Organizing The Darkmarks

Discussion in 'Inactive Families & Guilds' started by Timisc, Sep 13, 2018.

  1. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
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    This thread, similarly to the other knightly organization threads, will be used to keep track of the various Darkmarks currently in Regalia.

    This will be kept minimal for now, though I plan to set up another thread offering up sellswords for hire should people be interested in that. For now, let's see how many Darkmarks are played.
    Active characters only, please. They do not need to be mains but should still be played.
    Due to the wandering nature of Darkmarks, it is possible for many to have never interacted and thus certain members go unknown. Below is to give an idea about your character should you wish it, but you may remain as vague as you wish to.​
    Character Name:
    Character App:
    Would your character be known by other Darkmarks?:
    Does your character follow the code of conduct?:
    Did your character lose members of his/her band during training?:
    How was your character during training?:
    (Aggressive? Cautious? Resourceful? Etc.)
    How did your character interact with other members?: (Did they see the other members as family or a tool? Were they indifferent? Did they think they were better than the heads? Etc.)
    • Winner Winner x 2
  2. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Character Name: Eyanaeil Faenin
    Character App:
    Would your character be known by other Darkmarks?: Very likely.
    Does your character follow the code of conduct?: To a point, having developed his own.
    Did your character lose members of his/her party during training?: Yes.
    How was your character during training?: Eyan was a vicious fighter but remained tactical to gain advantage in every mission. He often had no mercy and was always a show off, thinking he was better than most. Being a Kathar, he also received far harsher training as the teachers sought to push the Nelfin to his limits. He withstood all obstacles in his way and came out as a hardened rogue.
    How did your character interact with other members?: Eyan was incredibly indifferent with the other Darkmarks not in his band, most probably despising his cocky nature anyway. Those who were in his band, including his blood brother, were like family. He grew close to all of them and continues to keep in touch with those who still remain alive.
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  3. DolittleGuy

    DolittleGuy Scrungo Enthusiast

    Aug 20, 2015
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    Character Name: Shane Marth
    Character App: Potato
    Would your character be known by other Darkmarks?: If not through his time in the city, then through some odd fellow in a tavern spitting out tales about a red haired Darkmark trainee with a fiery temper.
    Does your character follow the code of conduct?: Yes.
    Did your character lose members of his/her band during training?: Multiple, yes. At one point he was the last of his own band, then declaring himself to be 'trained'.
    How was your character during training?: Shane was as aggressive as they came. Those hearing of his time whilst training would come to know tales of his savagery in battle, while also catching wind of his hotheadedness. He was sadistic in some cases with the enemy, toying with them at times. And although he was often chastised for his temper, Shane eventually learned to tame it (to some degree) and ended up as the Potato Darkmark.
    How did your character interact with other members?: Shane tended to be weary of other Darkmarks, as stealth and cunning were by nature their trade. If found to be valuable allies and friends, he made them such. If found to be enemies, they were treated as such. He continues to use this ideology in his interactions today.

    I like this a crap ton y'all other darkmarks represent
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