Archived Premium Suggestions

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Suggestion: Premiums will leave a trail of green particles behind them
Reasons: It needs to be green because the premium chat color is green, and thus people can have a little luminous effect for them. It is harmless and won't influence gameplay too much.
  • Not sure if completely possible and will need tech staff knowledge on this one

Suggestion: Premiums, at the start of the 1st week of every month for premium, get little rewards every day that they log in. If they do not log in, then they miss the reward for that day. Slowly, throughout the week, the rewards increase and then stop on the start of the 2nd week.
Reasons: They will have instant motivation for getting premium, and they will also want to stay on the server to collect the rewards for being premium. By then, they will be hopefully into the server enough to make them stay and get more premium.
Notes(All based on voting rewards):
  • 1st Day: 1 silver
  • 2nd Day: 2 silver and a random ale
  • 3rd Day: 3 silver and a random hat
  • 4th Day: 4 silver, a random item from the collectible sets, and a random fortune cookie
  • 5th Day: 5 silver, a random item from the elite gear, and a random derp item
  • 6th Day: 10 silver and a random item from the race weapons
  • 7th Day: 15 silver and a random item from the rare items
Suggestion: Premium should only cost 4 euros, equaling about 5.38 USD.
Reasons: This will probably make it much easier to get premium instead of the 6 euro payment, which will cost about 8.07 USD.
  • This will also apply to the 3 months of premium deal, where it will be changed from 18 euros(24.22 USD) to 12 euros(16.15 USD)
Suggestion: Premiums will have the ability to view their money transactions through /money log, a command which CraftConomy, the economy plugin that MassiveCraft uses, has available.
Reasons: This will not impact gameplay that severely has other suggestions and perks, and is already available, sitting in the .config file of the plugin. All you have to do is edit the permissions so that only premiums can use it.
  • The premiums will not be able to view other people's transactions but by talking to the maker of CraftConomy and suggesting that others have the ability to do that would be helpful to prevent scams and lost money on MassiveCraft
Please provide feedback below! If you have any other suggestions to fix the premium/non-premium spilt, post below!
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Imboring56, mind if I use this thread to suggest some features as well?

  • Decreased Race Cooldown: Lowering the overall time it takes to change races.
  • mcMMO/money gains from using monster spawners: A feature which is currently removed from everyone.
  • More premium recipes: Such as mycelium and endstone, which are already accessible by everyone, but rarely used.
  • "silver-sink" discounts: For the roleplayers without much income, as was stated that the 75s per month was for.
  • Animal summoning and/or mooshroom making: Such as the ability to summon cats/dogs/horses which is available to everyone, and the ability to turn a regular cow into a mooshroom by using certain materials.
  • Wither Summoning: I'm not sure if the Withers were disabled due to lag issues, and other Minecraft boss issues, but I'm sure a faction would love to install a buff pyramid.
  • Light/dark Altar Creation: Hardly anyone who doesn't own a faction and/or wants an altar ever makes one due to material and the fact that their effects are mild at best.
  • Nether Access: It has been suggested making worlds accessable to only premiums, and the nether is the #1 top griefed world by new members for the rare resources there.
  • Trash "shop": Basically giving a premium member a small amount of copper for each item they /trash.

Sorry that this is roughly put together, I'm on limited time and the list is ugly and incomplete. Will update later
Be my guest. :)
The only ones that I'm not really sure of is the monster spawner bonus, the nether access, and the trash shop.

The mob spawner could be used for AFK camping if built right, and since a vast number of the premiums are PvPers, they will probably know how to set one of these up. However, since they already have the 50% McMMO boost in place, I think that will be ok.

The nether access would limit the entire server from getting nether rack, nether brick, and quartz. This means that the only ways non-premiums could get those would be through purchase or voting. This means that the price of quartz could be set extremely high. However, maybe the server could create something like the End for premiums to use? The stuff in the End can all be created in the rest of the server, so it is no big deal if we open it up.

The trash shop could be used for something like rotten flesh - I have, no joke, over 10 double chests of that. After calculating how many individual rotten flesh pieces there would be, I counted 34560. That means there will be 34560 copper, if we said that each gave you 1 copper, and that would finally come out to 345.6 silver, which is not a good idea. And no amount of money sinks will dispose of this money quickly if made widely, so I don't think this would be great at all.

Other than those three, the rest look awesome. :D

~ Imboring56
Yes, these were some of /my/ unpopular choices as well, but put them forward regardless.

On the matter of the trash shop, I was thinking perhaps a tier system that determines the "value" of an item, set by Cayorion, to help make sure that easier to get items such as rotten flesh and cobblestone do not make a rich person. In fact I wanted the trash shop to be more of a "quickly" option to get money, where selling certain things to other players rather than trashing them would be much more profitable.
Suggestion: Premiums get name put on a list of premiums or a broadcast whenever someone donates to identify who does and does not donate
Reasons: May encourage others to buy premium and the list so they get at least some notice other than the green title
Note: For the list it should be a command like /p l ((Premium list)) and also the broadcast giving a link to how to donate, broadcast may be like this
[Player] Has donated to Massivecraft! Thanks to him/her for donating and helping out the server!
If you want to donate as well, go to [Link]

Being the curious guy I am I explored the /p command and discovered that it does in fact have a /p l that lists premiums but its permissions are limited to I assume staff or other premiums. As for the announcement that would simply be a listener inside of the plugin class that not only made them premium but also Broadcasted, this could be done from the MassiveChat plugin or the Premium plugin by something along the lines of:

getServer().broadcastMessage(ChatColor.[insert color] + [insert label depicting donator] + ChatColor.[insert a new color] + " has just donated to MassiveCraft! Thanks to him/her for donating and helping out the server!")
getServer().broadcastMessage(ChatColor.[insert the second chat color] + "If you want to donate as well, go to " + ChatColor.[insert color you want the link to be] + "")

I'm not sure if that's how it would be done through the MassiveCraft developer ways but it's how I would do it. Hope that helped in some way...
I personally think having NO premium would fix the imbalance of the server, but sadly that's not an option considering you need money to run a server.
I like ideas 1 and 3. Might put in my own idea
Suggestion: Premiums will get a green forums name
Reasons: To separate prems from non prems


Oh goody!
A class system :)
That'll make EVERYONE feel equal! :D
I dont think I support this...

And why not? The worst thing the server needs is non-constructive criticism. Also, have you looked on any of the other suggestions on this thread and decided on those?

If people are whining about this so-called "imbalance", then why don't you help to solve the problem? You are only making the jobs of the staff and the players that want to support them harder. :)
I personally think having NO premium would fix the imbalance of the server, but sadly that's not an option considering you need money to run a server.
To go from being able to purchase premium to having no premium would be far to drastic, even if Cay and the other staff just decided to. The amount of people with monthly subscriptions and 3 month blocks that would be interrupted is.... big :I
Sorry but NO! Bring this back up once this issue with the most recent rewards has been solved! Someone get favoured in here to play his little video about making it fun for both sides!
To go from being able to purchase premium to having no premium would be far to drastic, even if Cay and the other staff just decided to. The amount of people with monthly subscriptions and 3 month blocks that would be interrupted is.... big :I

Actually, there aren't that much. There's around 8-10k players that are unique non-premiums every month, and only about 400-500 premium donors. The ratio is fairly big, and only 5% of the player base is, on average, a premium.
I like 4, but it should be everyone. I know that if i had a command to see the last person i paid, all the people who owe me items will give them to me! oh and the others are either too ridiculous or to OP
Sorry but NO! Bring this back up once this issue with the most recent rewards has been solved! Someone get favoured in here to play his little video about making it fun for both sides!
This thread is more or less (in my opinion, ask Imboring for a better outlook) a think tank for things that could be used to nerf/replace the rewards that were put in place.

Simply saying no leads us nowhere, and like it or not, non-premiums are going to have to make a few sacrifices on getting cool things so the longevity of the server can be assured.
I love how when nonprems complained about prems not losing their stuff even in pvp.. the staff listened and took that away..the premiums went to the forums and complained.. now the role is reversed, no one is ever happy.
This thread is more or less (in my opinion, ask Imboring for a better outlook) a think tank for things that could be used to nerf/replace the rewards that were put in place.

Simply saying no leads us nowhere, and like it or not, non-premiums are going to have to make a few sacrifices on getting cool things so the longevity of the server can be assured.
That is completely true. This is only for a list of feedback on this topic, so that in the end, we may repost this thread with a complete, finalized thread of suggestions to see if the staff like it.

Putting a disagree or a 'no' makes you a worthless poster in these areas, and I would honestly recommend that you ignore this thread if you aren't going to put effort into your thoughts.
That is completely true. This is only for a list of feedback on this topic, so that in the end, we may repost this thread with a complete, finalized thread of suggestions to see if the staff like it.

Putting a disagree or a 'no' makes you a worthless poster in these areas, and I would honestly recommend that you ignore this thread if you aren't going to put effort into your thoughts.

It's a public forum.. people are going to express their opinion and it isn't always logical... that's life.
Well, my mistake. I wasn't aware that this was about other options for premium rewards. I sorta jumped the gun there, thinking it was yet more premium features. Anyways, sorry.
I want to be part of the solution- not the problem.

As for logic... I think the current 75s a month is over the top. What if an entire district of housing in Regalia was provided for the premiums, rather than giving them a bunch of money that they might not spend on housing?
And does that mean it is wrong to ask them to keep it logical? That's all I am getting from your post.

excuse me, don't get all sassy at me... because I will win, I was just saying don't complain about people giving their opinions on a public forum and they are not always logical... even if you ask for a logical response people are still going to write illogical reply's, also you being forum staff.. you should know this and expect it.
excuse me, don't get all sassy at me... because I will win, I was just saying don't complain about people giving their opinions on a public forum and they are not always logical... even if you ask for a logical response people are still going to write illogical reply's, also you being forum staff.. you should know this and expect it.

Being forum staff, I deal with it. I don't just sit around.

But let's not derail this conversation and let's keep this on-topic, shall we?
I like Idea 2 and 3,
Idea 2 will give a extra push for prems to get on the server and Idea 3 can help significantly increase the prems on the server.
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