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Played Character Morticai Tomaise-Solarent Fleur Coeur Lièvre de Avinicci (Morty/Mort)

This character is actively played.
Sep 3, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Morticai Tomaise-Solarent Fleur Coeur Lièvre de Avinicci (Morty/Mort)
  • Heritage / Culture: Haute Ithanian
  • Age: 44
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/Him, Male
  • Religion: The Deep Will
  • Occult:
  • Character Occupation: Privateer/Pirate/Brewer & bar owner
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Purple and black where the whites of the eye would be.
  • Skin Color: Pale Grey and deeply scarred
  • Hair: Shaggy grey.
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Body Type: Broad shouldered, Muscular
  • Additional Features: has 3 Clockwork limbs, and a chemtech jaw.are replaced by mechanical prosthetics, and left eye is replaced with a glowing blue Doyentech prosthetic. A majority of his teeth are silver and gold. Has antlers and sort of animal-like ears as a mutational result of his Dread Rebirthing.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Pianist, Hurdy-Gurdy Player, Bar Owner
  • Mechanics:
  • All worshipers of The Deep Will are granted the gifts of the Deep Ones. These gifts mainly aim at overcoming losses. Any Deep follower who participates in an Event-Calendar noted Tournament that involves Combat Roleplay, and should lose, gains +2 Attack Stat (breaking cap up to 11) for the next Event-Calendar noted Tournament. This effect can stack (increasing the cap by 2 each time also), until they win, after which it is removed. Secondly, the Deep Ones allows all Deep followers to breathe and move quickly underwater but does not grant them underwater Combat Roleplay Mechanics or Abilities. The faster movement does not make them faster than those running on land, it just removes the drag from aquatic movement.
  • Kathar power cannot be denied to them. If anyone uses an Ability/Mechanic that would force them to use Radiant instead of Sinistral Magic, they still use Sinistral anyway.
  • Kathar can change the alignment of any Spirit to that of Void, so long as the possess/own/control the Spirit. Void Spirits are always symbiotic for them also.
  • Kathar are not affected by the mental characteristics or changes of any Affliction or Affinity and are always in control of their own mind from them.
  • Kathar are able to look at a person and intuit their Corruption Desire, with OOC Consent (see below). Then, the Kathar can act towards this goal.
  • Kathar can use subtle vice-heightening curses on those within Emote Range, heightening their Pride, Fury, Avarice, Corruption, Rejection, or Hedonism.
  • Languages: Altalar, d'Ithanie, Ibeth, Common
Morticai Tomaise-Solarent Fleur Coeur Lièvre de Avinicci, born in the icy regions of Ithania to a noble family that specialized in the mass brewing of fine liquers and other alcoholic beverages. He had always had an interest in the family business alongside an intrinsic skill with the piano and hurdy-gurdy and a passion for making people happy... Though one day, as with many, tragedy struck his family, right after the family had had dinner, a group of intruders broke in, bearing a familiar crest, the family crest of Morty's cousin by marriage, Gunnar Delvanté. In the chaos, Morty's mother had locked him in a closet with the family deed and one of their best recipes, Hibiscus Absinthe.
Unable to find Morty, the assailants had dispersed, allowing the young, now orphaned noble lad to escape.
Morty, not knowing where to go, snuck out to the stables past his now deceased family (Worst details spared), he took a carriage out to the coast. To which he snuck aboard a ship and stowed away to Regalia, of which the sailors taught him some very crude Common once they discovered he'd snuck into the captain's chamber and had begun to play the piano, his skill was the only thing that had saved him that day.

Morty's time in Regalia from the ages nine until 17, he'd spent having been adopted by a gang, becoming a runner for them and a brewing genius and entertainer, though those years seemed short lived and barely memorable to him as they were only really using and manipulating him. He eventually broke off from this gang in an attempt to find new friends and connections, making a few good ones but otherwise struggled and made immense errors of judgement. Which lead to various incidents that had cost him an arm, leg, and an eye, physically.

Up until recent Morty had had full body burn scars, of which he'd kept for over 22 years as punishment for his wrong-doings. Having had them healed by his best friend, and man he considers a brother, and had considered as a father for a time, Henry Windrocker.
Of those 22 years he'd spent out at sea however, having disappeared after various different things lead to him faking his death and leaving the Regalia behind... He'd become a notorious pirate captain, captain of a ship called The Rambler.
He'd take the stolen goods to destitute communities and help fund rebuilding of infrastructure via creating jobs before moving on to his next ventures... during these years, Morty has heired 43 Half-Asha children (Originally intended as a joke, but has apparently become cannon to his lore via recent rp) has 3 adopted kids, maybe more, he doesn't know anymore.

He recently went through a Dread Rebirth and is now Kathar.
(A huge chunk of his backstory is intentionally left out so that it may be found out IC)

Of his 43 biological kids, there are 7 Slizzar, 15 Urlan, and 21 Feka, he had a 44th, which was his first kid, a half Lanlath by the name of Mordrake or Morde as he'd called himself.

(Still refining backstory)

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic 17
Defense Stat: Magic 15
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  1. Charisma: (3) [Fiscal Presence Pack], [Undisclosed Presence Pack], [Hazard Presence Pack]
  2. Magic: (12)
  3. Arcane Blade,​
  4. [Wardrobe Pack] magic variant,
  5. Arcane Warp,
  6. Arcane Cleanse,
  7. Arcane Aura,
  8. Arcane Healing,
  9. Arcane Shove,
  10. Arcane Portent,
  11. Arcane Snare,
  12. Arcane Echostrike,
  13. Arcane Eruption
  14. Arcane Puppeteering

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