Archived Resource Pack

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Elf Paladin Seilen Venqui
Feb 6, 2014
Reaction score
TheRedStoners, Fendarfell
I have this little idea that i wish to share will the prople of the MassiveCraft community.

Addition of custom sounds into the resource pack, this may require a new team to develop, however if implemented properly, the server can make quests more interesting by playing recorded voices as the quests go along. Also, making the lore more merged with the game as sounds like "dakkar burning in rain" can be made to sound as like they are having the flaming feeling without fire, rather than like they are being put out of fire. Because dakkars arent living fires(at least i think they dont).

When you parry or counter or use 3k axes on someone, a special metallic sound plays just like you have countered, crushed armor and block certain attacks. Making pvp more intriguing and feel more interactive.
When an archer's skill make you look up, you make make a sound as through he has an arrow on him and he is trying to remove it, and the effect stops right after the skill has ended.

What i think is that this will bring a big change if implemented, and worth it to be implemented, however hard to preserve, this just makes the game generally better for everyone.
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