• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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On Unity And War Preparedness, 305 A.c.

Strewn about the city, an official government missive is posted in most public spaces, accompanied by propaganda posters. Those who approached would be able to read the following.

Hark thee now. War has yet to be won, and we must shift our gaze towards victory.

We live in a turbulent time, one in which insecurity has arisen in the face of adversity and change. As a man whose merit lies solely in his military acumen, I must now make plain the way we must march, as adversity and change are the only two things that are certain in a war.

Issue arises with my Companions, and accusations of corruption against the Regalian Guard. Mark my words - I am not one to sit idly as the finger of suspicion points at me. From henceforth, the duties of the Companions will be split, so that men may be dedicated to simply protecting me, and others executing the will of the Consuls. The latter, that which will execute the order of the Consuls, will also be held accountable now to the leader of the Black Hand and the leader of the Regalian Guard.

Both will be permanent orders, but only remain somewhat joined by virtue of my Proconsular authority.

We will also be examining the elements within the Regalian Guard and purging any unsavory elements that may be seen as undermining its duty to the people.

A vote will also be held at this assembly concerning the concerns raised by the Viridian Order as men abandon their posts and oath into the Brotherhood of the Royal Oak. Whether their concerns are justified and a judgement ought to be cast against those who took the pauper's ethics and honours, or if they are simply unambitious or competitive will be for the peers to decide.

Let it also be known, we ban the covering of one's face, lest they have a helmet on in service to the Regalian Guard or the Companions. We cast light on the shadows so no enemy of the state may hide as we prepare to invade the Elven States. Moreover, all charters will be subject to military law - all disunity will be purged with impunity, dissolved by reason. We ought to supplement the war effort by coming together like bricks to a Bastion and protecting the homefront, and increased communication and cooperation between existing charters is only to the benefit of our Empire.

Lastly, aspiring Generals and Admirals of all educations ought to continue to broach myself or Emerich Ravenstad for assignment.

Paths lay ahead of us, and some may stray as we march along the way. But so long as I breath, I will toil to make sure that we overcome the hardships before us.

Our Way Illuminated,
Proconsul Virathus Krupp