Archived Race Suggestion:featherin Or A Kind Of Bird Race

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Brown Lightwing
Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
I know this has been suggested a lot. Or it hasn't. But for every list of suggested races I saw a humanoid bird race. I would really like for this race to be added, and I even have some ideas for the race.

Name: Featherin {Just a default name, you could call it what you like}

Story: They're a race of humanoid bird people that have secluded themselves to a far away land called Stormwind. They however are getting less solitary and are beginning to appear in regalia and in other places. Their enemies would be nagas and tigrans. And their prey would be vespids and maiar's. You can add things onto their story as well.

Appearance: Depending on what kind of featherin they are, they will look differently. For instance, a featherin that is a finch or robin would be smaller and weaker. While a featherin that's more like an eagle would be bigger and stronger. There could also be featherin that look more human than bird, like a human with wings and a beak. {this will also mean harpies could be a sub race of featherin}

Abilities:{Please note that I'm not trying to make featherin OP.}

Anti-Cannibalism: Eating Chicken will do 2 hearts of damage.

Crash landing{or whatever you would like to call the ability}: Featherin have reduced fall damage.

Feather punch: When unarmed, featherin deal less damage.

Bird of prey: When attacking vespids or maiars, Featherin deal 10% more damage.

You can suggest things so it doesn't look like a weaker race or an OP race. And thank you for reading this. I really hope someone on staff considers this.
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Personally i think they are way under-powered and need some kind of jump boost. Like maybe they can jump 3 blocks high. No anti-cannibalism no feather punch and no bird of prey.

But they aren't acceptign race suggestions anymore anyway I don't think.
Personally i think they are way under-powered and need some kind of jump boost. Like maybe they can jump 3 blocks high. No anti-cannibalism no feather punch and no bird of prey.

But they aren't acceptign race suggestions anymore anyway I don't think.
Maybe gliding? That would be cool, since flying is kinda OP and having a bird race without the able to fly will just be weird, so gliding makes it possible but still not OP.
Thanks for the input. I really just hope they add a bird race. I mean, there are cats, bugs, magma/rock people but no birds.
I love this idea! But they're to underpowered. Maybe completely cancel their fall damage, since they can, you know, glide with their wings?
I'm rather disappointed that the majority of you are simply looking at this as a stat related thing.

I love birds and would welcome bird people, but I believe currently new races would be low on the list of priorities of things to add.
Honestly, I quite like a lot of the details you gave! Ex. Attacking Maiar and Vespid do 10% more damage, and the featherin touch does less unarmed. I honestly think this is pretty reasonable, but the rest can be easily made by Acrobatics, and the eating of Chicken is rather under powered. I would honestly just have;

  • Weaker Unarmed Damage On Basic Creatures
  • More Damage Is Dealt To Maiar And Vespid
Because I will honestly say, you ca gain the Anti-Fall Damage by just training acrobatics, sure, you need to move away from a bit of RP, but it could help in the long run not just RP-wise, but even PVP-wise.

And I honestly think Vespid are a bit OP because all you need are all your raiding buddies to be Vespid, then you could completely wipe away the 30% damage reduction in enemy territory.

Which I am surprised little to no one has done that yet.
Otherwise, a pretty cool idea, you have here! :D
I really appreciate you guys actually like my idea. It's really nice to know other people believe in having this. Because I actually roleplay as a bird person now, and it annoys me so much when they say that I can't roleplay correctly or apply for something because my character isn't lore compliant.
I really appreciate you guys actually like my idea. It's really nice to know other people believe in having this. Because I actually roleplay as a bird person now, and it annoys me so much when they say that I can't roleplay correctly or apply for something because my character isn't lore compliant.

Personally, my friend iceman593 's character is an Aven, basically a bird person. I'm sure he might quite like this idea.
If you look at the recent thread made by Monmarty talking about the server, he says that all races except for vampires will be gotten rid of in the future. So I don't think they are accepting anymore races because of that.
If you look at the recent thread made by Monmarty talking about the server, he says that all races except for vampires will be gotten rid of in the future. So I don't think they are accepting anymore races because of that.
I'm sorry, what?! Post a link please.
I'm sorry, what?! Post a link please.
What we plan in the future:

  • Implementation of /me and emote features.
  • Removal of the Races plugin and removal of the Vampires plugin to be replaced by the traits system where players can spend points to buy certain traits to define their character. The idea is similar to a class system like you would see in many MMO's, but instead of giving you solid bonuses, the trait system will allow you to highly customize your bonuses to an extreme level.
  • Implementation of the Regalian Academy teacher positions
  • Implementation of the Regalian Senate as an actual physical thing where decisions are made which will affect roleplay in Regalia.
  • A winter setting for regalia where Regalia will be turned into a snow biome during winter.
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