Archived Reduce Damage Dealt By Massivemobs.

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~Valerus King~
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
So recently I've experienced that MassiveMobs damage to players is ridiculously high. If you're in a dark place and get hit by a gang of spiders/cave spiders, you die in probably less than 15 seconds with full god armor. I really feel like MassiveMobs, especially spiders need a damage reduction because I'm tired of being slaughtered by a gang of mobs with literally no chance to beat them besides trapping myself in a box. PLEASE.
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don't think I've noticed this? I'm just some complete beginner with survival shit and don't even have pots, but most of my fights have been with groups of 3-4 mobs so idk how big your's are
on the topic, guardian damage is crazy. I was fighting the leviathan today, and I got more damage from a blue tiered mob than that sucker.

or make guardian truce a thing plz <3
+1 I love this idea, in a darkroom its near impossible to live without running away every 30 seconds regen
And can Guardians lose Miningfatigue? The big ones spawn everywhere, so people doing normal stuff get hit all the time -_-
Mobs deal like no damage at all, unless it's 180tps and/or a large group of blue and green mobs attack you. (I've never been in a non-beacon darkroom since beacons became available.)

Arch'n is impossible unless you cheese it due to how insane spider damage and spawn rate is.
Mobs deal like no damage at all, unless it's 180tps and/or a large group of blue and green mobs attack you. (I've never been in a non-beacon darkroom since beacons became available.)
How long ago was this? Pretty sure the buff was pretty recent.
Must've been recent yeah. If you sit and let cavespiders/regular spiders jump you for literally 15 seconds, you'll die. Even in full god gear, and I'm not in a beacon dr. I was just digging. Plus no one is always in a darkroom especially with beacons, take being out in the wilderness for example.
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don't think I've noticed this? I'm just some complete beginner with survival shit and don't even have pots, but most of my fights have been with groups of 3-4 mobs so idk how big your's are
Try being in a room with 100s of the arses, or being in one area like a city or a town for more than 15 minutes, the spawn rate is crazy high. though i do want to know where you are getting streamlined fights... id really appreciate that XD
oh, spawn rates aren't so high there, a good place to grind to start but were talking about flat forest lands and darkrooms, the spiders spawn 15-20 at a time several times a minute and do alot of base damage and poison. even in full gear with traits and pots its easy to pass away when working in a darkroom. not to mention the fact that it shreds armor
Balancing MassiveMobs is always a tedious act. It seems we can never satisfy, haha. I'll make note that we should review their damage, but I believe we only recently started re-configuring them so there may be many mobs that still haven't been balanced which is why you are all receiving so much damage.