Archived Non - Premium / Premium Xp Boost

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Chopper Gunner
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Recently, with the change of the premium McMMO experience boost from 50% to 20%, and it really made me think about how much harder training has become for premiums and how much harder it must be to train as a non-premium, without any boost or aid, as well as losing ALL items upon death. The gist of the idea would be to re-instate the 50% McMMO experience boost for premiums, but to even it out for non-premiums, also give them a 25%-20% McMMO experience boost. I believe this idea would function well in MassiveCraft because:
  • It would make training more bearable, and slightly easier, while still giving Premiums the edge that they are 'awarded' for contributing to the server
  • It would most likely satisfy both groups, the non-premiums, and premiums, happy, because even though premiums get a bigger boost (understandably), the non-premiums are also given a boost to aid them
  • It will encourage more people to contribute to MassiveCraft for such a perk
  • It will lessen the now enormous gap between non-premium and premium combat by allowing the non-premiums to have more of a fighting a chance if such a boost was allowed

If you disagree with the idea, if you would be so kind as to state your reason, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this post, even if it doesn't make the most sense.
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I disagree, MCMMO is balanced to be on even ground to make levelling challenging but needs to have time invested in. I think it is at a good level making people have to work for the levels.
I disagree. The feature was meant for the premiums in the first place, and even lowered due to the flood of requests that came in. By giving this to everyone, it perfectly defeats the purpose of this feature.
Oh wow it got changed to 20%, Im not happy with that at all, may consider not renewing my premium in a few days now -.-, I was in the dark room for an hour yesterday and I only went up 7 levels even-though a ton of mobs spawned. I'd say it needs to be increased to about 35%, Its not fair on people who don't have much time to come on everyday due to studies or work, every second is valuable.
Premium 50% non Premium 25%
How about having this on set dates when you get bonus exp, like every first weekend of a month is a bonus exp weekend. It would encourage more people to log on on those set dates, the cons however are that on those weekends the darkrooms will be crowded like a gym after new years eve and the server would probably need a resart to start/end this exp weekend, something cayorion might not always have time for
How about having this on set dates when you get bonus exp, like every first weekend of a month is a bonus exp weekend. It would encourage more people to log on on those set dates, the cons however are that on those weekends the darkrooms will be crowded like a gym after new years eve and the server would probably need a resart to start/end this exp weekend, something cayorion might not always have time for
Well i quite like the idea of just giving premiums the 50% bonus back and giving non prems, 25%, however i do like your idea
+ 1 support from me
Oh wow it got changed to 20%, Im not happy with that at all, may consider not renewing my premium in a few days now -.-, I was in the dark room for an hour yesterday and I only went up 7 levels even-though a ton of mobs spawned. I'd say it needs to be increased to about 35%, Its not fair on people who don't have much time to come on everyday due to studies or work, every second is valuable.

I find your post slightly amusing, since you're complaining about a 20% boost to MCMMO when non-premiums have to deal with a no boost at all. If a 20% boost isn't fair to people who don't have much time to come online, then what is it like for non-premiums?
I find your post slightly amusing, since you're complaining about a 20% boost to MCMMO when non-premiums have to deal with a no boost at all. If a 20% boost isn't fair to people who don't have much time to come online, then what is it like for non-premiums?
Well obvioustly the premium option is there for them, I just dont find a + 20% bonus high enough, for those who support the server. In a hour of training with the + 50% I gained atleast 15-20 Mcmmo levels, I see that as time well spent, gaining 7 mcmmo levels in an hour is not worthit.
Well obvioustly the premium option is there for them, I just dont find a + 20% bonus high enough, for those who support the server. In a hour of training with the + 50% I gained atleast 15-20 Mcmmo levels, I see that as time well spent, gaining 7 mcmmo levels in an hour is not worthit.

Well wouldn't a 50% MCMMO boost make it nigh on impossible for non-premiums to fight against premiums? I know that non-premiums can simply get premium, but using that to answer would simply suggest that Massivecraft's pvp has turned into a P2W system. If a 50% boost would get you 15-20 levels in an hour, and a 20% boost gets you 7 levels in an hour, wouldn't a 0% boost get you around 2-3 levels per hour? If premiums were given a 50% boost, every hour of darkrooming would be equivalent to around 5-10 hours of darkrooming for non-premiums, severely limiting their ability to actually pvp.
Well this is the mcmmo combat skilks debate again, pvp skill is almost everything, not how high your mcmmo stats are. A 50% bonus for premiums and a 25% bonus for non premiums seems totally fair to me, And what are you going on about pay 2 win for, its simply so that premiums actually have a "reward" if you like, for donating and supporting the server. In the past few months the massivecraft team has tried their best, to implement things inwhich premiums will benefit from, and not make it so that it is pay to win. LookI'm making it so that non premiums will benefit from this too.
Well this is the mcmmo combat skilks debate again, pvp skill is almost everything, not how high your mcmmo stats are. A 50% bonus for premiums and a 25% bonus for non premiums seems totally fair to me, And what are you going on about pay 2 win for, its simply so that premiums actually have a "reward" if you like, for donating and supporting the server. In the past few months the massivecraft team has tried their best, to implement things inwhich premiums will benefit from, and not make it so that it is pay to win. LookI'm making it so that non premiums will benefit from this too.

Ah, my apologies. For some reason I thought you were suggesting that premiums get a 50% boost while non-premiums don't get any. In that case, a 50% for premium and 25% for non-premium looks to be somewhat reasonable as a way of getting rid of some of the grinding associated with MCMMO.
Ah, my apologies. For some reason I thought you were suggesting that premiums get a 50% boost while non-premiums don't get any. In that case, a 50% for premium and 25% for non-premium looks to be somewhat reasonable as a way of getting rid of some of the grinding associated with MCMMO.
No problem :)
Training isn't supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be difficult. It's supposed to be time-consuming. It's not supposed to be you just running around like a cheetah on caffeine and spamming right click until you kill every mob in the dark room.
Training isn't supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be difficult. It's supposed to be time-consuming. It's not supposed to be you just running around like a cheetah on caffeine and spamming right click until you kill every mob in the dark room.
Coming from a person with 0 mcmmo stats.... We feel u brudah
Training isn't supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be difficult. It's supposed to be time-consuming. It's not supposed to be you just running around like a cheetah on caffeine and spamming right click until you kill every mob in the dark room.

I legitmately can run around like a cheetah killing everything in the dark room. Considering the fact that I swept the Magnanimus dark room and only went up 2 levels is most likely a sign that you need to increase the boost. Also, why would you want grinding to be as hard as you say it is? I mean of course there has be a good level of dedication and effort, but you basically have to be premium just to level up AT ALL.
Back in the day, we trained with no mcmmo boosts and lived. People even hit 2k axes without a boost. I am perfectly happy with the boost reduction, and see no need to further fuel what is already an easy grind to top stats.
Back in the day, we trained with no mcmmo boosts and lived. People even hit 2k axes without a boost. I am perfectly happy with the boost reduction, and see no need to further fuel what is already an easy grind to top stats.

Hey Grid,
My motive behind making this post is that grinding has become extremely repetitive, and you make a good point, but one of the main things is that most people, I would presume, simply do not have the same amount time and access on MassiveCraft to train to even entry level with the addition of MassiveMobs, which has increased the difficulty of training combat stats as a whole.
Back in the day, we trained with no mcmmo boosts and lived. People even hit 2k axes without a boost. I am perfectly happy with the boost reduction, and see no need to further fuel what is already an easy grind to top stats.
Grid back in the day we were all little kids who could spend all day in a dark room, to go up about 20 levels, now a days not everyone wants to be dedicating all their time to grinding in dark rooms, It gets boring after a while man. The + 50 % was fine until non premiums and surprisingly some premiums started moaning about it being too Op; Hence @BenAlex144 suggested that non premiums benefit from this change too.
You make it seem like grinding is supposed to be easy. The biggest mis conception with the boost is that it will somehow balance out pvp. Sure, the boost will help some people level faster, but the same people will bitch and whine when certain players who do train all day can reach 4k, or even 5k axes. If boosts keep getting added we will keep on getting to problems of armour damage being over powered, and have people with skullsplits and serr strikes that can last for minutes, not seconds. Sure not everyone wants to spend time in a darkroom, but the way I see it is if you are good enough at the other aspects of pvp, you don't need stats to save you.
Bleh anyways personally I Dont see the point in grinding anymore since my stats are high enough, and isnt worth my time anymore. So aslong as it is at 20% I wont be grinding anymore.
Well obvioustly the premium option is there for them, I just dont find a + 20% bonus high enough, for those who support the server. In a hour of training with the + 50% I gained atleast 15-20 Mcmmo levels, I see that as time well spent, gaining 7 mcmmo levels in an hour is not worthit.
You would have the same problem if we upped the boost. Each level takes progressively more experience to earn, so I would expect the results you are seeing, no matter what the boost is.

Also, when we upped the boost originally, we expected people to reduce the time they spent in the darkroom, so they wouldn't have to spend so much time doing the repetitive grinding. What we saw was that people spent the same or more time in the darkroom, defeating the purpose of the boost in the first place.

MassiveMobs does make time in the darkroom more dangerous, but as far as leveling, mobs have more health and therefore are better for training.
You would have the same problem if we upped the boost. Each level takes progressively more experience to earn, so I would expect the results you are seeing, no matter what the boost is.

Also, when we upped the boost originally, we expected people to reduce the time they spent in the darkroom, so they wouldn't have to spend so much time doing the repetitive grinding. What we saw was that people spent the same or more time in the darkroom, defeating the purpose of the boost in the first place.

MassiveMobs does make time in the darkroom more dangerous, but as far as leveling, mobs have more health and therefore are better for training.
Makes sense I have noticed that i'm no longer 1 shotting mobs in the dark room, But 20% is a bit low 35% would make a reasonable difference.
Considering the fact that I swept the Magnanimus dark room and only went up 2 levels is most likely a sign that you need to increase the boost.
I don't see how this is possible. I was using the Magnanimus darkroom and probably went up by 10-15 points in swords (so little because my sword level is 1000+.) Were you using the correct training method?
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