Archived Scariest Creature In Lore

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Sep 6, 2013
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Is it just me or the scariest creature in Minecraft universe is..... baby zombie.

This little bastards are terrifying. They are faster then zombies, dont burn on sunlight and have same health as normal zombies. They dont drop xp or anything that makes them scary/useless/anoying.

I was thinking we improve them a bit. By actually make them worth killing.

If possible we should make them drop children like items when dead. Like sugar, cookies, cake, apple, shears, book, stick and stuff that we can usually find on kids.

No need for xp boost because there is no honor in killing children....xD
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To be honest, I kinda would wish that Mrs.Baver would come back, but not like "I IS KEEL U" but more of tempting random people. She would randomly appear and Follow people, but as she did so, she would whisper them to go somewhere, saying "They'll gain salvation" and all that, but once they get there, she simply attacks them. She's more terrifying when right there and whispering than from a distance and yelling.
Trust me, if your parents lean over and whisper to you while you're in trouble, it's scary as hell.

i agree with this, only one thing, instead of attacking she brings them to vampires to feed off of their victim and spread the dark disease, in fact maybe when the traits plugin comes into reality maybe have all races able to turn, and then have Mrs.Baver spread the dark disease constantly so she can even be more terrifying, talking to people in there heads invading their minds instructing them to follow her to the "salvation" of the vampire curse. The real antagonist of massivecraft, always there tempting every being to join her side with the only way to ward her off is avoiding her presence in specific places in the world or the altar of light with no true way to defeat her forever.

the topic:
As for staying on topic i'd say the scariest creature in lore would have to be... The humans, they feed of the lifeblood and or poverty of other races, see anyone else as below them and show no trace of empathy, it makes you wonder if they are the so called perfect race. they constantly make a point of punishing others as well, as if they are the biggest collection of masochistic and cruel beings to exist. Why are only humans victims to the vampire curse why not the other not destructive races?

the most terrifying beasts to exist must be the genocidal, racist, and the often diseased humans .
i agree with this, only one thing, instead of attacking she brings them to vampires to feed off of their victim and spread the dark disease, in fact maybe when the traits plugin comes into reality maybe have all races able to turn, and then have Mrs.Baver spread the dark disease constantly so she can even be more terrifying, talking to people in there heads invading their minds instructing them to follow her to the "salvation" of the vampire curse. The real antagonist of massivecraft, always there tempting every being to join her side with the only way to ward her off is avoiding her presence in specific places in the world or the altar of light with no true way to defeat her forever.

the topic:
As for staying on topic i'd say the scariest creature in lore would have to be... The humans, they feed of the lifeblood and or poverty of other races, see anyone else as below them and show no trace of empathy, it makes you wonder if they are the so called perfect race. they constantly make a point of punishing others as well, as if they are the biggest collection of masochistic and cruel beings to exist. Why are only humans victims to the vampire curse why not the other not destructive races?

the most terrifying beasts to exist must be the genocidal, racist, and the often diseased humans .

Found an interesting quote that my character brought up at some point.
Dick-man: Ha! She deserves to be beaten, she is a monster!
Paul Beauveret: "The true monsters are those whom believe they are the ones to give that punishment!
It's a bit off topic, but I thought that could be an interesting put into that bottom list of words.
William Chron Ever mess with someone while invisible in MC? Probably the most fun and creepy thing you can do. I was on a friend's server where he stalked players and played the broken disc nonstop. He did random things like place and flip random levers. While random block placing isn't scary, what about Baver whispering to you without a known source? No one talking, except for that voice in your head?
William Chron Ever mess with someone while invisible in MC? Probably the most fun and creepy thing you can do. I was on a friend's server where he stalked players and played the broken disc nonstop. He did random things like place and flip random levers. While random block placing isn't scary, what about Baver whispering to you without a known source? No one talking, except for that voice in your head?

that's it, staff we ask these ideas be implemented PLEASE.
i agree with this, only one thing, instead of attacking she brings them to vampires to feed off of their victim and spread the dark disease, in fact maybe when the traits plugin comes into reality maybe have all races able to turn, and then have Mrs.Baver spread the dark disease constantly so she can even be more terrifying, talking to people in there heads invading their minds instructing them to follow her to the "salvation" of the vampire curse. The real antagonist of massivecraft, always there tempting every being to join her side with the only way to ward her off is avoiding her presence in specific places in the world or the altar of light with no true way to defeat her forever.

the topic:
As for staying on topic i'd say the scariest creature in lore would have to be... The humans, they feed of the lifeblood and or poverty of other races, see anyone else as below them and show no trace of empathy, it makes you wonder if they are the so called perfect race. they constantly make a point of punishing others as well, as if they are the biggest collection of masochistic and cruel beings to exist. Why are only humans victims to the vampire curse why not the other not destructive races?

the most terrifying beasts to exist must be the genocidal, racist, and the often diseased humans .

Oh dear god... The vampire kidnappings idea is scary and wonderful all at once. (clap)
William Chron {{Totally just tagged myself.}}
I'd say these two ideas together are very good ones. I'd love to see the Baby Zombies actually have dangerous worth, let alone, we seemed to accident bring up some info that Baver could use.
'Tis the spirit of Halloween, eh?
that's it, staff we ask these ideas be implemented PLEASE.

MonMarty i'd like it if you looked at this comment chain about Ms.Baver or some other entity walking around in peoples heads convincing them to become vampires and bringing people to vampires to be abducted.
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