Archived Small Suggestion - Massivelock Shop Timeout Changes

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Former Leader of Tyberia
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Tyberian Empire
Just a small one. Don't expect massive discussions or debates in the comments.
Currently Massivelock will kick you out of a shop after one minute of being in it. This is, quite simply, annoying.
You could be browsing through a chest of lore, looking at all of them and plucking a few you want out, when suddenly you're yanked out of it (without it making purchases for you, thank god) and you have to go through all of them again looking for the items once more.
I understand it was implemented to keep people from idling in chests since only one person can use them at once, but it's still annoying.
Proposed solutions:
Increase the time it takes to be idlekicked from 1min to 3-5mins
Keep it as one minute, but you have to be idle for that minute, meaning if you move or take anything the clock resets.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Tagging @Madus to review the MassiveLock shop Idle kick times
I could extend it if players are actively shopping, which will limit how much you can annoy others. I could also make it customisable per shop, so that lore item shops could have an extended duration.
Either would be nice!