Archived More Undead Races?

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Master Of Stealth
Dec 16, 2013
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As we all know, the only undead race you can play as, is...well human. My idea is quite simple: Enhance the undead race by letting people play as undead orcs, elfs, and dwarves.


More roleplay options

Better lore and RP

Enhanced Characters


(I will add these in when I find them)
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Perhaps instead of making more types of undead race, make undead a state of being for races to become? Pros of being undead would be damage reduction and no hunger loss, cons would be lack of running and inability to regain health?
The undead Lore page has a segment where it tells about the undead nagas that would attack human camps in Hadar. Here, take a look .-.

"Another category that explains auras becoming trapped in dead bodies are defined by the Mortis Fal, Undead who first died in a warlike or highly violent manner. The first sightings of these Undead popped up during the Chrysant Wars between Regalia and the Naga Empress Mikuni. A troop of Regalian warriors, unsuspecting in their encampment, reported being attacked by a troop of Naga they had ambushed and killed the day before. Frenzied and crazed, the Naga fell onto the humans, all still bearing obviously fatal wounds, and put up a fearsome fight before the Regalian troop was able to subdue them. Mortis Fal are Undead come back to life filled with rage, bloodlust, and an unpredictable nature that makes them incredibly dangerous to be around, as they will likely lash out to kill whoever they are near." ;)
If Undead was nerfed so that people have to REALLY think if they want the curse, than go ahead. Also, pointless to add something that will be removed in the upcoming Traits plugin, so I would most likely change this to "Undead Trait Ideas".
Wait.. the trait plugin? is that a possibility again? Last I heard, the admins were working on Etosil/magic stuff.
I would definitely not mind having the trait plugin instead though.
My character is an elf and undead... Is there a passive type of undead? I've been playing a passive one for quite a while.
Wait.. the trait plugin? is that a possibility again? Last I heard, the admins were working on Etosil/magic stuff.
I would definitely not mind having the trait plugin instead though.
If Undead was nerfed so that people have to REALLY think if they want the curse, than go ahead. Also, pointless to add something that will be removed in the upcoming Traits plugin, so I would most likely change this to "Undead Trait Ideas".

Isn't there talk about a sub race plugin? why speculate about a sub race plugin if it is to be replaced with traits?
My character is an elf and undead... Is there a passive type of undead? I've been playing a passive one for quite a while.

I played a passive undead for some time, and I think this paragraph explains them .-.

"Why an aura cannot properly transcend is still a subject heavily debated between scholars and historians. At the present time, it is generally accepted that an aura may not be able to transcend if the body it was inhabiting died from unnatural causes of death. The most common form of Undead seen are the Mortis Dei, those who died in a traumatic or harrowing way. From the woman who ran into the burning building to save her children, or the child who was drowned by their parent, the Mortis Dei return to Aloria in confusion and mental pain, before most come to accept their death and live out their lives until their bodies fully decompose. Considered the most sentient of the Undead, Mortis Dei often come together to form communities and social structures, but are still shunned for their unnatural presence in Aloria." ;)
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