Archived Race Packages For Masstrait

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Oct 30, 2013
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Ok I have been looking at the new traits and trying to come up with builds for the new trait system to imitate some of the old classes and here is what I have come up with.

Dakkar (+170 7slots)
30 Heallava
40 Fireimmune
50 Flylava
50 Ghosttruce
100 Feedalways
(50) Nonivore
(50) Harmwater

Mair (-20 6slots)
50 Flywater
40 WaterBreating
25 FeedWater
(50) Nonivore
(35) StarveSunlight
(50) StarveDarkness
*Please tell me if i forgot anything*

Orc (+100 2slots)
50 AxeExpert
50 SwordExpert

Elf (+50 1slot)
50 ArcheryExpert

Human (+20 1slot)
20 Harvester

Undead (+200 4slot)
50 ArcheryResistant
50 AxeResistant
50 SwordResistant
50 UnarmedResistant

Dwarf (+50 1slot)
50 AxeExpert

Bug Race (0 0 slots) *sorry I forgot its name*
not do-able

Naga (=40 1slot)
40 PoisonImmune

Yanar (0 0slots)
Not do-able

Tigran (25 1slot)
25 Unarmed Expert

Vespid (0 0slots)
Not Do Able

Now some of these are easy to recreate, aka human, orc, dwarf, but others like Dakkar can't even be recreated without being premium. So I was thinking while the individual pieces can be taken could there be race packs added that some of the more complicated races can keep there abilities without using all their slots and be able to have some more character specific traits also.

EDIT: I added Tigren and Vespid but would like to point out that I was doing this in order to make traits more like the old races not make them perfectly lore based so yes there is somethings that can be added to make them more lore realistic but that is more up to the individual (since alot can be different between individual characters)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The bug race is vespid.

Naga would be poison immune

Yanar would be
Feed water
Feed sunlight
Ok updated Naga but Yanar had the ability to heal with (red?) plants if i remember correctly other than that, nothing else was in their race abilities
The bug race is vespid.

Naga would be poison immune

Yanar would be
Feed water
Feed sunlight
I wouldn't say completely Nonivore. Nonivore would probably be an optional trait, as some Flora Yanar still have mammal's stomachs.

"Typically, Flora Yanar lack an organ or a limb that would naturally occur in a mammal, making it necessary for them to work around impairments, leaving them lacking things like a voice or eyes, or even forcing them to photosynthesize (though some are prone to doing that even when they do have a mammal's stomach, simply for enjoyment)"

Since the section above doesn't mention if they actually use the stomachs, gonna tag Ryciera as she wrote the lore and might know.
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The FlyCobweb trait would fit to bug races very well. Or at least Arachne if they are going to keep that race. Other bugs often get stuck in cobweb actually...
There are quite a few traits missing and quite a few that seem overly stacked in other races favours.
I think it would be nice to add race specific traits to cover some of the gaps created by this and possibly subrace specific traits...
you forgot Tigran
For Tigran you could use
Most big cats have nightvision
Best Package?
My Stimulus Package.
Thanks Obama
Some races, such as yanar and maiar, have drastically different diets from sub race to sub race, or even from individual to individual

For example, my Plant Yanar photosynthesises, whereas others eat food.
My predator maiar is carnivorous, while a mer might be a herbivore or omnivore.
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Here is a good trait build for a dwarf:

+50 AxeExpert
+50 Haste
+20 NightvVision (If your family lived underground for hundreds of years, you would have it too.)
-50 Slow
-20 ArcheryInept

That is the build I have for my dwarf minus Holy. I only have that for fighting in the wilderness. I think that it is the perfect trait build for them.

+ 50 ArcheryExpert
+50 Jump
+50 Speed
-50 MiningFatigue
-20 AxeInept

That also makes sense to me for the graceful elves who live in the forests.