The purpose of the Regalian Brawlers' Organization is simply as the title implies-- It's purpose to be provide those able bodied and wishing for a brawl to take part in doing so. It is leisure. Once settled and filled, the group aims to supply the public with matches for those who wish to witness, can do so. The organization will also host training sessions to keep those in shape and try to bring unity to those within it.
I, -INSERT NAME-, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in the Regalian Brawlers' Organization, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
OOC Information
The Regalian Brawlers' Organization's goal is to allow others to work on their fisticuff, combat roleplay. It is a organization open to those of both genders, and all Regalian citizens. However, Outsiders are not permitted. In order to join, your character must sign the appropriate waiver. Expect planned events, impromptu events, friendly groupings, and friendly spars.
The top fighters will be listed here.
1. Harald Wolfzahn: 2-0-0
2. Fawzi Kra'zlla: 3-1-0
3. Alexander Donsly: 1-1-0
The select few who take lead of all ranks below. The Head's typically will make up the judges of an ongoing match, decide it to be an all out brawl (use of all limbs to fight, lesser rules) or a standard match, and/or are the ones to assign judges to one. All public matches are to be run through with one of the Heads, so they can relay it back to the rest to approve it.
Main Head:
Garth Viduggla
Garth Viduggla
Current Heads:
Frejnir Viduggla
Inkeri Arud
Frejnir Viduggla
Inkeri Arud
Those of peerage, and a select others who are trusted to the rank. Uppers have the ability to deny a fight, and will have a much higher chance at judging in events, and impromptus. Uppers also carry the ability of first pickings in their boxing partners.
Current Uppers:
Vilhelm Wolfzahn
Shane Marth
Harald Wolfzahn
Irina Haagenvig
Avynn Ignace
Siselle Haagenvig
Andrew Kirk
Araidith Deceres
The standard make up of the organization.
Current Commons:
Torhilde Ulster
O'Rourke Ulster
Ayda Cajeil'ose
Nevakko Talafi
Seraphina Eroth
Alexander Donsly
H'kan K'thng'r
Eydis Arud
Urgan Oaksplitter
Fawzi Kra'zzla
Andrew Kirk
Lazaruz Lupenzi
Berdalf Ulfmaerr
Organization Rulings
- By joining the organization, you join with the knowledge and full consent of bodily harm towards your person, potentially for the enjoyment of the public. You will sign a waiver to confirm this.
- Regalian Laws are to be followed wholeheartedly, and violations of these laws may result in expulsion from the organization and a report to the Regalian Guard.
- All public bouts must be handled with at least one Head.
- Those with a criminal background have potential to be denied permission into the organization.
Rulings of the Roster
- Those of noble peerage, and first class status will get to decide whether or not they will fight against their chosen opponent. Said specifics also get first say in who they pick for opponents- Though, those of peerage first.
- Betting will be settled on the official result immediately after the fight.
- A match may be decided as an all out brawl.
- Use of all limbs allowed, alongside lesser, lenient rulings.
- You cannot hit below the belt, hold, trip, kick, knee, headbutt, wrestle, elbow, or bite on your opponent in a boxing bout.
- A floored fighter has up to ten seconds to get back up before losing the bout by knockout.
- If you "floor" your opponent, you cannot hit them when they are on the canvas.
- A boxer hit with an accidental low blow has up to five minutes to recover. If they cannot continue after those minutes, they are to be considered knocked out.
- Bouts can be stopped at will by the judges of it.
- When the referee breaks you from a clinch, you have to take a full step back; you cannot immediately hit your opponent--that's called "hitting on the break" and is illegal.
Match Variations
This are subject to change as things progress.
Common Boxing Match, with Varieties
The standard match. Generic rules apply, this by far will be the most common of them all. However, there are slight variations.
The standard match. Generic rules apply, this by far will be the most common of them all. However, there are slight variations.
- One on One - The common match, self explanatory.
- Three Way - Fighters should be consistently engaging with one another, to keep the flare going and to make it fair, more so. Also- To cut the time.
- Four Man or More - Same ruling as three way, though one on ones could occur (with perhaps cheap shots if able), then the winners of said fights proceed to duke it out.
- Amount of Players: Two / Three / Four, unless you wish for a ton of shit to occur!
- Weapons: Arms and Pinning
- Rounds: One
- Ways to win: K.O., Opponent out of Arena
A game based on using balance and coordinated attacks to knock your opponent off a bridge or elevated surface. This is a hand to hand combat game where fists and feet are only to be used. A knockout is still a viable way to win the game but it's easier to win by knocking your opponent off your bridge. A game of Balansere will last three matches, allowing for the contestants to not lose in a simple round. Rounds should be relatively short and the winner should be clear.
- Amount of Players: Two
- Weapon: Legs and Arms.
- Arena Type: Narrow Bridge or Elevated platform.
- Rounds: Three
- Ways to win: K.O, knocking opponent off platform.
A game that uses three to four people in a full free for all. Players must utilize the arena and also their own enemies to win. Winning is quite simple, Pin your Opponent for 1 full turn, Knock or shove your opponent out of the arena, or just an old K.O will do the trick. Last man standing wins and both punches and grappling are allowed.
A game that uses three to four people in a full free for all. Players must utilize the arena and also their own enemies to win. Winning is quite simple, Pin your Opponent for 1 full turn, Knock or shove your opponent out of the arena, or just an old K.O will do the trick. Last man standing wins and both punches and grappling are allowed.
- Amount of Players: Two / Three / Four
- Weapons: Punches, Grappling, and Pinning
- Rounds: One
- Ways to win: Pinfall, K.O., Opponent out of Arena
In short- A handicap match. One fighter will take on two or three. There are two types. Elimination or via single pinfall / knockout / throw out on single opponent.
In short- A handicap match. One fighter will take on two or three. There are two types. Elimination or via single pinfall / knockout / throw out on single opponent.
- Tag In - The group of two / three will only have one fighter at a time, and he can tag in a partner at his will.
- Mash Up - The group of two / three will be attacking the opponent at the same time.
- Amount of Players: One / Two vs. Two / Three / Four
- Weapons: Can be a mixture, just one, or all. Heads will decide. Punching, Kicking, Grappling, or Pinfall. (Ex: Just punching, punching + grappling.)
- Rounds: One
- Ways to win: (Up to heads on choice.) Pinfall, K.O., Opponent out of Arena
Standard boxing match, in this case all members currently there and not in the match surround the pit, and prohibit them from exiting the ring. Slowly, the group will close in the fighters in aims to end the fight quicker.
Standard boxing match, in this case all members currently there and not in the match surround the pit, and prohibit them from exiting the ring. Slowly, the group will close in the fighters in aims to end the fight quicker.
- Amount of Players: One vs One, with all else surrounding the pit.
- Weapons: Fists
- Rounds: One
- Ways to win: Knockout
A match with a pit of a twist- Two opposite corners, there will be a cloth or certain object down. Each person will have to attempt to steal their opponents item, while defending their own.
A match with a pit of a twist- Two opposite corners, there will be a cloth or certain object down. Each person will have to attempt to steal their opponents item, while defending their own.
- Amount of Players: One vs One
- Weapons: All but weaponry.
- Rounds: One
- Ways to win: Take the item in any way you can.
"I Yield" Match
A rather hardcore type of match, these are rarely done. This will never occur in a public event. There will be no excessive maiming besides say, choking / beatings / the usual spar, just with zero rules. Don't actively try to maim / kill an opponent. Only Garth may oversee this, but if he is fighting he will choose someone.
A rather hardcore type of match, these are rarely done. This will never occur in a public event. There will be no excessive maiming besides say, choking / beatings / the usual spar, just with zero rules. Don't actively try to maim / kill an opponent. Only Garth may oversee this, but if he is fighting he will choose someone.
- Amount of Players: One vs One + Garth as overseer.
- Weapons: All but sharpened weaponry / BE LEGAL.
- Rounds: One
- Ways to win: Make your opponent say the words "I yield".
Another hardcore set up of a match. Two fighters, lonesomely, will enter the pit. This will never occur in a public event. The rest of the group waits outside, letting the two inside fight against one another. The first to come out, will be declared the victor if the opponent is found in a state where they couldn't win themselves (AKA K.O., tied up, knocked down, etc.)
Another hardcore set up of a match. Two fighters, lonesomely, will enter the pit. This will never occur in a public event. The rest of the group waits outside, letting the two inside fight against one another. The first to come out, will be declared the victor if the opponent is found in a state where they couldn't win themselves (AKA K.O., tied up, knocked down, etc.)
- Amount of Players: One vs One
- Weapons: All but sharpened weaponry / BE LEGAL.
- Rounds: One
- Ways to win: Be the first to exit while making sure your opponent can't.
A tag-team match. Two opponents on each side of the match, each set of two are partners. You will tag by way of hand, only two allowed in pit at a time. However, "drive bys" may be permitted by those not actively tagged in. Be sparing in this.
A tag-team match. Two opponents on each side of the match, each set of two are partners. You will tag by way of hand, only two allowed in pit at a time. However, "drive bys" may be permitted by those not actively tagged in. Be sparing in this.
- Amount of Players: Two vs Two
- Weapons: To be determined. Either punching, or grappling, or kicks, or a mixture.
- Rounds: One
- Ways to win: To be determined. Pinfall, knockout, throw out.
Skype, if available (PM me this if you'd like):
Character Name:
Character App:
Combat School:
IC Crimes:
Letter to Garth Viduggla:
Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
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