Archived Removal Of Mcmmo

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
So, reading through chats and stuff, I see a lot of people who want MCMMO removed. So here's the thread suggestion we do just that.

Now by removal, I mean flat up just getting rid of the whole plugin. Bye bye, will not be missed.

My reasoning is essentially that MCMMO doesn't really offer too much that we don't already have alternatives to. Repair has /fix, alchemy has crafting recipes, weapons have MassiveCombat configs.Worst case scenario, we just add the Mcmmo pots to the craftables and call it a day.

With this said, I think we could do without MCMMO. Sure, it's a staple in a faction server, but it's also a cliche feature that only can do so much.


We just remove all of the combat related MCMMO stats (swords, acrobatics, axes, archery, unarmed, maybe taming?) and keep only the passive traits (woodcutting, farming, fishing, repair, mining, alchemy) This get's rid of the PvP ones, but also keeps the PvE ones around for those who choose that route.

As for what to do about PvP and PvE without the buffs to weapons? Well,we just reconfigure things to favorable levels. Start with rebalancing PvP the way we want it, and then tweak MassiveMobs to fit the new changes.

Granted this thread post is a bit jumbles, so here's a recap:
  • Get rid of MCMMO
  • Get rid of MCMMO combat related aspects
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I actually have been in full support of your second option in all other versions of this thread people have posted.

So +1 on option 2
I guess i'm okay with option two, but I need my acrobatics. Y'know?
Option 2: 100%. I grinded my ass off for the past four years leveling my skills and I actually benefit so much from the passive skills (Screw the McMMO ones, I don't even pvp, could care less if they were removed) but instead of pissing people off and make people quit (which is likely to happen if you completely removed McMMO overall) I know I'd play a lot less if they just completely removed all the skills completely, I feel like McMMO makes this server for fun. (for me at least) My treefeller length doesn't effect anyone and it's so handy. I also know all of my friends who have high "civilian" stats, would be absolutely furious if they completely removed the whole thing. Just a suggestion for staff: I'd try to find a compromise for McMMO if you don't want to piss off a lot of people. Just my two cents.
I'll note this as a feature suggestion so we may look at McMMO at some point but I can safely say complete removal of McMMO is not going to happen.