Preserved Sheet Freya Rosè Aveline

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Bestest Bean
Jun 2, 2015
Reaction score

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  • Full Name: [ Freya Rosè Aveline ]
    • Goes By: Hummingbird
  • Age : [ 45 ]
    • [ 19 February 261 ]
    • [ ♓ Pisces ♓ ]
    • Turned to Vampirism at 30.
  • Gender: [ Female ]
  • Race: [ Ailor - Ithanian (Vampire) ]
  • Sexuality: [ Bisexual ]

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  • Proficiency Points: 45 (+10 from Racial Bonus)
    • + 18 Rogue Training (From 6 Vampire Mutations)
    • + 12 Metallurgy Arts (+12 from points)
    • +10 Bodycare Training (+10 from Racial Bonus)
    • +10 Musical Arts (+10 from points)
    • + 5 Athletic Training (+5 from points)
  • Body Shape : 5 Athletic Training (*2) = 10
    • Physical Stats: +5 Athletic Training
    • Body Build: Toned
    • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Special Traits/Spells/Mutations (Guile Tree)
    • Blood's Lust
    • Feeding Delight
    • Shadow Flight
    • Control
    • Enchanted Kiss
  • Languages:
    • d'Ithanie | 10/10 (1st Learned | Childhood Language)
    • Anglian | 9/10 (2nd Learned | Traveling)
    • Common 8/10 (3rd Learned | Learn the language of their people, become one of them)


  • Eye Color: [ Green, with flecks of gold in the iris ]
  • Hair Color: [ Black, with purple accents ]
  • Hair Style: [ Worn in braids ]
  • Skin Color: [ Pale ]
  • Clothing: [ Casual wear, usually loose enough to fight or spar in. ]
  • Height: [ 5'4 ]
  • Body Build: [ Athletic ]

    • Freya is a rather visually appealing woman; from her almond shaped eyes to her cupid's bow shaped lips and even to her well-rounded ears. She is always seen with a smile, though behind closed doors, she will occasionally have a smirk or a frown. There is one noticeable blemish on her face, being that the right side of her face is covered in old burn wounds. It is pockmarked to a degree, and expands from her forehead down to the right side of her neck. She currently has black hair with purple accents and keeps her hair either loose or in a braid.

    • Freya stands at five feet, four inches, and has a curvaceous body shape, yet is muscular from her years of training. She is pale, and her muscles are toned, easily seen through her clothing. Her body has a low amount of fat, as she is always training and sparring. Underneath though, she has burns covering the entirety of her right side, the skin looking old and worn.

    • The Ithanian woman secretly craves fashion, and will always go out of her way to wear delicate yet practical clothing, loose enough for her to spar in, all while being visually appealing. As for accessories, she wears a simple necklace, adorned with a snake fang along with a plain gold ring around her left middle finger. She does not carry any weapons on her, but has a small dagger stashed in a hidden sheath underneath her breeches.

    • Being Ithanian, Freya has a commanding voice, with a slightly thick accent. When mad, the accent is more prominent and to the point of not being understood by most. When excited, her voice becomes higher pitched, and it usually embarrasses her.


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✦[At a glance] She is seen as charismatic, and can always be seen talking and charming her way into the pockets, and sometimes, even the beds of those she comes across. If talked about in public, most would say that she is a diplomatic woman, usually able to diffuse even the most hostile of conversations, though can be incredibly materialistic, demanding some sort of payment for her 'hard work'. Freya loves to be flirtatious, which goes hand in hand with her charismatic nature, and will flirt with just about anyone; regardless of race or gender. Her wit has been the topic of many good stories, though the stories usually end up differently after a few retellings. She is bossy, naughty, and deceitful, yet each person asked has a different side to tell, and no one can come up with a good explanation as to how her mind works.

✦[Regarding her inner workings] Before her transformation, Freya was insecure, and always at war with her mind. Growing up with an older brother who preferred to see her more as a toy than a sister, she was afraid to find him in her bed, and would fear her own shadow. She would not seek to make friends and would keep to herself, even during her years at school. Once she had changed, her outlook on life changed as well. She became more sure of herself and who she was as a person, and even more so with the Sanguine curse. It gave her a sense of realization, and after killing her brother in cold blood, she could be at peace. Her parents still do not know that her brother is dead.

[In regards to friends and family]: Freya is loving; if they are infected like her, and even if they aren't she holds them with *some* respect. She is protective, and is willing to lay her own life down for them if it means keeping them safe from harm. The young vampire has undying loyalty to those she considers family, and nothing matters more than them. She treasures the thought of a 'serious relationship', but does not mind messing around with others.

[Morality]: Before her turn, Freya was a good woman. Helping people and especially innocents were her top priority, and she would never turn them down, even if it meant that physical harm would come to her. As long as she kept people safe, she did not care. Though, as her blood turned cold, so did she; meaning she did not care who she hurt. She has no qualms with killing the same people she had once sworn to protect. Now, she sells her sword (or her teeth) to the highest bidder, not caring if it's dirty work.


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☾Childhood☽ | ▼
Born in 261 AC to Gilles and Helena, a pure Ithanian couple, Freya Aveline was the second child, following her oldest brother, Cassius. Freya, like her brother, was born and raised in La Portée du Paradis alongside many other children that had been in their little neighborhood. As a young girl, Freya was timid, afraid of her own shadow, and could not defend herself. So, when her brother began to view her as something more than a sister, she could not fight back. Countless nights, she would have to endure her brother's advancements, and eventually she learned how to speak up. Cassius was never punished for his behavior, but her father thought it would be best to send her off to Brissaud to attend the School of the Lion Pelt as soon as she as old enough.
❖ ☾Adolescence☽ |

True to his word, Gilles sent Freya on to her schooling following her thirteenth birthday. Her brother was enraged at this, and he planned to sneak into her room that night, dark thoughts on his mind. He wasn't able to do such, seeing as Freya had begged her mother to stay in her room for the night, giving her the excuse that she would 'miss her far too much'. The next morning, she was on her way without a single goodbye to her family. From her first day to her last, she was pushed hard in her training but she never gave up. She was determined to be the best and she really did not want to return home. Her family were granted visits, and while her parents would come to see her, Cassius was never with them.
☾Adulthood☽ |

With the experience she had gained, Freya graduated from her schooling in 284 AC with high honors. During this time, her father had passed away, leaving a decent sum of money to his daughter; and none to his son or wife, his reasoning unknown even to this day. For a time, she decided to return home and spend a few years with her mother, comforting her to the best of her ability. Seven years later, Freya grew tired of staying in Ithania with her mother. She wanted adventure; she wanted to go out and see the rest of the world. With a heavy heart, Freya declared that she would be leaving to sail to Regalia. As her final act, her mother sent Cassius with her, claiming that she would need protection. Angry, the girl allowed her brother to tag along, and the pair sailed to the Holy City. They arrived, and immediately, Freya went about to do her own thing, leaving her brother to fend for himself. It was in 291 AC when she met Akil (@KirbyTheVampire). Akil swept her off of her feet; showering her in promises of a better life, 'free of pain and strife'. So, one night, after they had been drinking.. Akil fulfilled his promises. Taking her into an alleyway, he gave her the gift of 'eternal life', passing his Sanguine curse onto her. For five days, she writhed in pain, with Akil being nowhere in sight. Frustrated, Freya went to find someone to feed on, and her target--? Her brother. Hungry, she swept him into a dark alley, and drained him entirely of his life force. From then, she knew who she was meant to be.
☾Present Times☽ |
Now the year is 306. Freya has been a vampire for fifteen years, and has managed to make her way in life with little to no problems. More recently, she has stumbled into Akil, and made amends with him. He has offered her a place in his coven, and now she finally has a home to call her own.
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Claimed for aspirant review.
  • Basic Information:
    • Please remove the objectives/goals.
  • Personality:
    • Add one more sentence to the first and fourth paragraph.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me once done!
Hey hey, @Vegemiite!

I made those edits that you recommended, and they are in this color. If anything else needs to be changed or removed, please let me know!
You still need to remove the objectives from the basic information.

Hello there! I made some drastic changes to this app.

The changes made:

  • Name
  • Birthday
  • Visual
  • Personality
  • Life Story.

They were all made in this color.
Last edited:
@Vegemiite I have changed her app to fit the current proficiency system, added relationships, changed visual information, added visual expansions, changed her personality and fixed her life story. If I have made a mistake on anything, please let me know.

(The changes were made in this color))
Given the character's age, you are only permitted two languages. Please go about removing two. Note; Common now costs 10 years like all other languages.

Make the above edit and tag me once done!

I have made some major changes to Freya. I have wanted her to be a Sanguine for a while, and so I made the necessary changes to do so. The changes made were; age, her skill points with the addition to her trait mutations, her personality to reflect both before and after her change, and I have completely reworked her life story, adding in the necessary tidbits in reference to her changes. They were all made in this lovely blue color and I do hope I haven't messed anything up. If something needs changing, please let me know.