Archived Rp Points System

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Master of IMPs
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
(I posted this here because I had no idea where else to put it. Move me if it doesn't fit here please XD)
Sooo I had an idea to prevent god RP and Over powered characters. Why not include a point system?

How it works:
Every character application gets a certain amount of points to put towards certain aspects on their character (pretty straight forward I'm sure everyone has heard of this kind of system). Certain points pertain to certain levels of training and every character has a predetermined amount of points to spend when being made. Certain races get more points towards certain abilities and there will be some extra abilities that will add or take away points to certain abilities (similar to traits). Now when a character gets into a battle these stats will take a massive effect on the battle.

For example: Character 1 has 5 points of strength for being an orc and character 2 has 3 points of strength for being a human. Orc smashes human because human has less strength points during the block.

Preventing God RP: This idea prevents god RP by keeping characters from doing what ever they want.

Preventing Overpowered characters: This is easily explained. If the character has the points the character is strong. If not then you don't have an argument
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I find that this system overcomplicates rp. It turns it into strategy instead of wording and logic. And while strategy is fun sometimes, it is frustrating other times. And sheer strength and raw talent aren't always what keeps you alive. Sometimes it can be outwitting you opponent or knowing when to back off. Why have points when you can just rp out actions. If you get locked into a corner, too bad. Think you way out if you can.
I find that this system overcomplicates rp. It turns it into strategy instead of wording and logic. And while strategy is fun sometimes, it is frustrating other times. And sheer strength and raw talent aren't always what keeps you alive. Sometimes it can be outwitting you opponent or knowing when to back off. Why have points when you can just rp out actions. If you get locked into a corner, too bad. Think you way out if you can.
I actually like this response. Its simple. But thinking is strategy is it not? To think your way out is to think of a plan which is forming a strategy. This system doesn't get rid of the wording and logic. Once the system is completed I can provide better examples of what would be happening. cause to me it feels like everyone is taking it completely one way. instead of thinking about merging the current system with my idea.
Points adds way too much. OVERCOMPLICATION. It's like McMMO for RP. I personally hate McMMO, because I would prefer acquired skill being used rather than farming for power.
I admit I didn't read this all the way, but no matter how you do it it will complicate things.
Best of luck to you on coming up with another idea though. Although I think this would be interesting; I would hate it.
Points adds way too much. OVERCOMPLICATION. It's like McMMO for RP. I personally hate McMMO, because I would prefer acquired skill being used rather than farming for power.
I admit I didn't read this all the way, but no matter how you do it it will complicate things.
Best of luck to you on coming up with another idea though. Although I think this would be interesting; I would hate it.
Well even the current system prevents farming for power and its agreed that people are completly over powered using McMMO. Luckily this system does not work like McMMO.
Well even the current system prevents farming for power and its agreed that people are completly over powered using McMMO. Luckily this system does not work like McMMO.
MCMMO is not used during RP, that is the difference. With the exception of allowing one to get practical traits like their race.
I actually like this response. Its simple. But thinking is strategy is it not? To think your way out is to think of a plan which is forming a strategy. This system doesn't get rid of the wording and logic. Once the system is completed I can provide better examples of what would be happening. cause to me it feels like everyone is taking it completely one way. instead of thinking about merging the current system with my idea.
Yes, but this system puts more rules on it. With thinking and the current system, reality is your restriction. With this system, these numbers...which most skills simply can't be measured by numbers...dictate things.
I prefer the current system of weight, height, build, and race deciding your strength or agility.
And your age deciding your magic ability.
I find that this system overcomplicates rp. It turns it into strategy instead of wording and logic. And while strategy is fun sometimes, it is frustrating other times. And sheer strength and raw talent aren't always what keeps you alive. Sometimes it can be outwitting you opponent or knowing when to back off. Why have points when you can just rp out actions. If you get locked into a corner, too bad. Think you way out if you can.
Like I said I like this response
I prefer the current system of weight, height, build, and race deciding your strength or agility.
And your age deciding your magic ability.
Meanwhile a lot of you are like this. You don't even give a new system a chance and attempt to shut it down. Your stuck with the old system and probably haven't encountered a lot of the issues like I have. Which is why I created this system.
Your stuck with the old system and probably haven't encountered a lot of the issues like I have. Which is why I created this system.

Honestly, it seems you're fighting for a system that would benefit very few people while the majority of the community is happy with the way it is. If you could prove to the community that the system would somehow be more beneficial to the entire community instead of a small group, than perhaps you would have a better chance at seeing this implemented.
Maybe test said system with a tight group of your friends to see how it works out, then post your results? Maybe? Idk. It'd help explain yourself a bit better :3

EDIT Oops. Wrong person x'3 Shhhhhhhh :P
MCMMO is not used during RP, that is the difference. With the exception of allowing one to get practical traits like their race.

Yes, but this system puts more rules on it. With thinking and the current system, reality is your restriction. With this system, these numbers...which most skills simply can't be measured by numbers...dictate things.
Im going to respond to this with something I learned in a college psychology class. Our reality is how we percieve it and no two people can see things the same way. This leads to disagreements.
Maybe test said system with a tight group of your friends to see how it works out, then post your results? Maybe? Idk. It'd help explain yourself a bit better :3

EDIT Oops. Wrong person x'3 Shhhhhhhh :P
and thats what I plan to do onceI get this whole thing figured out. Ill show you! Ill show you all! -evil scientist laugh-

(Also who keeps telling me to read things again XD )
Im going to respond to this with something I learned in a college psychology class. Our reality is how we percieve it and no two people can see things the same way. This leads to disagreements.
Perception has no bearing on the laws of physics. That said, the whole "reality is how we perceive it" is not something I would agree with. Reality is reality, and just because I perceive it differently does not change it. An apple is an apple, and no change in my perception will make it an orange. The same is with roleplay. No change in perception will allow my character to run up and flip off a wall landing on his feet, for example.
Perception has no bearing on the laws of physics. That said, the whole "reality is how we perceive it" is not something I would agree with. Reality is reality, and just because I perceive it differently does not change it. An apple is an apple, and no change in my perception will make it an orange. The same is with roleplay. No change in perception will allow my character to run up and flip off a wall landing on his feet, for example.
Well not unless your character can do that anyway. But whats to say he can or cant besides just your word of mouth? (Mabye not run up a wall but do a flip off the wall)
Well not unless your character can do that anyway. But whats to say he can or cant besides just your word of mouth? (Mabye not run up a wall but do a flip off the wall)
The character application is supposed to state everything. Not whether or not he can flip off a wall, but whether he has the physical capability that would allow him to flip off a wall. The average orc would not be able to do that. An athletic elf would. That isn't word of mouth, that is word of lore and reality. No one has to take one's word that they can do something when the ability required is stated in their character application. As I've said, it is either allowed, or it isn't, and no one can argue otherwise. No one else I know of has ever had any problems with this.

There is nothing that this system does that the application system doesn't provide. Word of mouth? Becomes word of approved application, allowing for far more flexibility.
Perception has no bearing on the laws of physics. That said, the whole "reality is how we perceive it" is not something I would agree with. Reality is reality, and just because I perceive it differently does not change it. An apple is an apple, and no change in my perception will make it an orange. The same is with roleplay. No change in perception will allow my character to run up and flip off a wall landing on his feet, for example.

I believe they're stating that everyone perceives things differently, in some aspects, anyway. While an apple is an apple, it can become an 'orange' if one were to picture it in their mind, and convince the brain "This is an orange" to them it may be an 'orange', but to others it is still a regular apple. so in other words, you're almost forcing your brain to hallucinate .

Also, YOUR character may not be able to run, and flip off a wall, but others probably could, and so could your character if he were to practice.
You don't even give a new system a chance and attempt to shut it down. Your stuck with the old system and probably haven't encountered a lot of the issues like I have. Which is why I created this system.

A lot of people are used to this current system, and believe it works quite well, therefore they don't believe change is needed (because if something works, why change?). However, yes there are problems, and I have encountered some with it, but the current system allows you to go into depth, and actually think, and use your brain (which is a big thing for me). Yes there are downsides to it, but one must realize that even if it seems to be the most perfect, and foolproof idea, it isn't.. People will always find problems, and gaps in it. So in my opinion, if the current system Works, and is to the majorities liking I see no point in making a change. If said system were to fail, and wasn't to the majorities liking then a change should occur.

When in a position of power, like an admin for example, it is usually best to go with the majority, over the minority (however in certain things, going with the minority is the best bet) If something works, and is to the majorities liking, why change, and go for the minority?

Do you understand what I am trying to get at?
I get the feeling alot of people are thinking that this system is too rigid, and difficult. Ill be running a closed experiment among my small rp group and will be collecting data from that. Where I will be stating the results here. Just got to establish the test run parameters
I believe they're stating that everyone perceives things differently, in some aspects, anyway. While an apple is an apple, it can become an 'orange' if one were to picture it in their mind, and convince the brain "This is an orange" to them it may be an 'orange', but to others it is still a regular apple. so in other words, you're almost forcing your brain to hallucinate .

Also, YOUR character may not be able to run, and flip off a wall, but others probably could, and so could your character if he were to practice.
But whether or not the person is hallucinating an orange, it is still an apple. The person's perception does not change what is true.

And my character can't fly either. I cited that example as something that real people can't do, the laws of physics prohibit it. One would fall rather hard, not actually pull it off.
But whether or not the person is hallucinating an orange, it is still an apple. The person's perception does not change what is true.

And my character can't fly either. I cited that example as something that real people can't do, the laws of physics prohibit it. One would fall rather hard, not actually pull it off.
Actually people can flip off of walls. The physics are there they just have to apply enough frictional force on the wall to gain elevation on the wall. (Engineering student who took a basic physics class. Which means if I miss somethings its probably something i havnt learned yet)

Edit: just came to the realization that this is a good example of what I see wrong with the system. Everyone sees things differently. Hes saying you cant flip off a wall while im saying that you can based off of different experiences.
Actually people can flip off of walls. The physics are there they just have to apply enough frictional force on the wall to gain elevation on the wall. (Engineering student who took a basic physics class. Which means if I miss somethings its probably something i havnt learned yet)
It is technically possible, but it would require one to be able to gain that traction on the wall. And it would require some rather significant technique, including leaning forward to minimize risk of falling back and off the wall. So it would be possible by the laws of physics, but whether it would be done in practice...I have no idea, but it would take a lot of practice, athletic ability, and very good shoes. So yes, an elf might be able to do it, but it is highly improbable.
(person who has put a lot of thought into it and tested certain parts of it himself.)
It is technically possible, but it would require one to be able to gain that traction on the wall. And it would require some rather significant technique, including leaning forward to minimize risk of falling back and off the wall. So it would be possible by the laws of physics, but whether it would be done in practice...I have no idea, but it would take a lot of practice, athletic ability, and very good shoes. So yes, an elf might be able to do it, but it is highly improbable.
(person who has put a lot of thought into it and tested certain parts of it himself.)
Ok so you tested it then but that would require you to have experienced that. On the other end alot of us have never been in a sword fight either. Sooo where does this experience come from? Lack of real life experience leads to disagreements between how the two sides percieve it.
Ok so you tested it then but that would require you to have experienced that. On the other end alot of us have never been in a sword fight either. Sooo where does this experience come from? Lack of real life experience leads to disagreements between how the two sides percieve it.
Heh, I didn't test it enough to actually commit myself to a position to fall off a wall...
I am just very good at analyzing forces required to do different things or the way things move. Abstract, but suitable for these kinds of things. In this, theoretical experience is quite enough. And there is often enough practical experience to help with that. For example, I do do a lot of sword fighting. I know the technical reasons why Star Wars lightsaber fighting has as many flashy spins and whatnot as it does, and why it is described as very difficult to use a lightsaber. I can imagine exactly what the difficulties would be like once I know what they are. In the case of running up a wall, one would have to have enough traction in their shoes to be able to stay on a wall without pushing down against it enough to leave the wall itself, which alone would be extremely difficult, even assuming the shoes had enough traction. That isn't difference in perception, another person who doesn't believe that simply hasn't thought out all the aspects well enough. And most people are perfectly capable of thinking out all these aspects, which is why no good roleplayer tries to run up a wall. No good roleplayer tries to bring their sword from hopelessly out of position to block an enemy sword that is inches away from their face. No good roleplayer tries to jump over a 6 foot fence without being one of those unnaturally athletic races, or a vampire. The list goes on of things that perception has no bearing on. I know of no one who has a perception that allows someone to do impossible things. Therefore, this whole "everyone has a different perception of reality" is fairly invalid. Yes, some people do. They need a reality check. But most people are perfectly capable of knowing what is realistic and what isn't.
A very 'detailed' opinion, on how to combat your own opinion.

Well.. Looking at real life, people can wallrun, and use wallruns to help get over large fences, or get onto higher areas.. They don't physically just plant their feet onto the wall, and run up it. Wall flips, wall runs (horizontal, and vertical) are both possible, but one would need to practice, and practice to get better at it, and initially learn how to do it properly, as with everything.

This gets the point across, technically it is possible.

I'd also like to point out, this guy isn't an elf.. He is in relatively good shape, and just practices.
Well.. Looking at real life, people can wallrun, and use wallruns to help get over large fences, or get onto higher areas.. They don't physically just plant their feet onto the wall, and run up it. Wall flips, wall runs (horizontal, and vertical) are both possible, but one would need to practice, and practice to get better at it, and initially learn how to do it properly, as with everything.

This gets the point across, technically it is possible.

I'd also like to point out, this guy isn't an elf.. He is in relatively good shape, and just practices.
A very good point. And here is where a difference in perception does come into play. When I was saying wall running, I was thinking of at least 3 steps on the wall. In those two videos I only saw one, maybe two. So yes, what is in those videos would be entirely possible, (duh, there are two videos right there) but what I was thinking would not be, which is more like this horrible video.
A very good point. And here is where a difference in perception does come into play. When I was saying wall running, I was thinking of at least 3 steps on the wall. In those two videos I only saw one, maybe two. So yes, what is in those videos would be entirely possible, (duh, there are two videos right there) but what I was thinking would not be, which is more like this horrible video.
Ok then yea thats a bit ridiculous but there is such thing as parkour (im sure everyone knows what im talking about) but to the point here is everyone had a different idea of what you meant. Alot of things get lost in the 'valley' known as perception.
Alright im bringing this topic back up to re-explain things as i have been working on this idea still. Basically the system ive been working on is only a rating system. You give your character a set of skills with a certain amount of points in your bank. You are given basic categories to place these points. You rate your characters abilities basically. Armor and other things affect those ratings bringing them up higher and lower. This is a more easier way to determine if someone is power gaming or if their character can actually do that. You determine the skills and rate his or her ability to do the skills.