Archived Removal Of Pink Cloud

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No Rest For The Wicked
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
We all know this can be handy to send to people if they happen to actually be bad at RP/go against lore/sport poor RP qualities, that's it's purpose and only purpose.

But people are abusing this single little rating. It really is the only rating people abuse, setting it on things even if they perfectly relate to topic, mainly for "chitz n' giglz".
This here is a good example...
Read all the pink clouds tossed around here.

Although this little thing is actually a rating, this is the only rating that seems to be abused. If you check some member profiles, they almost literally only give pink clouds, or it is a majority of their ratings.

Let alone, I don't want to be spammed by 17 alerts a day with a Pink cloud in the entire list, and the only alert that was serious is buried somewhere in the alerts.
Your thoughts?
MonMarty if you could toss your own thoughts in this as well, this would be helpful.

EDIT: If you really think it must stay, why not move it so you can only use it on the RP section of the Forums? This helps prevent bothersome abuse with this option.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
*pops head in*

I really like the pink cloud. And... to be honest, is abuse of an idle rating system that doesn't dictate anything in-game and hardly dictates anything on the forums... really that big of a deal?

Maybe it's just me. But I don't generally look at ratings first when I crawl onto a profile.

Furthermore... it's all in good fun. By getting your panties in a knot about a little icon at the bottom of a post from time to time, you're kinda ruining the fun. Staaahp. :C

Maybe instead of opting to remove this fun thing that aggravates you, you can just remove yourself and let others have the fun.

Juss sayin'.

*pops head out again*

There are many things that are "privileges" to use, but once it's abused that privilege should be taken away.
I actually do care about my rating, and if it didn't matter, it wouldn't be implemented on the Forums.
Either the ratings should be used appropiately, or the whole thing should be taken away.

"Don't reward the dog with a bone after they bit you."
There are many things that are "privileges" to use, but once it's abused that privilege should be taken away.
I actually do care about my rating, and if it didn't matter, it wouldn't be implemented on the Forums.
Either the ratings should be used appropiately, or the whole thing should be taken away.
"Don't reward the dog with a bone after they bit you."

Alrighty then. Forget my first point. ^_^ I still think this whole issue is being taken way too seriously, though. But that's just my two bits. XD

"Don't beat the dog next door because yours won't sit."
But I do like pink clouds indeed. I may be slightly avaricious with the clouds. They are like little cotton balls in the sky. (Thank god they aren't.)
*pops head in*

I really like the pink cloud. And... to be honest, is abuse of an idle rating system that doesn't dictate anything in-game and hardly dictates anything on the forums... really that big of a deal?

Maybe it's just me. But I don't generally look at ratings first when I crawl onto a profile.

Furthermore... it's all in good fun. By getting your panties in a knot about a little icon at the bottom of a post from time to time, you're kinda ruining the fun. Staaahp. :C

Maybe instead of opting to remove this fun thing that aggravates you, you can just remove yourself and let others have the fun.

Juss sayin'.

*pops head out again*
*drags your head back in* Bish where you think you going? You never said hi.
Aus, that doesn't even make sense. If you are using it for something it's not meant for then it's 'abuse' - In which Trolling and fun categories under.
I'm pretty sure that whole thread turned into a troll so does it even matter?
No one thinks anything of it, no one takes it seriously, why don't we go and remove the rating system completely to avoid pathetic arguments like this, it's an icon, no one cares, get over it.
I'm pretty sure that whole thread turned into a troll so does it even matter?
No one thinks anything of it, no one takes it seriously, why don't we go and remove the rating system completely to avoid pathetic arguments like this, it's an icon, no one cares, get over it.

If by pathetic argument you mean yours, I hope.
Our points are perfectly reasonable and it's as if you haven't read them at all.
Firstly, just because you think no one takes it seriously, or thinks anything of it, or cares, doesn't make that right for everyone.
Here we have 3 people who disagree, and there would be more.

It's a privilege to have a rating system, to be able to express the overall opinion through the click of a button, and to have a section on our profiles where everyone can see where we lack, where we stand in popularity. To abuse this system, by making troll remarks for the point of making yourself laugh, or to falsely look superior, is a joke - and they are the people that should get over themselves.

It may be exaggerated in this context, but this is another case of someone messing with the system. Someone created this rating system, and who are you to mess with it?
Use it appropriately or don't use it at all.

And Ausfury, making comments out of pure anger with no evidence behind it or no sight of taking into consideration others opinions is rather low, and I personally think you need to 'get over' yourself, or at least make a suggestion that is helpful...
XxAusFuryxX if you look at the first page, there are more than 2 examples of this of ratings abusal. people say it isn't abused, and this is an entirely non roleplay thread, but they still filled that whole page almost with pink cloud. 5 ratings of PC overnight for me.
Again, people SAY that no one cares about the pink cloud rating, yet there are 4 agrees and 7 yesses to remove the rating. And wit the abuse of it, the entire first page.
Well, I for one would like to see it turn into the red cloud of evil... or into Cloud 9 for "u nuts". But failing that I still remember when Snake rated every single post of mine in my acknowledgement of war between Hisoka and Chron thread with a pink cloud. I gave him a pink snake but still, it spammed by alerts and is rather annoying.
I sometimes do go mad with power and put pink clouds where I feel like it. Nevertheless, I've also had repeated pink clouds on my posts. The problem with this is that Pink Cloud can be interpreted different ways - bad RP, stupid in general, high on drugs. I'd rather have the Dumb rating put back in for posts like that then a pink cloud rating which may or may not be difficult to understand and use properly.

In truth, I believe that people that abuse this rating (putting it on every post they see of someone's to simply spite them because they don't like them) should be given a ban or infraction on their forum accounts if reported. This is technically harassment through an indirect method, and it should be handled like such.

Also, if somebody has bad RP, just explain it to them. You don't need to stomp on their feelings or first attempt at something by spamming the rating. Take the logic this way as well: I got a bunch of pink cloud ratings from people I didn't even know on an RP post, for example. It was my first post on the forums, much less my first RP. Then when the few who step forward to give me that advice out of the tens of people posting a bunch of nonsense, I just ignore their advice because of the fact that they weren't at all friendly in giving support. Worse, I should've just leave or stick around as a negative influence, supporting PvP over RP like so many do.

I'm going to take this thread as a serious example. When something "radical" is posted, people automatically hate it. I'm going to pull something out of Cayorion's book and say that "humans don't like change because it's in their nature". I think that we really to consider this and respond to it accordingly. More than half of the people that rated posts pink cloud or disagree were just assholes that felt like being a bully to Chronicler for posting this. I'm not going to get into the possible psychology for why people do stuff like this, but it happens - a lot. Not to mention that the same number of people mentioned before didn't even post something on this.

And if you need further proof, I will bring up countless alerts of pink clouds on perfectly coherent posts, and apparently people are just total jackasses when it comes to using the rating system properly.

~ Imboring56
I hope you realize that putting a post on pink clouds will get you pink clouds.
I guess my last question is...

are we really having this discussion?

Ok. I'm done for real this time XD *scurries off again, dragging XxAusFuryxX with*
I have nothing against being pinkclouded half to death for making stupid posts myself, but it could be demeaning towards new players to have even their very first posts shrouded in pink clouds, its also somewhat lost its meaning, if im not mistaken, a "pink cloud" is when a person is having overly simplistic or extreme views on things, i may be wrong, but its not a "seriously dude thats stupid" rating, its most like an "are you even awake?" rating, i think it should stay, but they should make a some sort of "idiotic" rating to weigh out the pink cloud
I dunno. Pink Clouds, they are indeed overused, and I don't think anyone new really knows what they are, so they just guess its for an awkward/unnecessary post. Hmm. I do think Pink Cloud should be removed, or can it be made that only RP staff can use it, to rate a rp thing or sommat? I dunno.
Dear God, pink clouds. Pink clouds everywhere.

I personally couldn't care less. However, I like having the option of it there. I mean, c'mon, pink cloud, guys. Pink cloud.
Dear God, pink clouds. Pink clouds everywhere.

I personally couldn't care less. However, I like having the option of it there. I mean, c'mon, pink cloud, guys. Pink cloud.

Only gave it a pink cloud because we both know pink is fabulous. <3
*pops head in*

I really like the pink cloud. And... to be honest, is abuse of an idle rating system that doesn't dictate anything in-game and hardly dictates anything on the forums... really that big of a deal?

Maybe it's just me. But I don't generally look at ratings first when I crawl onto a profile.

Furthermore... it's all in good fun. By getting your panties in a knot about a little icon at the bottom of a post from time to time, you're kinda ruining the fun. Staaahp. :C

Maybe instead of opting to remove this fun thing that aggravates you, you can just remove yourself and let others have the fun.

Juss sayin'.

*pops head out again*

It's hard to when no matter where I go on the forums they do that. >->
And, yes, I actually do try and search people by what they often rate or what they gain in ratings. I actually do base it off how many offensives they have, how many disagees they gain,
usually I do it to help give me a general idea on that person.
Let alone, it spams alerts, which a lot of people don't like.
If they're gonna make an alert/rating that is intended to be used for trolling, why not add a "Troll" rating or something...?
We all know this can be handy to send to people if they happen to actually be bad at RP,

But people are abusing this single little rating. It really is the only rating people abuse, setting it on things even if they perfectly relate to topic, mainly for "chitz n' giglz".
This here is a good example...
Read all the pink clouds tossed around here.

Although this little thing is actually a rating, this is the only rating that seems to be abused. If you check some member profiles, they almost literally only give pink clouds, or it is a majority of their ratings.

Your thoughts?
MonMarty if you could toss your own thoughts in this as well, this would be helpful.

EDIT: If you really think it must stay, why not move it so you can only use it on the RP section of the Forums? This helps prevents bothersome abuse with this option.
Although I agree with you... you have incited more pink clouds with this post, just look at all of them on the posts on here.
Everyone. Stop fighting and abusing the right to vote to annoy each other.

Some of us actually want to vote with fairness and seriousness. PLEASE stop abusing the privilege.
Sincerely, normal people.
Ok fine i will tell you my opinion, I think instead of pink clouds maybe grey clouds or a "Really? you kiddng?" kind of rating?
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