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Observations, January 306 Ac



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Concerns and the proposed solutions, January 306 AC
A short commentary by Aldrich II Gerhart Typhonus

Concerning the Grand Commissioner, Jared Luchs Kade's, proposals to the staatsversammlung (state assembly)
The Grand Commissioner opened his proposal with a statement of intent, that 'any who fail to do their part [...] will be beaten', a threat that concerns the detainment of those possessed by the influence of the Dragon Witch. Those that are possessed may in vessel be those known to us, family members and friends alike, however they are under the control and influence of a foreign being, one that wishes to destabilize and break the resolve of the City's population. It occurs to me that the Grand Commissioner is yet to understand that whilst the Dragon Witch does not wish to conquer land as many foreign occupiers have done before it, its attempts to conquer the minds of the population is an invasion in itself. We must better understand our current internal strife as an occupation, otherwise we will remain sympathetic and idle to the Witch's intentions. I would go further to speculate, though I state that it is with no intention to offend or assume, that the wishes outlined by the Grand Commissioner not to arrest or impede those possessed reflects the immediate desires of the Witch itself. If we do nothing as the Commissioner demands, we allow ourselves to stand compliant subjects to the Witch's demands.

It is therefore promptly that I advocate the immediate rejection of this proposal in favour of a consolidated effort to isolate and detain those under the influence of the Witch. I do however recognise the sentiment that perhaps clouds the Commissioner's judgement and propose that whilst they should be detained and quarantined, they should be detained with care as to allow them to recover when the Witch's influence is broken.


Concerning the appointment of Kaya Sorenvik as 'Lady Commander' of the Violet Order
I shall avoid employing criticism of Commander Sorenvik on the basis that she is a woman and a lesser being, instead I will express my concern with the nature of her appointment and the potential invalidity of her leadership as so-called 'Lady Commander'. It strikes me that the Grand Commissioner does not possess the authority to appoint leaders of state charters, even in resignation, for it is absent from the clearly defined list of duties and powers that the Grand Commissioner upholds.

I wish to clarify that I do not wish to accuse the Grand Commissioner of abusing or acting above his authority, I simply believe the impromptu appointment was a mistake. I propose that Kaya Sorenvik's leadership be designated an interim capacity until the staatsversammlung appoints a permanent replacement.


Concerning the behaviours of House d'Ortonnaise
It is no secret that House d'Ortonnaise has a personal agenda concerning House Ravenstad, however this behaviour has seen a counterproductive spillover into state affairs which should not be tolerated. The House's decision to withdraw troops and taxes from the state was motivated by the presence of Vulmar Ravenstad in a Consular seat and in turn the state's war effort have fallen victim to the personal squabbles of Noble peerage.

I believe that if the d'Ortonnaise refuse to help the state, the state should stop helping the d'Ortonnaise. I propose a state-wide embargo on the House until it concludes its damaging personal affairs and raises its taxes to the desired Forty Percent. The embargo will ensure trade will be prohibited to and from the House's lands and businesses in order to prevent unfair profit reaching the House where others do their duty to the state and are taxed at the threshold. I further propose that the staatsversammlung refuse to recognise the state of 'Passive Resistance' that the House has declared and advises the assembly consider the proposed rerouting of taxes to the Imperial Seat as invalid contribution that can only be labelled a generous donation to the Imperial Seat. The state should continue to demand a Forty Percent tax on the House on top of this donation and should implement the embargo terms if such demands are not met.


Concerning the joint state of internal and external strife
In pressing times the foremost proponent of hope is the Noble class and I implore such blue-blooded denizens of the City to maintain formal and public face to inspire calm. I encourage events to be hosted, particularly those of a military nature to maintain morale and those of a social nature to develop unity. I propose that Houses offer open invitation events to welcome the common denizens amongst the Nobility in order to dispel isolation and class division in these times of mutual suffering. I implore the common people to submit proposals and concerns to staatsversammlung officials to have your voice heard and I advocate the continued bravery of our protectors and population during this difficult period.

"Since when did we withdraw the 1st Reconnaissance?"

Audrey addressed Edmund and Alexander, somewhat confused at the announcement.

"In fact, weren't we the only house self-funding an army on the front /only because/ a Typhonus and Ravenstad consul refused to approve of the army?"