Pending Review Local Chat Additions

Discussion in 'Server' started by Conflee, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Im going to keep this short and just list the emote, the symbol, and the reason for all of these, but Im also going to start by saying that mostly, the Chat Radius Chart on the website needs updated.

    Onto suggestions now:
    • Subtle Emote: "=" - In situations where you want to pair a whisper with an emote, doing the emote for the action part and then whispering separately is a little clunky feeling. A small thing for quality of life.
      • Cael Ladveer * Nudged Don's arm lightly, whispering "That's the one, the bloke over there."
      • Inner Radius: 5 , Outer Radius: 8
    • Loud Say: "<" - Primarily just to have another colored chat method like 'Commands' but more passive and versatile. This is so in crowded situations (where it also makes sense to speak louder ICly) messages are more distinguished. Commands is already great for use in this, put it is more stringent in how it can be used 'properly'.
      • Cael Ladveer says loudly: "Hold up, hold up."
      • Inner Radius: 20 , Outer Radius: 26
    • Inquire: "^" - Another colored chat method, this time for questions with a color. Same reasons as above, gives more color options for crowded situations, making it easier to pick out things from walls of white text.
      • Cael Ladveer inquires: "What's your business here?"
      • Inner Radius: 15 , Outer Radius: 22

    That is pretty much it. Three small Chat Methods to help make Local easier to read in crowded situations and add a little more function to some things. Idea sparked by chat about Subtle Emotes in Discord.
    • Constructive Constructive x 4
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
  2. InDogsWeTrust

    InDogsWeTrust sleeping bees

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I love this.

    I also suggested a whistle command a while back. I remember premium used to have those weird yellow emotes. Could be like one of those-- and perhaps a premium feature.

    In fact. All of these could be premium features.
  3. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Id rather they weren't. Locking chat things behind premium would defeat the point since donors already have colored names that make them stand out.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Reaganism

    Reaganism 40th President of the United States

    Oct 3, 2017
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    I would consider giving players the ability to make targeted inquiries. EG, ^ be a simple "XY inquires" whereas allow /inquire Conflee to start a message with "XY inquires from [Conf Ladveer]" or something, highlighting the name.

    It'd help a lot in confusing conversations.
  5. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
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    I do not see a need for any of these chats, and in this case, I personally see one of them being viable for abuse.
    There isn't a need for this when you can just exclaim. Not only this, but if you get into a crowded area and want to see what you're saying, everyone will end up using the same thing, which is now "says loudly" and only get themselves lost in the process.
    Once more unnecessary when you can just ask normally, or in this case, use command or exclaim to be heard better. I understand white text might be difficult to go through, but it's much easier just to favourite/remove some people who are present at the scene, or just to read the chat instead of tabbing out every other emote (which is usually how I see people missing emotes).
    I immediately see this as an issue. I have had people plenty of times try to do subtle actions that really aren't, such as stealthily withdrawing a knife or explosive while the person is looking you dead in the eye. This also could become an issue for characters who are supposed to know what's going on in the first place, such as the Violet guard. I don't even think tapping someone on the shoulder could be unseeable beyond 15 feet, but by adding this, you essentially do just that. Contrary to how some people treat it in roleplays, you can see people whispering, even if you don't hear them. Emotes should logically seen by anyone who is facing you (or at least the same direction), and shrinking it down can end up blinding people from what is realistically in sight.

    Chat radius does need updating on that page tho.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Ill focus on this one because the two color functions kind of come down to taste and hoping people don't overuse it. Which they hopefully shouldn't.

    As far as subtle emotes go, using them to powergame would be punishable. Emoting in a way to ensure someone doesn't see it is as bad as not emoting and should be handled on a case by case basis. Anyone ballsy and dickish enough to do this is also the type to just not emote drawing the knife at all in the first place, so this won't change a ton. That's also why in the formatting I had the Asterisks at the front of the emote- so when Staff look back at logs they can see it was a Subtle Emote.

    As for actions not being seen, this isn't so much just for 'hiding' emotes that might be important. Its mostly for not pestering the masses with an emote that 90% of people don't give a shit about and won't take note of anyway. As an example, quiet chatter in Assemblies where you want to emote something that is only relevant to you and the few people around you. The emote as it is now would be seen by everyone and just adds clutter to a mostly formal event. Which discourages socializing even a little at these events and relegates them to boring spectator tier for everyone who isn't a noble. Most of the time I just afk and watch Youtube on my other monitor and read the messages in chunks if something catches my eye.

    On top of that people already do "Whispered Emotes" by typing "Would snicker, before whispering back "Thats rude."* " . If people are already doing it without an actual emote style for it enough that I've noticed it a few times its probably pretty commonly done.
  7. InDogsWeTrust

    InDogsWeTrust sleeping bees

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Also extra loud emotes, so that

    Waves the paper+!!! Can stop being a thing. Maybe have it be ++ for extra loud?
    • Like Like x 1
  8. InDogsWeTrust

    InDogsWeTrust sleeping bees

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I want this emote IRL. That said, it could be seen as realistic for the person being addresed being unsure of who is being spoken to, right? Unless you emote making eye contact, or some other nonverbal cue?
  9. Reaganism

    Reaganism 40th President of the United States

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Surely you can use a simple inquiry and not a targeted one in those cases.

    This is mostly for the 27473929 situations where questions and addresses towards a specific character get lost in chat.
  10. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    This has mostly been addressed with the MassiveChat Overhaul but I'd still love to see Inquires and Loudly Says added. Colored emotes fill this niche partially but more subtle alternatives for targeted messages to stand out is always nice. Not super urgent anymore though.

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