Suggestion: Premiums will leave a trail of green particles behind them
Reasons: It needs to be green because the premium chat color is green, and thus people can have a little luminous effect for them. It is harmless and won't influence gameplay too much.
Suggestion: Premiums, at the start of the 1st week of every month for premium, get little rewards every day that they log in. If they do not log in, then they miss the reward for that day. Slowly, throughout the week, the rewards increase and then stop on the start of the 2nd week.
Reasons: They will have instant motivation for getting premium, and they will also want to stay on the server to collect the rewards for being premium. By then, they will be hopefully into the server enough to make them stay and get more premium.
Notes(All based on voting rewards):
Reasons: This will probably make it much easier to get premium instead of the 6 euro payment, which will cost about 8.07 USD.
Reasons: This will not impact gameplay that severely has other suggestions and perks, and is already available, sitting in the .config file of the plugin. All you have to do is edit the permissions so that only premiums can use it.
Please provide feedback below! If you have any other suggestions to fix the premium/non-premium spilt, post below!
Reasons: It needs to be green because the premium chat color is green, and thus people can have a little luminous effect for them. It is harmless and won't influence gameplay too much.
- Not sure if completely possible and will need tech staff knowledge on this one
Suggestion: Premiums, at the start of the 1st week of every month for premium, get little rewards every day that they log in. If they do not log in, then they miss the reward for that day. Slowly, throughout the week, the rewards increase and then stop on the start of the 2nd week.
Reasons: They will have instant motivation for getting premium, and they will also want to stay on the server to collect the rewards for being premium. By then, they will be hopefully into the server enough to make them stay and get more premium.
Notes(All based on voting rewards):
- 1st Day: 1 silver
- 2nd Day: 2 silver and a random ale
- 3rd Day: 3 silver and a random hat
- 4th Day: 4 silver, a random item from the collectible sets, and a random fortune cookie
- 5th Day: 5 silver, a random item from the elite gear, and a random derp item
- 6th Day: 10 silver and a random item from the race weapons
- 7th Day: 15 silver and a random item from the rare items
Reasons: This will probably make it much easier to get premium instead of the 6 euro payment, which will cost about 8.07 USD.
- This will also apply to the 3 months of premium deal, where it will be changed from 18 euros(24.22 USD) to 12 euros(16.15 USD)
Reasons: This will not impact gameplay that severely has other suggestions and perks, and is already available, sitting in the .config file of the plugin. All you have to do is edit the permissions so that only premiums can use it.
- The premiums will not be able to view other people's transactions but by talking to the maker of CraftConomy and suggesting that others have the ability to do that would be helpful to prevent scams and lost money on MassiveCraft
Please provide feedback below! If you have any other suggestions to fix the premium/non-premium spilt, post below!