MonMarty Why not just sit down with Thor, iMineNewbs, and other players who have been fighting PvPer's points of view. People tend to argue and flame less voice to voice because when they are simply typing they feel like they can see whatever they want.
What the combination of these threads look like to me: coalition against roleplay. Here soon I will post a threa supporting both ideas that are neither biased nor untrue. I will propose compromises an such. All I've seen here is either people flaming at Marty or people flaming at invictus. Let's keep our heads even!
MonMarty Why not just sit down with Thor, iMineNewbs, and other players who have been fighting PvPer's points of view. People tend to argue and flame less voice to voice because when they are simply typing they feel like they can see whatever they want.
Let me break it down for you.
This is offensive. I hosted a server a week ago hosting a large number of pvp players who helped me test pvp damage settings and MCMMO issues. Bsavs and Lord_archangel eventually helped me come to some insightful conclusions. Additionally, I am in the process of setting up a PVP change beta group of pvp players, which I already asked mcmuffin to be a part of a while ago. And now you basically kick me in the face telling me I don't give a shit about pvp'ers.
A whole lot of roleplayers engage in PVP as well. They don't hate you for posting about pro PVP things. They hate on you for saying their opinions don't matter, and how they are irrelevant to the server.
I think if you read my reply on bling's thread, you would come to a different conclusion. If you cannot come to that conclusion, keep reading it until you do.
Threatening to leave the server if no change is brought, always antagonizes the staff.
Again in line with the same point I brought up before. I am doing everything I can to improve PVP and you basically tell me my work is worthless and that I am doing nothing for you.
This is false. If you sat in the Regalian Tavern for about an hour, you would be able to see how many roleplayers are premium.
I should also add that we spent about half an hour internally discussing wether you accidently posting a server adress in trade chat was against the rules while reports from other players against you were piling up. If we didn't care, you would already be permanently banned now.
Again, why do only the opinions of these people matter. It's like this group of Invictus, Alamut, Chron etc are the only people who have a valid opinion on the matter. If you grab all of these factions together, they aren't even 4% of the daily active server population.
A rare sight for you, a non premium battle. Can you with a straight face say to me you think these people have the same validity in their opinion as you do? MassiveCraft's community is so much larger than just those factions and their allies.
That 4% are the ones who dedicated a part of their life to massivecraft, buying premium and staying loyal to it. Then it just completly changed on them.Again, why do only the opinions of these people matter. It's like this group of Invictus, Alamut, Chron etc are the only people who have a valid opinion on the matter. If you grab all of these factions together, they aren't even 4% of the daily active server population.
A rare sight for you, a non premium battle. Can you with a straight face say to me you think these people have the same validity in their opinion as you do? MassiveCraft's community is so much larger than just those factions and their allies.
In other words, the players that helped found and support this server in the beginning dont mean anything. WOW The fact is there views are supported by many other players and have no problem having them represent them.Again, why do only the opinions of these people matter. It's like this group of Invictus, Alamut, Chron etc are the only people who have a valid opinion on the matter. If you grab all of these factions together, they aren't even 4% of the daily active server population.
A rare sight for you, a non premium battle. Can you with a straight face say to me you think these people have the same validity in their opinion as you do? MassiveCraft's community is so much larger than just those factions and their allies.
Again, why do only the opinions of these people matter. It's like this group of Invictus, Alamut, Chron etc are the only people who have a valid opinion on the matter. If you grab all of these factions together, they aren't even 4% of the daily active server population.
A rare sight for you, a non premium battle. Can you with a straight face say to me you think these people have the same validity in their opinion as you do? MassiveCraft's community is so much larger than just those factions and their allies.
Again, why do only the opinions of these people matter. It's like this group of Invictus, Alamut, Chron etc are the only people who have a valid opinion on the matter. If you grab all of these factions together, they aren't even 4% of the daily active server population.
A rare sight for you, a non premium battle. Can you with a straight face say to me you think these people have the same validity in their opinion as you do? MassiveCraft's community is so much larger than just those factions and their allies.
You are not a PVP'r You were but you have gone off the PVP end and on to the RP end sadly my friend /:As a Roleplayer, Pvper, and Staff Member I feel an inherent need to voice the unique viewpoint which I am able to offer in light of the rise of these PVP complaint threads.
There is this HUGE assumption that PvPers are being ignored and that PvP is utterly and entirely ruined.
Honestly, are you kidding me?
Never before in the history of this server has more time and focus been put into trying to find a reliable solution to the problems that players have been voicing. However, this is not a simple nor easy task as is demonstrated by the arguments and varying opinions on the thread by Monmarty asking for suggestions to fix. Making PVP more enjoyable for all parties is a complex matter, something that will not be easily solved.
As well, the ONLY major difference that I see in PVP today is the removal of Bloodlust and the reduction of lag. For this reason, perhaps something similar to bloodlust could be reconsidered to being added but these additions can not be made if players are up in arms over the ruining of pvp that is still the same at its core.
Threads like these:
Are NOT helping a thing. They are only furthering the divide between those enjoy PVP or Roleplay.
However, threads like these:
Are GREAT in that they calmly and constructively put forward an idea which may or may not improve the situation rather than further antagonize it
Try to view these events from a team member's perspective and you'll see the struggles which we, the staff, face. The staff are not here to make the popular decisions but rather the tough decisions which, hopefully, are the best for the server's future. So before you post, try to think from a different Perspective.
Oh ya. Always a good idea to just relax about things like this. In the end, it's just a game and both Roleplayers and Pvpers are just trying to have fun, albeit in different ways at times.
Sounds like he is glad to see these factions go, and it shows. Your attitude really stinks. Really.Again, why do only the opinions of these people matter. It's like this group of Invictus, Alamut, Chron etc are the only people who have a valid opinion on the matter. If you grab all of these factions together, they aren't even 4% of the daily active server population.
A rare sight for you, a non premium battle. Can you with a straight face say to me you think these people have the same validity in their opinion as you do? MassiveCraft's community is so much larger than just those factions and their allies.
Just an outsiders perspective: Imine, Mon, you are both taking this WAY to personally.
You are not a PVP'r You were but you have gone off the PVP end and on to the RP end sadly my friend /:
After spending an enormous amount of time trying to both remedy the PVP situation whilst greatly improving the Roleplay and Lore, I'd expect Mon to be angered when players begin making accusations that they are forgotten and that no one cares about them.
You are not a PVP'r You were but you have gone off the PVP end and on to the RP end sadly my friend /:
MonMarty , you say your not hostile to the PvP community, yet you wont sit down and chat with them about ideas, and only ideas. Chron, Invictus and Alamut are also usual on the /f list, so they probably are more up to date then a lot of other players. Also, if this was a talk about new RP ideas, would you talk to them then?
ALSO - MonMarty
If they had spent the number of hours people like me have on training skills, and becoming a PvPer at general, I would completely say they have the same validity.
Well i hope your agenda outlast the servers demise. I can remember at 150 cap people were begging to get in. Now 200 is a stretch. IMO the focus should be on bringing back the days when massive was fun for all.As i stated ingame, when Fendarfell is released, quest plugin is done we will look into pvp and we will listen to what people have to say, ALL kinds of people, those who pvp alot and those who pvp little. You haven't got a claim to be the only ones talking about pvp since you pvp most. We will look into changes and what can be done to balance and make it better all around for everyone.
BUT if we dont implement everything you say and feel its against what we want and wont to be the best for the server at the time you can't go all "OMG ragefest they never listen!" We do listen, we do take your input into account, but we also take the input of others wich opinions count equally as much. And pvp is tricky to make fair and balanced and all.
You might think its as easy as giving back god apples but in reality that is not a longterm fix. Wich is why we need to look at the whole picture and figure out how to make it better. Now i suggest you guys cut the bickering out and play nicely and have some patience and realise that we have it on the agenda but things take time.