Archived Premium Change Idea

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Oct 10, 2014
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I always feel bad that non premiums can't really Pvp. Even if they're very good, they don't really stand any kind of chance because of traits and 15% less damage. But what if, to combat peoples claims of this being a pay to win server, we gave the 15% less damage thing to non premiums so that if they're really good at Pvp but they have stingy parents or something, they have a shot to combat traits? I'd still be just as enticed to get premium honestly and traits still give the premiums a big advantage.
To keep premium buying fine and dandy how about premiums can claim chests and make chest shops for half the price. If you don't like the first idea please use the second it would be perf
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I always feel bad that non premiums can't really Pvp. Even if they're very good, they don't really stand any kind of chance because of traits and 15% less damage. But what if, to combat peoples claims of this being a pay to win server, we gave the 15% less damage thing to non premiums so that if they're really good at Pvp but they have stingy parents or something, they have a shot to combat traits? I'd still be just as enticed to get premium honestly and traits still give the premiums a big advantage.
To keep premium buying fine and dandy how about premiums can claim chests and make chest shops for half the price. If you don't like the first idea please use the second it would be perf

Personaly, I'd remove the 15% combat buff altogether. But, as whole, I don't think the servers premiums would agree.
Personaly, I'd remove the 15% combat buff altogether. But, as whole, I don't think the servers premiums would agree.
For now, I disagree. I'm sure the 15% is helping with the entire "3 shot" thing, Without it , it could become 2 shot >.> I'm all up for it once the abnormal damage is fixed though :)
I think there should be reduction of taked damage for everyone(like a server wide reduction so the crits strenght sharp 5 axes + traits won't 3 shot peeps), however; Non prems are still people who might not be able to reach the money they need for premium (Parents/Not having pay pal/ ...) So I think it would totally fit in and since non-prems can lose stuff, I can see a link to them beeing more open to pvp and also more movement in the economy of pvp items. Prems will also be able to pick up the stuff and earn more out of this after a long period of time than lose it.
For now, I disagree. I'm sure the 15% is helping with the entire "3 shot" thing, Without it , it could become 2 shot >.> I'm all up for it once the abnormal damage is fixed though :)

Okay then, give it to non perms rather than remove it then :P
I don't really personally mind if the non prems received a resistance bonus as long as it doesn't affect the server's economy (aka doesn't lower the amount of people buying premium)