Organizing The Bloodcast Knights


Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss
By now I'm sure you have seen other School Organization threads started by Marty here. In short this post is here to keep track of the Bloodcast Knights and their history as it could be shared with others in the order.

This thread is meant solely for players to have information with others knights as link their possibly shared history.
  • Character Name
  • Character age (currently)
  • Year of entry training
  • Year of graduation
  • What wars did the participate in?
  • How was your character during training?
  • How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?
  • Does your knight have a title?
  • Elric Norwood
  • 36
  • 285
  • 295
  • What wars did the participate in?
    • Ranger Crisis
    • Elven war of 302; Red Army
    • Battle of Calemburg
    • Battle of Curag Fields
    • Lo Crisis; Violet resistance
    • Songaskian battles
    • Elven war
  • Due to his fathers betrayal of the Viridian Code, Elric tried to keep his head down as much as he could during training for fear of being ridiculed as the Oath-breaker's son.
  • Elric treats others of the Order with respect, always offering a helping hand.
  • The Iron Stag
  • Character Name
    • Frederica Norwood
  • Character age (currently)
    • 36.
  • Year of entry training
    • 285 AC.
  • Year of graduation
    • 295 AC.
  • What wars did the participate in?
    • Ranger Crisis
    • Elven War of 302; Red Army.
    • Battle of Calemburg.
    • Battle of Curag Fields.
    • Songaskian Battles
    • Lo Occupation; Independent Conscript.
    • Elven Wars.
  • How was your character during training?
    • Frederica was often more avidly competitive than other Female students of the Order, she offered honour and kindnesses to all, and implored a fun and creative fight over an honourable one. She fought with respect, but she fought to win.
  • How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?
    • Frederica acts differently towards Bloodcasts depending on their age, she will often act in a way akin to a teacher or mother towards younger, recently graduated Knights, and respectfully towards those that are of the same age, or elder than herself.
  • Does your knight have a title?
    • The Fleetfoot Doe.
  • Character Name: Alexander Amsel
  • Character age (currently): 30
  • Year of entry training: 286AC
  • Year of graduation: 296AC
  • What wars did the participate in?:
    • Ranger Crisis
    • Hadravian War (First Army)
    • Battle of Curag Field
    • Second Elven War
  • How was your character during training?: Relaxed and loose, feeling being too uptight and stiff would only hamper his ability to fight, opting to take training as fun as well as work, which helped him stay motivated to fight and improve.
  • How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?: He treated them almost as family, seeing the crimson cape as a sign of a bond between his fellow knights that couldn't be broken, and treated each and every other Bloodcast as a close friend
  • Does your knight have a title?: "The Crimson Wall"
  • Character Name: Mortijn Vanderberg-Häl | Simply known as Mort.
  • Character age (currently): 45 y/o.
  • Year of entry training: 275 AC
  • Year of graduation 285 AC
  • What wars did the participate in?
  • Chrysant War
  • Ranger Crisis
  • How was your character during training?
  • He was very humble and quiet about himself and tried to be as helpful as he could, but of course he was a bit of an oddity as he's a vampire brood. Otherwise, he stuck to the rules as best as he could and acted rather friendly.
  • How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?
  • Just like in training he'd act rather friendly to them if they reacted amicably to him. He'd be rather banterful with them and tease them if able to, but he'd also rarely show off his soft-side and rather kept any of those gushy feelings to himself. If they didn't act well to him then he'd still act somewhat the same, but he'd only do it out of obligation to his Oath and to them as fellow Bloodcasts.
  • Does your knight have a title?
    • Mort of Dorinn
Character Name: Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire

Character age:

Year of entry training:
291 AC.

Year of graduation:
301 AC.

What wars did they participate in?:

Bone Horror Crisis in Ithania.

How was your character during training?:
Cyprien started out as an eager fourteen-year-old seeking to prove himself to his peers. After a few months, he grew truly homesick and ended up late to training. After some time he adapted and overcame. In his late teens, he had already become an influential and capable leader, focusing on preparing younger recruits.

How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?:
At first, Cyprien was fairly quiet, and observant. Later on, he enjoyed the company of fellow Bloocasts, no doubt befriending several that he shared thoughts and cares with.

Does your knight have a title?:
'The Stallion' or sometimes 'The Stallion Knight'.
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If any of you would be interested in joining the Bloodcast Order's Knightly Legion of the military, please pm me to arrange a meeting for possible recruitment.
  • Character Name: Ulric Payne
  • Character age (currently): Twenty-nine (29).
  • Year of entry training: 287.
  • Year of graduation: 297.
  • What wars did the participate in?
• Ranger Crisis
• Hadravian War (First Army)
• Battle of Curag Field
• Second Elven War
  • How was your character during training?:
Ulric was always well-focused on his objectives and constantly set himself with goals. He was quite charismatic and got along well with his peers, however was a completely different person when required. Upon training and generally any situation that needed his seriousness, he was a changed individual who was focused on his task. As he grew older he was more trusted and became well known between his peers for his team working and leadership skills, often assuming the leader role whenever possible.

  • How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?
In the beginning, Ulric was silent and observing. He respected everyone and decided to stay aside from the social group. This however didn't last long. It was a matter of weeks until he and his great charisma integrated himself into a large friend group. Throughout the whole time he treated his peers like family and was treated like family in return, and still remains close and well related with what he still considers his family. His relationship with his biological family wasn't necessarily bad, however it was rather strict and it was nothing like the relationship he had with his Blooscast friends.

  • Does your knight have a title?
The Blood Bear.

Title he achieved due to his bear-like aggressive fighting and his bulky body. Ever since his teenage years, due to biological heritage and good metabolism, he began to develop good musculature throughout the training. He shortly after grew a mighty beard and thorough body hair, which was another reason to what he was nicknamed "The Bear". As of the blood part, it didn't necessarily have much to do with actual blood, it was rather because as a Bloodcast, Ulric often -and quite proudly- wore crimson apparel.
  • Bartolomeo da Cana
  • Character age: 30
  • Year of entry training: 292
  • Year of graduation: 302
  • What wars did they participate in?
    • None of Regalia's Major wars or conflicts
    • Bartolomeo joined stray Regalian battalions stationed in Lusits during the Bone Horror Crisis to defend Daenshore from deathlings.
  • How was your character during training?
    • The Bloodcast Order was never an organization Bartolomeo wished to join. He was ungrateful about the place in its entirety, and quite unpleasant to be around. He would often show outbursts of rage and frustration, proving himself to be a major hothead as opposed to other trainees. Most of the training he received was in the form of punishments or reprimands, and Bartolomeo does not remember a single memory worth cherishing of reminiscing on. He was, in layman's terms, a nightmare to be around.
  • How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?
    • Brash, rude, disparaging, and unappreciative. He made no friends during his decade training with the Bloodcasts, preferring solace over being social. To this day he still despises most of the order, and shows no endeavor to reconnect with anyone from his generation.
    • The day Bartolomeo graduated, he completely vanished from the Bloodcasts, abandoning its ways and never returning. He does not wear a red cape or anything that may even remotely identify him as a Bloodcast, except for when he is on duty as a Knight in the frontlines.
  • Does your knight have a title?
    • Many peers unanimously branded him Deserter.
Character Name: Philippe du Langelier (previously Ravenburg)

Character age (currently): Twenty four years of age.

Year of entry training: 292AC, at ten years of age.

Year of graduation: 302AC, at a ripe 20 years of age.

What wars did they participate in?:
Citoyen Armée-- Defending against rampaging Daens after 11th Creed Disaster 303,
Regalian-Arloran War,
Citoyen Armée-- Defense of Ithania during Bone Horror Crisis,
Second Songaskian War,
Current Elven War.

How was your character during training?: In his first year of training, Philippe was often ahead of the curve, and in turn rather lazy in his studies. He learnt his lesson the hard way when he was nearly left behind the following year thanks to his bad habits. He ended up rectifying the issue, and teaching himself to be more fastidious. His will to do good by his fellow humans and his loyalty to his Empire drove him further to work hard (and eventually join numerous wars upon graduation).

How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?: Philippe was an immensely enthusiastic student and endeavoured to form relationships with his fellow students whenever possible. He wasn't always successful, but his good nature and well-intentions often endeared him to others. He did have his moments however. He often wore his beliefs on his sleeves and was very much non-opposed to clashing with others. Some might even say he had anger issues, when push came to shove.

Does your knight have a title?: Philippe bears no title, for he hasn't yet earned one.
Character Name: Freya Aveline

Character age: 26

Year of entry training: 293

Year of graduation: 303

What wars did they participate in?: Freya has participated in the current Elven war, and has not seen battle since receiving third degree burns to the entirety of her right side.

How was your character during training?: Throughout her entire ten years of schooling, Freya was ever determined to shine above all others, wanting to prove not only to herself, but to her family that she could fight and was good at what she did. Her determination brought her praise from some and scorn from others, but the scorn she received only made her stronger.

How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?: Freya interacted well with some of her fellow Bloodcasts, and not so well with others. Those that saw her as an equal say that she was a dancer on the battlefield, her skill almost comparable to the knights that were training them. Those who saw her as a disgrace and nothing more than a female say that she should have stayed in the home where she "belonged". Those that gave her scorn, she made sure to beat in every single spar.

Does your knight have a title?: Hummingbird.
  • Character Name:
-William Seidel

  • Character age:

  • Year of entry training:
-285 AC

  • Year of graduation:
-295 AC

  • What wars did the participate in?
-Lo Occupation

-Elven War

  • How was your character during training?
During training, William was an outgoing teenager, he always wanted to be the best and always aimed to impress, especially to impress his commanders.

  • How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?
With other Bloodcasts, William treats them like family, instantly becoming much more relaxed and calm with them after finding out such news.

  • Does your knight have a title?
-'The Ram'
  • Character Name

    - William Alexander

  • Character age (currently)

    - 30 years old

  • Year of entry training

    - 290 Ac

  • Year of graduation

    - 300 AC

  • What wars did the participate in?

    - Elven Front

  • How was your character during training?

    William was a wonderful and kind young man who listened closely to his teachers. He had no troubles with the training since he listen and trained in his free time.

  • How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?

    He's also very kind to other Bloodcast, well, the ones who he talked with. Otherwise, he was quite shy towards the others since he didn't want to disturb their own training

  • Does your knight have a title?

    None, but he wishes to find a title for himself to show he can be like everyone else

Character Name

Character age (currently)
  • 51
Year of entry training
  • 265 AC
Year of graduation
  • 275 AC
What wars did the participate in?
  • Chrysant, Ranger Crisis, Elven Wars, and Lo Occupation
How was your character during training?
  • He was regarded by his fellow knights as being impossibly blunt and emotionless. Despite encouragement to open up with his feelings, they would find that he was merely a serious and focused soul.
How did they interact with other Bloodcasts?
  • As an older brother and long time friend. Seeking to guild newbies and often seeking drinks with the more experienced. Often however they must interject on his behalf as he is prone to superstition and bouts of Madness from his involvement in the Chrysant War.
Does your knight have a title?
  • Jakk or "The Mad Crow" For this tenancy to brake into fits of traumatic rage and paranoia.
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