Archived Some Faction Additions

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Feb 22, 2013
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After the increase in idea proposals about various things, one such thing being the faction plugin, I have created this thread so people can propose ideas in a organized fashion concerning the "faction plugin."

Thread rules:
  • Post ideas concerning only the factions plugin
  • Please keep all your ideas proposed in one post. If you come up with another idea at a later date, edit your original first post on this thread. This will help avoid clutter.
  • Please provide only constructive criticism. While you are allowed to disagree with someone's idea, follow it up with how you would change it, and try to compromise with them.
Let the brainstorming begin!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
How's about some Agree ratings on the OP? (If you agree of course.) I would love to see my thread with all those little green checks next to it in the thread list.
Fair enough on the complications. I'd like to argue my point on the monthly payment:

You are running an empire that can have as many cities as you can convince to join. You could have just two cities or you could have 200. And those cities have protectorate villages to boot. What right do you have to claim such a massive organization if you can't even afford 100s a month? Most pvp players make that much in a single day of darkrooming. So for an ENTIRE EMPIRE made up of at least 2 factions consisting of 40+ members... making 100s between them over the course of a month shouldn't be too hard, you just need 2 premium members, or to have everyone darkroom for like a half hour over the month. I try to keep my payments within a realistic value because I understand how hard it is to make money, but when you look at it from the perspective of a medium sized kingdom consisting of 3 cities and 8 towns (a min population of 216 members) if they can't get a solid 100s in a month they don't deserve to be a kingdom.

Not to mention, with the new 75s "gift" to premiums every month, any premium Empire owners are 3/4 of the way there; effort free.
Not to mention, with the new 75s "gift" to premiums every month, any premium Empire owners are 3/4 of the way there; effort free.

Which is why the price for an empire will need to be relatively high, so it encourages people to find other people to make an empire with, and not have one person footing the bill. Not to mention...
  • Discourage troll empires.
  • Actually make people think before they make one.
Which is why the price for an empire will need to be relatively high, so it encourages people to find other people to make an empire with, and not have one person footing the bill. Not to mention...
  • Discourage troll empires.
  • Actually make people think before they make one.
Troll empires would be bad. What I would like is very few empires, like 2 or 3 a continent. That way the empires can all be up against each other' necks and have Massive battles. Get it? Massive battles. Anyway, it's not truly a medieval empire unless the emperor has people to order people order people order people to do stuff for him. With 10-20 empires on a single continent they're going to be small. I agree, the price of an empire should be very high. Even higher if you want to discourage small empires that pop out of nowhere and do nothing but ally everybody.
But one thing that a big empire could have is it's own currency. The leader can make the money and give it to the people and start an economy. There would be your silver then your say...bananas. Banana currency. Sure you could print out billions just for yourself but then you're inflating your own economy. There wouldn't be your silver, banana, pineapple, shilling, pound, and dirt currency because you can only be in one empire at a time. Well, maybe there could be some sort of exchange of currency like shillings to bananas. I'm just brainstorming and haven't bothered to stop to edit anything. Maybe once your empire has gained control of enough of a continent or the continent itself you can get an embassy in Regalia.
Fair enough on the complications. I'd like to argue my point on the monthly payment:

You are running an empire that can have as many cities as you can convince to join. You could have just two cities or you could have 200. And those cities have protectorate villages to boot. What right do you have to claim such a massive organization if you can't even afford 100s a month? Most pvp players make that much in a single day of darkrooming. So for an ENTIRE EMPIRE made up of at least 2 factions consisting of 40+ members... making 100s between them over the course of a month shouldn't be too hard, you just need 2 premium members, or to have everyone darkroom for like a half hour over the month. I try to keep my payments within a realistic value because I understand how hard it is to make money, but when you look at it from the perspective of a medium sized kingdom consisting of 3 cities and 8 towns (a min population of 216 members) if they can't get a solid 100s in a month they don't deserve to be a kingdom.

My problem with it is that the money doesn't even go anywhere to actually BENEFIT the Empire. I think that if this idea was changed so it only messed with the number of people allowed in the faction it would be a better more acceptable idea in my opinion.
My problem with it is that the money doesn't even go anywhere to actually BENEFIT the Empire. I think that if this idea was changed so it only messed with the number of people allowed in the faction it would be a better more acceptable idea in my opinion.

The way I look at it, I think that if people want to create an empire, they need to be able to sustain the cost of running one. I myself, can make 100s in like two and a half days of just like an hour or two each day in the darkroom. If you create a tax feature for empires, and every member or even half the members of the factions consisting of the empire spend an hour in the darkroom and pay the monthly or even 2 week tax, you'll have your 100s and even more money to spare. I personally want the empire and tax feature so there is more involved in creating a faction, and then expanding to an empire. I want people to be able to set a tax and then watch the money grow in there faction or Empire bank, what they choose to do with it is their choice. I myself would use it to fund things such as new cities or acquiring materials for the empire's universal military. A corrupt leader may take it all for himself. To each his own.
The 100s tax is designed to make sure that the people who make empires are serious about it. One time payments are simple: You pay the 1000s then BOOM, you got an empire. However, the 100s tax makes it so it can cost thousands upon thousands of silver in the long run, something that only the most determined of people will agree to.
The way I look at it, I think that if people want to create an empire, they need to be able to sustain the cost of running one. I myself, can make 100s in like two and a half days of just like an hour or two each day in the darkroom. If you create a tax feature for empires, and every member or even half the members of the factions consisting of the empire spend an hour in the darkroom and pay the monthly or even 2 week tax, you'll have your 100s and even more money to spare. I personally want the empire and tax feature so there is more involved in creating a faction, and then expanding to an empire. I want people to be able to set a tax and then watch the money grow in there faction or Empire bank, what they choose to do with it is their choice. I myself would use it to fund things such as new cities or acquiring materials for the empire's universal military. A corrupt leader may take it all for himself. To each his own.

Yes, but what about people like me who desperately NEED our silver to buy premium, which has now basically doubled since the introduction of the 75 silver a month (which seriously needs to be removed already).
BenAlex144 In a large empire consisting of multiple factions, I doubt the individual tax per player would be high. Simple but good example: A faction with 10 members joins an empire. If the cost for running an empire is 100s per month, each member of that 10 member faction only needs to give 10 silver each. Seeing as you also wouldn't be the only faction paying the tax, your contribution to the 100s would be even lower. So in reality, I don't think you should be too worried about not having enough silver for yourself. :)
The way I see faction and empire taxation working in regards to the monthly required silver amount to sustain the empire:
  1. The leaders of the empire tax each faction an amount that will equal the required silver amount needed. The amount each faction is taxed is equal among all.
  2. Each faction leader decides how much and how often they will tax their members to achieve this required amount.
In the end, it's up to the faction leader how to tax their members, and how much, as that's where the silver to keep the empire running comes from.
Of course, Alj23, this is simply one choice as to how to attain the funds needed to maintain an empire. Other empires might take drastically different routes. Some may chose to put the burden on their officers or leaders. Others may put it on their members and recruits.

On another topic related to empire taxation, I propose that we make it so the weekly costs of running an empire increase based on the number of factions you add into your empire. It would be something like for every new faction you add into the empire, the weekly price is raised by 10s or something.
Okay, so I think something needs to be clarified before talk about empires and nations goes any further.
What benefits does an Empire or Nation actually have? So far the only things that we have talked about them having is additional factions working together (which basically happens with allies anyhow) and getting to say your a nation. Beyond that, what else do they have? And why are we talking about taxing them into the stone age?
Alj23 , I have added more of my suggestions on my post since you saw my first one and I just wanted to let you know because tagging you didn't seem to work well... If your worried about clutter I'll delete this post if you don't want it.
Thalan79 Some random benefits of being an empire/nation I thought of off the top of my head:
  • Receive the 30% damage decrease in the land claim of factions in your empire.
(Is running out of ideas faster than he thought he would.)
Alj23 isn't there damage reduction already for being attacking in faction claimed territory?
I honestly feel that the only benefits for an empire/nation should be that they get to be an empire, and when they declare war or war is declared on them, all of their member factions respond in kind automatically.
Example: (using magnanimus and arcana legion as examples just because.) One day a certain faction leader of Cecidit decides to get mouthy, and annoys Magnanimus. So magnanimus enemies Cecidit. However, Cecidit was a part of the Arcana Legion, so they also enemies all member factions of Arcana. Murder ensues.
Smexitalian I saw your updated original post. And I notice most new things on this thread as I am using the watch thread feature. So every time someone tags me in a post I get double alerts. :P
Thalan79 Maybe I worded myself wrong. Example: Faction A in your empire is attacked. Normally, you wouldn't receive the 30 percent faction damage reduction if you were to fight in their land claim because you are not part of their faction. With them being part of your empire you receive the damage reduction.
Okay (gona stop tagging you since you get double alerts), so to get a 30% damage reduction in your member factions, its going to cost 1000s or more silver to start, and 100s a month? That's not even adding the the possibility of increasing that monthly tax for every faction that joins in.
Thalan79 I'm not sure if you are asking a question or are annoyed at the so far little benefits proposed to be received by being an empire in your last post? Mind rephrasing? Do remember that we are still in the suggestion stage. All numbers and sums are hypothetical and aren't set in stone. As for the concern of the raising tax per faction to join the faction: Each new faction increases the max tax, but also creates more opportunities for more silver to be produced because of more members. I'd say the pros and cons weigh out to a neutral state.
Not really annoyed since there is no reason to be annoyed.
But, the pros are:
  1. The lols of being a part of an empire/nation
  2. Getting to enemy and ally as one solid unit
  3. damage reduction for all members of an empire within empire territory
The cons are:
  1. High cost to start
  2. continued cost to maintain
  3. increased cost for every new faction added
Sure numbers wise (as in how many pros and cons) they balance out, but in reality the only real pros are 2 and 3 so even then they don't really balance out. Plus the costs depend on member factions actually earning silver, otherwise the system falls apart. (Which is only a problem for factions without premium members). But given that a lot of the current empires enemy and ally as a unit anyway (it just takes them more time), the only bonus being added is the damage reduction. So, are you sure that the pro(s) really out weigh the cons?
Please don't take this as me saying that empires should have all these great bonuses. I like the idea of them being fairly simple, with not a ton of additions. However, spiking the costs seems to place the creation of empires in the hands of premiums only in a lot of cases, if only due to the sustaining of those empires. Just my thoughts on the matter.
Okay, so I think something needs to be clarified before talk about empires and nations goes any further.
What benefits does an Empire or Nation actually have? So far the only things that we have talked about them having is additional factions working together (which basically happens with allies anyhow) and getting to say your a nation. Beyond that, what else do they have? And why are we talking about taxing them into the stone age?

I have a list of Pros/Cons for ya:

  1. Empire Chat - Much superior communication between factions within the empire, doesn't interfere with allied chat, doesn't leak info the questionable allies.
  2. Population - Lets face it, empires are bigger. A lone faction is less likely to attack you if you're in a massive empire.
  3. Group Allies/Enemies - Much easier to organize wars when everyone instantly enemies the attacker, and much easier to discourage attacks when they get 20+ enemies in about 3 seconds.
  4. Larger Wars - Two empires fighting would create a REAL war, instead of these BS little fights between one or two factions against one or two factions.
  5. Taxation System - Would create a Silver Sink for the server, would force an economy within the empire, would give people a reason to work for silver, would provide silver to pay people for faction projects (like walls or manors and such).
  6. Diversity - More diversity on the server with more than just "factions" existing - allows for expanded roleplay with rival empires as well.
  7. Empire Damage Reduction - Should be 15%, but would otherwise help with defense. Would ADD onto faction damage reduction (meaning the faction would get 45% reduction) making is safer by far to be part of an empire.
  1. Expensive as f*ck - Debatable, acts as a money sink to prevent collapse of silver value. Is not friendly towards noobs and people who don't want to put effort into the game.
Really, the only con I can see is the expense lol. And that isn't even a real con, since it helps the server overall by lower the number of empires while also removing silver from the economy and creating a reason to sell stuff on a server-wide basis, creating economic conflict between empires trying to pay for themselves.

The above is what I believe the Pros/Cons of an empire system would be. Feel free to disagree.
Well, Points 4 and 6 are wrong in my opinion, and I don't really agree with your last point either. As for your "only" con, you hyper simplify the overall costs. Not saying thats a bad thing, just pointing that out.
Just because more people are 'at war' doesn't mean combat will get any better. There are a lot of times when there are a ton of factions fighting each other, and nothing really happens. The amount of people fighting depends on cause and how balanced each side is in the engagement, otherwise it would devolve into lol raiding.
There are already a lot of 'rival' empires and alliances, this addition would only be making it easier to tell who is who. Its not diversifying it because only those existing empires/nations would be able to afford the costs, if we make them ridiculously expensive.
The 45% damage reduction, added in with the undead reduction of 15% and premium damage reduction would make an undead premium empire near impossible to raid. (Hint hint, what if Magnanimus made an empire with their current goals? :D)
Also, I don't really think that high costs are the only con from what you point out.
Factions will have to join and empire, or be raided by powerful empires and be unable to fight back due to the empire's massive damage reduction. (and additional damage reductions depending on their race and if they are prems). There would likely be a lot of bullying around of factions until they join an empire. Furthermore it would be difficult for a non prem faction to create and maintain an empire if all their member factions lack premiums as well.
The issue I am seeing is the difference between premiums and non-premiums, and how we address that difference. Either we make empires/nations only really attainable by premiums by spiking the costs to create and maintain, or we make it easier for non-premiums to make empires and deal with a large amount of empires, something we could curb with require four factions to start an empire/nation in the first place. However, that would be somewhat realistic. There were a great many kingdoms (so factions) during the middle ages in europe, however they were grouped into several larger nations (empires/nations). Europe had many nations within it, some large and some extremely small. While I would support a compromise, I am not sure where this compromise would begin at.
Well, currently I can think of a pro that I don't think anyone else has mentioned: Fame. If you own an empire, it isn't going to be something every single slightly wealthy/talented faction leader can do, its going to be something that takes money and dedication, and lots of them as well. If you own an empire, you're going to be pretty well-known, basically giving you the right to sit quietly in a large throne room, laughing as you imagine the world burning....

Anywayyy, besides that there's a few other "experimental" benefits we might think to add in.
1. Maybe we could make it so officers in empires can create factions cheaper than normal members of independent factions, making it easier to empires to expand if they want to.
2. Someone mentioned earlier something about a empire currency system. Maybe that would work? Giving empires the ability to create their own currencies?
3.Maybe there could be a section of Regalia dedicated to empire embassies? That would really give off the impression that empires on Massive are powerhouses, things you don't want to mess with, as well as giving empires opportunities to set up recruiting stations, HQ's, or just a place to show off.
Just a note, could the 4/6 people who disagreed with my post and still haven't posted an explanation do so now?
Thalan79 - Hmmm... for a comprimise perhaps the following:

Lower costs (1000s startup, 50s monthly or somesuch) but you need at least 6 factions to join you before you get any of the (more limited) benefits of being an empire.

As for bullying, a) that happens already (Imperials, Magna if they ever add more factions -_-), and b) that's what SHOULD happen. A lone town or city-state would never stand a chance against an organized empire - that's how Rome took over Europe. Because the smaller nations and cities were divided among each other and individually weak the Roman Empire took them over and became larger. That is one of the biggest pros to being an empire: population = victory (usually).
Hmmm, I actually like the idea of lowering the monthly cost and including more factions into the creation process. Makes it more of a diplomatic challenge rather than a economic one. Instead of asking yourself "how do I earn this much money?", you ask yourself "how the f*** do I get all these faction leaders to agree with each other?" That said, if you are going to slash the monthly tax in half, maybe make it 8 factions required to join an empire?
  1. I don't really like this idea.
  2. I think multiple currencies would be too complicated. Why create your own currency to tax your members, and then have no way to use it outside your empire?
  3. I like the embassy idea. I do feel though that you should have to buy the embassy in Regalia.
  1. I don't really like this idea.
  2. I think multiple currencies would be too complicated. Why create your own currency to tax your members, and then have no way to use it outside your empire?
  3. I like the embassy idea. I do feel though that you should have to buy the embassy in Regalia.

You mean TrolledPan1337, right?
Here are two surgestions I would like to make.

Co leader addon.
You can have two or more leaders in a faction.
This will make co-leadership along with managing officer permissions alot easier.
Right now if you have a co-leader he/she is forced to have the permissions of the officer ranks. But here is the problem.
You want your co-leader to be able to acces the money on the faction bank, but you don't want your officers to be able to do so. You will have a problem you can't fix. If you want your co-leader to be able to change permissions, officers would be able to do the same.

Make it possible to promote an officer to leader rank without giving up your own leader rank by using the /f promote option, and use the /f leader command to switch leader position. (giving up your own leaderschip like normal)

Factional empire addon.

To raise an empire, you will require atleast two factions and a substantial amount of silver. (ammount is debatable)
allong with the surgestion above, from each faction the leader/leaders will be chosen as the 'administration' of the empire. -emperor's and empresses- These people have several abilities.

- empire commands
- empire chat
- empire bank
- empire land claim
- empire relations
- empire ranks
- empire permissions

Empire commands, are accesable trough the f commands: /f e (etc). (further commands will be related to the other features) I believe all commands are relatively the same as within the factions themselves, just make sure to put an 'e' to make sure your using empire commands.

Empire chat, is like most people have already talked about. simple chat for people with permission.

Empire bank, This is a special bank used to pay upkeep. This bank can have a negative balace. The maximum negative balance is one time the upkeep money. No money can be withdrawn from the bank if it contains '0' or less money.
This bank can be filled by faction banks or personal deposids.

Empire land claim, This will be similar to the faction claim but strict for the empire. Each member of every faction within the empire has 5 empire power. (premium 10) Note that this power is not afflictable by death. This number will only increase and decrease regarding how many members there are. This is to allow the people who make an empire host it in a capital city that they both can own. Also take note here! The monthly upkeep is determined by the ammount of land you claimed. (there is however a minimal upkeep)

Empire relations, also like surgested above, when an empire decleration of war/peace is given, all factions automaticaly will configurate the same relation.

Empire ranks, Leaders are given an empire rank from the moment they enter the empire with their faction. But to add some layers of permissions and ranks within the empire there are:
-'main leaders', (these are the ones who originaly founded the empire and have the ability to disband it. + add more main leaders)
-normal leaders (who join later and can be promoted from lower ranking factional positions)
-'empire officers' (can be promoted from factional officers and below)
-'empire members' (can be promoted from factional members)

Empire permissions, This is an extendtion on the ranks and land addon. Permissions can be configured similary like the faction permissions however, empire permissions also adds what permissions factional members have on the empire ground claim. This adds more ranks and depth into the management system of an empire.

final notes:
I originaly wanted to add a third idea to allow people to add configurable ranks themselves so they could have better management incase they grow larger. But I hope I added some more depth of ranks within the empire surgestion.

I do not know if this is all programmable, but I do hope it is. :)

If there is anything unclear please ask me to explain. it is the reasoning or the surgestion itself.

I do not take credit if something in my idea is similar to what is previously proposed.

That will be all, Thanku for taking the time to read my surgestion :)
Say if somone was making a brand new faction and it said in chat

Steve made a Group

Steve Upgraded to a Settlement

Steve Upgraded to a Town

Steve Upgraded to Faction

Steve Upgraded to City

Steve Upgaded to a Empire
As I've always said, we require a plugin that forces one of the warring factions to surrender to make it possible to actually win a war. I won't explain the idea fully since I've already did that 2 times.
And yes, more ranks is defenitaly needed, we require several stages of officers. And no, it's not possible to make the member rank a officer rank with permissions, since there is no permissions for titles and faction relationship.
A few of my ideas:

/f perm - colourchat = A permission which can be on/off for each group. It allows them in faction chat only to use coloured chat. This is very useful for officers and owners, as it works better that changing your title all the time, and offers the ability to gain the factions attention for events/wars/etc

/f perm - chatspam = A permission for the faction which is mainly for recruits and/or players who may have warning in the faction. If this is enabled, then maybe you are only allowed to send a message every 30 seconds or something like that? Just an idea, because so many people who join factions now a days seem to use 1 word per line when they talk :P

/f notice [Texthere] = A command that by defult officer+ can use. Replacing the Texthere is the text you want will announce in faction chat. It would show up in like this..... BOLD AND RED

/f seetime [playername] - Shows how long a player has been in the faction for.

/f autopromote [rank1] [rank2] [time][/B] - Automatically promotes a player in a certain rank to another rank after a certain amount of time. Good for recruits. [FONT=arial] [/FONT][/time]
just two.

1. More Rankings- A way to provide a better outlook on the layout of the faction, to show who is in charge. Such as in my faction, I am in 3rd of command, but ranked as an officer with the same abilities as my one higher ranking officer.

2. A way to connect factions other than Alliances. My faction is under the rule of a higher faction, but yet like in the ranks it says we are equal.

I just want it to be more clear of who is leading who, so that some smart arses don't go and break the chain of command.
Everybody is crapping out ideas, I should too!
Basically you have to earn your way to the top from a group to an empire. You can't buy an empire, you have to start with a group.
Group -
Requires at least two people, has a fifteen person limit to population. Has one leader and everyone else is a member. Groups can ally other groups, but not settlements or above. Groups can enemy anybody, including other groups (for banditry). Groups are ten silver to start. If Group has only 1/8th of maximum power then it's disbanded. When you reach 1/8th power you have 3 days to raise it or use the /f assimilate [faction name] command. The assimilate command adds all your group members to a bigger faction such as a town or settlement etc. Groups can't claim land, but can set faction homes.
Two-Fifteen people
One leader, all others are members
Can only ally other groups, enemy anybody.
10 silver to start
1/8th power is assimilate or disband within 3 days

Settlement -
Requires at least ten people in your faction, has a twenty-five person limit. Upgraded from Group by having at least ten people and spending 125 silver. Settlements can ally other settlements and form small alliances. Settlements can't enemy other settlements, but alliances can enemy other alliances. Settlements are basically towns but are new towns. Each member adds five power to your faction. Has a leader and members since it's still developing.
Requires ten people, twenty-five person limit
Upgraded from group with 125 silver.
Can form alliances and enemy other alliances.

Town -
Requires at least ten people in your faction, has a forty person limit. Upgraded from Settlement by having a Settlement be a Settlement for over a month. Upgrade doesn't go through unless 250 silver is in the faction bank and the owner receives a message asking if he wants to upgrade when he logs on. Towns are developed Settlements that can hold more people. Towns can ally and enemy other towns. Each members adds eight power per member. Towns can't enemy cities unless they have at least 1/2 the members a city has. Has a leader (mayor, if you will), his officers, and members.
One month old Settlement and costs 250 silver to upgrade from Settlement.
Towns can ally and enemy other towns.
Something here.

City -
Requires at least thirty-five people in your faction, has a sixty person limit. Upgraded from Town by having the Town be three months old (or be sponsored by a nation/empire) and paying 400 silver. When the owner logs on he gets a message asking him etc. Cities can ally, truce, and enemy other cities and towns. Cities get ten power per member. Cities have the leader (Lord Mayor or King), his officers, members, and recruits. When a city wins a war against a town or another city it can have that city or town be added to it's domain. The king of the city that rules the domain can control the factions under the domain. It's basically a leader over a leader.

Domain -
Not quite an empire or nation yet. A domain is a collection of towns and cities that are spearheaded by a single city. It has to be a city. The leader of the capital city has complete control over the conquered factions. A domain can only be composed of CONQUERED cities/towns. A domain can have any limit of players to it. Moving on...

Nation -
A nation is a collection of cities and towns that have allied each other. The leaders of each city (towns don't get a say, heh.) do /f vote [presidential candidate name]. The president has to get the majority (50.1% or more) and the voting keeps going until a president is decided on. The president makes all decisions for the nation such as allying, adding other cities/towns, declaring war, settings taxes, etc. It's kind of like getting a new pope. But it's not for life, it's only for three months until he is demoted to a regular old city leader. If 3/4 of the faction leaders do /f impeach [president name] then he is demoted to a normal city leader and the election can happen again.

Empire -
An empire is a collection of conquered cities and towns that exceed 3 cities and any number of towns. The leader of an empire is the Emperor. He can manage any faction in the empire and kick the leaders of any faction. An empire is a domain until it exceeds 3 cities and any number of towns. The difference between an empire and a domain is that an empire's factions get 40 power per leader, 30 power per officer, and 10 per member. The total population of a domain must exceed 120 players or it's a domain. Huge amounts of land can be claimed by empires and empire land can be right next to other empire land which is considered a border. The land between one empire's faction and another must be three chunk, those chunks are borders. Build walls there to shoot invaders. Empires can enter alliances, truce, and enemy other empires.

Also, with a quick once-over by an RP staff, an empire can get it's very own Regalian embassy. If you're in trouble with the guards and part of an empire just flee to the embassy. You're safe there.

Command List -
Leader Commands -
/f create [name] (makes a faction.)
/f upgrade (upgrades the faction if requirements are met.)
President Commands -
/f war [nation/empire/city name] (Different from war, war is a prerequisite to surrender.)
/f surrender [nation/empire/city name] (Surrenders to a faction.)
/f kick [name] (sends a message to the leader of the faction asking certain member to be kicked. When leader logs on next he sees message: /f kick accept or /f kick deny)
/f p currency (Basically all the currency commands the Emperor has except the shoptax, that is set by each faction leader and is local to the faction.)
Emperor Commands (Same as Domain-er commands :P)
/f kick [name] (kicks faction member of any empire-controlled faction)
/f claim [faction name] (Claims land under certain faction's name that is controlled by empire. Leave name blank to determine closest faction.)
/f war [empire/nation/city name] (declares war on a certain faction.)
/f currency create [name of new currency] (Names the currency of the empire. I.e Pounds. When you use /show it says say 1000 silver and then 2500 pounds. Useful if you want to create your own economy.)
/f e currency print [amount] (Be careful with this, it may inflate your economy. Prints that amount of currency and puts it in your /show.)
/f e currency shoptax [percentage] (Trust in your Emperor to not screw you over. Makes a shop tax so every amount of money exchanged is removed and placed in the Crown's pocket. Or just do Mecharic's tax command lol.)
/f e magnacarta (Turns Empire into a nation. Demotes you to President until you're put out of office. Usable by Emperor.)
More to come!

Hopefully that wasn't confusing. If I made any errors or need any elaboration just ask. If you think that the population limits or requirements are high, not everybody is on at one time. They are all on at different times.

Mhm, what your basically saying is throw out a plug-in that works well for EVERYONE, and replace it with a really annoying, over complicated version of towny.
Mhm, what your basically saying is throw out a plug-in that works well for EVERYONE, and replace it with a really annoying, over complicated version of towny.

No, I'm making a complicated version of factions. I don't really see any reason for you to disagree in your post. It almost sounds like towny went in a horrible direction and should be shunned for eternity. The factions plugin works well, but not always for everybody. What we're doing here is making it work well better.
I believe there was a misunderstanding. My intentions for this thread were to propose commands and features for the current faction plugin, and ideas for expansion on things after factions. I've seen a lot of post concerning tiers during the owning a faction. I wanted to keep the current faction plugin as it is,but expand on its commands and what can happen after you've had your faction for some time.
Perhaps adding a command to disable mob spawning on your land?

Because I think there should definitely be a way to turn off mob spawning on your factions land.
(I'm sure someone mentioned this)

I joined a really great and big holy faction... and was attacked by skellies on my way to the temple because the place wasn't brighter than the sun ¬_¬

This wouldn't benefit me because if you attacked my faction, you could expect to have to deal with a few mobs ^_^
(No Torches. ANYWHERE! >:3 )
I believe there was a misunderstanding. My intentions for this thread were to propose commands and features for the current faction plugin, and ideas for expansion on things after factions. I've seen a lot of post concerning tiers during the owning a faction. I wanted to keep the current faction plugin as it is,but expand on its commands and what can happen after you've had your faction for some time.

Thats what i did :P

A few of my ideas:

/f perm - colourchat = A permission which can be on/off for each group. It allows them in faction chat only to use coloured chat. This is very useful for officers and owners, as it works better that changing your title all the time, and offers the ability to gain the factions attention for events/wars/etc

/f perm - chatspam = A permission for the faction which is mainly for recruits and/or players who may have warning in the faction. If this is enabled, then maybe you are only allowed to send a message every 30 seconds or something like that? Just an idea, because so many people who join factions now a days seem to use 1 word per line when they talk :P

/f notice [Texthere] = A command that by defult officer+ can use. Replacing the Texthere is the text you want will announce in faction chat. It would show up in like this..... BOLD AND RED

/f seetime [playername] - Shows how long a player has been in the faction for.

/f autopromote [rank1] [rank2] [time][/B] - Automatically promotes a player in a certain rank to another rank after a certain amount of time. Good for recruits. [/QUOTE][/time]
I like. This would allow faction members to practice their fighting skills against other members without having to leave the faction or go to a public arena and worry about being killed by someone else. I imagine the command would go like - /f access pvp true - This would be on a chunk by chunk basis like normal, and would allow members in the same faction to fight each other. When you enter the chunk, like you said, a warning would pop up, "Faction PVP Zone."
This is done in the Factions plugin using war zones, which allow people in the same faction to PVP. This is not enabled in MassiveCraft due to heavy abuse, especially for leveling combat skills.
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