves the selected area with a specific name.

/f access p,player (player) (area) [yes/no=toggle]-> gives access(or takes) to a certain player to a chosen area.

I would like to have this implemented because this will make it possible to limit the height players can build in a faction based in the access command. It can also allow leader management of factions that weren`t based in chunks. This opens lots of possibilities, like INNs along a way in the wilderness, secure faction vaults and a better management of space, instead of 16x16 square buildings.

Hope you guys like it. :)
Way to old, November was the last post. Please don't necro posts from more than two weeks ago.
@andrewnicola Yes. This thread is old enough be to considered a necro.

I do like the ideas you outline with the new implementations to /f access though. No longer would you have to be standing at the corresponding chunk, or even have to /f access on a chunk by chunk basis anymore.
Locking thread as it has been necroed.
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