Archived Money Sinks - A Medium To Keep Perks And The Massive Experience

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Apr 7, 2013
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This is how it should have been from the beginning, and I have expressed such thoughts occasionally upon the community within MassiveCrafts. Many previous Donator perks should have been money sinks from the beginning, and consequently, because those in power neglected to listen to my thoughts, we have seen ridiculous or rather troubling changes in item pricings. In my time on the server, I have seen prices on diamond blocks go from around 1000 regals to a mere 400. God armor has dropped from its gaping 1500 regal price point to a startling 200 regals. This is because of the neglect of attention to the issues right in front of everyone's face. I don't say this to bash on staff, I say this because issues have been kicked down the road for far too long. Hope is still here. Let me introduce MassiveMoneySinks!!
Money sinks will not only upgrade the MassiveCraft experience after EULA compliance, but will be able to revive Donator perks that non-donators never had gotten to use. Here are Simple changes:

/fix f - Charge 15 regals per usage.

/lore - Charge 20 regals per usage.

/bp - Charge 100 regals for 1 week of use.

/wb - Charge 10 regals for 1 week of use.

/t a slot - (Adds one more trait slot. Max 10.) Charge 150 regals per additional slot.

/book copyright - Charge 20 regals per copyright.

/book copy - Charge 5 regals per copy.

/plot add - Charge 50 regals per additional plot. (Max 4)

These are just examples, adding a charge can be made to anything. Numbers are just for an example, numbers can be replaced with any number desired by staff. Please make it so everyone can have access to premium perks that are being done away with, but it is inappropriate to add things that will be abused (Ex. /fix) without charging a base regal cost. We have seen the effects on the economy, and I ask for it to stop. So in addition to my complaints, I offer a solution. Thanks for your time :)

People I would like to tag: @Cayorion @Staff @Thortuna @MonMarty @Gethelp @Addrion @Diaphonos @Omnomivore @Lazzulai @Jackson413

Note: I realise that this will not be on the list as highest priorities, but I feel adding some of the perks (with a little regal moderation) back may make players a little less frustrated with changes made to Donator perks and in return may alleviate some of the backfire that staff will face from such compliance changes.
Best of luck to you guys, next couple months may be rough :)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
All I got from this is....isnt darkrooming a big pain in the ass because youd have to make a new one every month..
it honestly takes like an hour maybe two of darkrooming to earn like 200-400regals.
either everyone is extagerating this
or i have just horrible luck
last time i spend an hour in the darkroom i got like... 6 regals >.>
and while it maybe isn't hard, i stil would like to use teh time i wasted in teh darkroomg eting regals, rp'ing...
either everyone is extagerating this
or i have just horrible luck
last time i spend an hour in the darkroom i got like... 6 regals >.>
and while it maybe isn't hard, i stil would like to use teh time i wasted in teh darkroomg eting regals, rp'ing...
Just..idk in your downtime I guess, theres no way that you can always find someone to RP with or somethign going on; you can find time to just spam left click in a small, windowed minecraft and watch netflix/youtube/etc :)
I disagree. Having an IRL ideology that is seperate from a fictional universe makes sense. The Harry Potter world uses different economics than our world. Narnia, whatever you want to call the world the hunger games is in, Oz, etc. Fictional universes dont run with the same rules as ours. Therefore we shouldnt think of them in the same way.

This isn't a fictional economy though. You can not compare massivecrafts economy to books or movies because massive's economy is based on voluntary transactions between real people.

The only differences between massive's economy and the irl economy is scarcity and labor intensity . We never have to worry about running out of stuff, and since this is a video game getting these materials is hardly labor intensive. This is what causes specialization not to exist.

This is a minecraft thing. In other games like EVE and LIF:YO there is quite a bit of division of labor because of the time it takes to get resources.

However regaurdless if we ignore scarcity and labor we see massive's economy shares the same economic principles of the real economy infact it is comparable to an anarcho-capitalist economy described by Murray Rothbard.

The real kicker is that the lack of the irl economic principle of scarcity, and of specialization is causing failures in the economy. I theorize that as people loot hordes have grown bigger in the past 3 years that the number of voluntary transactions have steadily fallen due to people being able to get anything they want.

Pokyug says that laziness is what is creating the collapse of the economy, but the only voluntary transactions that happen anymore are lazy people who dont want to get their own stuff. That is why shops that cater to lazy people by selling everything make more money than shops that only sell a few things.
To be honest, these economy changes do not concern a vast majority of the server. I'm sure new players like having cheap diamonds, and I also know that pretty much every PvPer likes it as it gives them ways to fix their armor and have weapons with which to fight. To quote Vanos, (@Gobian) "That sounds like a you problem."
The issue is that there is too much of a surplus. I'm sure you as a pvper, being on the server for almost 2 years, have more than plenty of god armor and weapons. This is a "Me Problem", because nobody else seems to care. I want things to be harder to get, because I realised shortly after the 1.8 changes, that it was more than easy to get 10 doublechests of lv30 enchants within a week. I think that's ridiculous, god armor should be something very difficult to obtain, I feel the same about regals. I only have fun, when things are hard to get. The same goes for (many) other people, they play the server for a month, get everything they'd ever need on massivecraft and leave because there is no incentive to play any further. Yes, it should be harder for players to get regals, voting and darkrooming provides far more than a sufficient number of regals.
@Synthesia If you want, I can tell you how to enchant properly. It will show you how screwed the system really is. On the server, I have about 250 Lvs of EXP, which I calculated, is enough to make 20 doublechests of lv30 enchants. That is ridiculous, it took me only 2 weeks to get that much EXP, and I could get it faster in the future.
There already is a 'money sink' in effect.

PVPers that actively PVP are now spending hundreds (or more) of regals a day on their armor. If you don'th ave a richshop, you're not making that back at the same rate.

I've spent 2k in the past 2 or 3 days just /fixing my armor after pvping. I'm sure that miners, terraformers, and people who actively darkroom are seeing the same problem.

/fix is already destroying everyone's money balance, we don't need more things to do just that. XD
@Synthesia I have about 250 Lvs of EXP, which I calculated, is enough to make 20 doublechests of lv30 enchants.

Not even close.

A doublechest has 56 slots. Level 30 enchants cost 3 xp levels and once your xp levels drop below 30 you can no longer do level 30 enchants so let's do some math.

Since we can't make level 30 enchants below level 30 we can subtract 30 from the 250 to bring it down to 220. Level 30 enchants cost 3 xp levels so we divide 220 by 3 which is 73 and 1/3. SO that means you can at max fill about 74 slots which isn't even 2 double chests let alone 20.
Calling Americans ignorant while at the same time saying common sense doesn't exist. Just because you lack common sense doesn't mean it does not exist.

Common sense isn't common. I'm here all week folks!

Honestly, in my opinion there just needs to be more incentive for cycling money through the economy. The very few and wealthy wouldn't be too affected by this money draining system, it would cause much more trouble for poorer people who don't have an as steady income on the server. If you want to fix the economy, stop deflating it to the extreme and figure out a way to get people with a lot of money to buy people's stuff who don't have a lot of money. People are too self sustaining, especially the people with a lot of money. That's why there isn't a ton of money in the market and prices are dropping. Which reminds me, deflating the market like this won't help with the decreasing prices you mentioned.
@Synthesia If you want, I can tell you how to enchant properly. It will show you how screwed the system really is. On the server, I have about 250 Lvs of EXP, which I calculated, is enough to make 20 doublechests of lv30 enchants. That is ridiculous, it took me only 2 weeks to get that much EXP, and I could get it faster in the future.
And? Why is that a bad thing?
The issue is that there is too much of a surplus. I'm sure you as a pvper, being on the server for almost 2 years, have more than plenty of god armor and weapons. This is a "Me Problem", because nobody else seems to care. I want things to be harder to get, because I realised shortly after the 1.8 changes, that it was more than easy to get 10 doublechests of lv30 enchants within a week. I think that's ridiculous, god armor should be something very difficult to obtain, I feel the same about regals. I only have fun, when things are hard to get. The same goes for (many) other people, they play the server for a month, get everything they'd ever need on massivecraft and leave because there is no incentive to play any further. Yes, it should be harder for players to get regals, voting and darkrooming provides far more than a sufficient number of regals.
Again, a "You Problem." Just because you have fun when things are hard to get, doesn't mean others have to.
Not even close.

A doublechest has 56 slots. Level 30 enchants cost 3 xp levels and once your xp levels drop below 30 you can no longer do level 30 enchants so let's do some math.

Since we can't make level 30 enchants below level 30 we can subtract 30 from the 250 to bring it down to 220. Level 30 enchants cost 3 xp levels so we divide 220 by 3 which is 73 and 1/3. SO that means you can at max fill about 74 slots which isn't even 2 double chests let alone 20.
Actually, a Doublechest has 54 slots (9x6) and by the way, you are enchanting wrong. Plain and Simple.
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And? Why is that a bad thing?
Why is it bad?? @Synthesia , even you are not idiotic enough not to know why this is bad. I can explain cause some people don't understand. -inserts laughing crying emoji-
250 EXP before the 1.8 update was just enough to make 183 lv30 enchants.
Now with the enchanting system on the server 250 EXP is enough to make 829.9 enchants.
That means its 4.5 Times easier to enchant. 4.5 times more easy to obtain the enchants you need.
4.5 times more easy to get a god sword. 4.5 times more easy to get god armor.
It is far easier to make god armor than there is demand for it. Its almost as easy as the fishing ages to get god armor now. Not quite, but close.
That is why it is bad.

(If someone wants to verify my calculations, I'll explain it to @Staff. Furthermore, I refuse to tell any more players how to properly enchant.)
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Why is it bad?? @Synthesia , even you are not idiotic enough not to know why this is bad. I can explain cause some people don't understand. -inserts laughing crying emoji-
250 EXP before the 1.8 update was just enough to make 183 lv30 enchants.
Now with the enchanting system on the server 250 EXP is enough to make 829.9 enchants.
That means its 4.5 Times easier to enchant. 4.5 times more easy to obtain the enchants you need.
4.5 times more easy to get a god sword. 4.5 times more easy to get god armor.
It is far easier to make god armor than there is demand for it. Its almost as easy as the fishing ages to get god armor now. Not quite, but close.
That is why it is bad.

(If someone wants to verify my calculations, I'll explain it to @Staff. Furthermore, I refuse to tell any more players how to properly enchant.)
You haven't given me a genuine reason as to why this is bad and why it affects the wider community, you've simply called me an idiot and thrown numbers at me. So I'm going to ask for the second time, why is having easily obtainable gear bad? 99 percent of people on the server are not regal tycoons and are simply looking for an RP/Factions/PvP server, me included. Your changes create a great hindrance for those people, and when last I checked, that was a majority of the people on the server. Who cares that it is easier to obtain God Armor? Hell, if obtaining God Armor easily was a thing when I started, I would have welcomed it with open arms. It took me a WEEK of darkrooming to make my first set of God Armor, and I while I felt a great deal of accomplishment, it was time I would have rather spent elsewhere on the server. I would prefer a server where everyone was rich and having fun over a server where almost everyone is poor except for an elite few any day of the week.
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Actually, a Doublechest has 54 slots (9x6) and by the way, you are enchanting wrong. Plain and Simple.
No, I'm one of the best enchanters on the server I just don't pull my figures out of my butt like you do.

I'll humor you let''s see this magical process you have for enchanting things that can 10x the possible output.

Hell even if you were doing all level 1 enchants you still wouldn't get 20 double chests because you'd only fill 250 slots which is a little less than 5 double chests. :P
I'm inclined to agree with @Jackmo_Jones here. Also if you would please answer @Synthesia question from above that would be great. I really want to see your answer to that.
You haven't given me a genuine reason as to why this is bad and why it affects the wider community, you've simply called me an idiot and thrown numbers at me. So I'm going to ask for the second time, why is having easily obtainable gear bad?
Common sense isn't common. I'm here all week folks!

Honestly, in my opinion there just needs to be more incentive for cycling money through the economy. The very few and wealthy wouldn't be too affected by this money draining system, it would cause much more trouble for poorer people who don't have an as steady income on the server. If you want to fix the economy, stop deflating it to the extreme and figure out a way to get people with a lot of money to buy people's stuff who don't have a lot of money. People are too self sustaining, especially the people with a lot of money. That's why there isn't a ton of money in the market and prices are dropping. Which reminds me, deflating the market like this won't help with the decreasing prices you mentioned.

We shouldn't worry about circulating active players wealth. We should worry about circulating inactive peoples wealth. 49% of the economy is in inactive accounts. If we were to set up an inheritance plugin which allowed players, who either get banned or become inactive past 100 days, the ability to set up who their wealth will transfer to, and if no inheritance is set it gets moved into a pool that is distributed through voting.

This ensures two things. One that money is always circulating into active accounts, and two that money from voting isn't just created from thin air which causes inflation. If you want a healthy Fiat Currency you need to only have a certain amount circulating through the economy. It is why Bitcoin is better than other fiat currencies.
This ensures two things. One that money is always circulating into active accounts, and two that money from voting isn't just created from thin air which causes inflation. If you want a healthy Fiat Currency you need to only have a certain amount circulating through the economy. It is why Bitcoin is better than other fiat currencies.
1) i don't think we should worry about inflation for now
2) What if that 'pool' ran out?
3) feel free to correct me on this, but last thing i heard about bitcoin is that it's basicly worthless because there is almost no restriction to it >.>
1) i don't think we should worry about inflation for now
2) What if that 'pool' ran out?
3) feel free to correct me on this, but last thing i heard about bitcoin is that it's basicly worthless because there is almost no restriction to it >.>

1. Fiat Currency is a very scary thing. Its value is only theory based meaning any little thing can make it worthless, so yes I believe monitoring inflation is very key.

2. If the pool ran out then no more voter money, however, inheritance would not be the only thing feeding into this pool. Anytime the server sinks money out it would be put into this pool, so the money that comes from regalia rent and Market rent, locks, and shops. It all goes into the creation pool to be recycled again. This might happen. I don't know. The regalian bank account might already do this, but If the server continues to pump in this fiat currency then what real value will it ever have?

3. 1 bitcoin is worth 417 USD, or 293 Pounds, or 545 CSD, or 372 euro, or 2708 yuan. But I mean it is a Fiat Currency, so its value is intrinsic, the only difference between bitcoin and those other fiat currencies is. It doesn't become inflated it just circulates.

I understand that this is a video game and the purpose is to have fun, however, one cannot roleplay an economy it requires a myriad of voluntary transactions.
1. Fiat Currency is a very scary thing. Its value is only theory based meaning any little thing can make it worthless, so yes I believe monitoring inflation is very key.
yes yes, monitoring inflation is alway's key
but for now i don't realy thinkw e should worry about inflation, and focus more on preventing deflation (eventough with 10R each vote that should be sorted for now)
2. If the pool ran out then no more voter money, however, inheritance would not be the only thing feeding into this pool. Anytime the server sinks money out it would be put into this pool, so the money that comes from regalia rent and Market rent, locks, and shops. It all goes into the creation pool to be recycled again. This might happen. I don't know. The regalian bank account might already do this, but If the server continues to pump in this fiat currency then what real value will it ever have?
actually a clever idea
3. 1 bitcoin is worth 417 USD, or 293 Pounds, or 545 CSD, or 372 euro, or 2708 yuan. But I mean it is a Fiat Currency, so its value is intrinsic, the only difference between bitcoin and those other fiat currencies is. It doesn't become inflated it just circulates.
source please?
yes yes, monitoring inflation is alway's key
but for now i don't realy think we should worry about inflation, and focus more on preventing deflation (even though with 10R each vote that should be sorted for now)

I don't get where you see the Regal as deflating? Deflating would mean a steady decrease in prices for all markets. I have not seen a steady decrease in prices for all markets. I have been on the server since the creation of the God Armor market, and I can assure you the price of god armor has only gone down as supply has increased greatly. In the early days of god armor only a few had the technology to make it, but soon that technology had spread, and innovation occurred. God Armor became easier with fishing, after fishing came the buff to armor durability. after armor durability came increased levels of darkrooming, and after dark rooming came the enchanting update, and now we have GodArmor4All. God Armor has become a household item that is why its price has dropped. The same could be said of a lot of markets.

The lack of scarcity on this server is the real cause for "deflation", and I am perfectly fine with this lack of scarcity. It is what allows Massivecraft to appeal to people. Sure I like games where you need to invest some time into them before you get good, but a lot of people that patronize Massivecraft just want to come on and play without having to worry about putting in 20 hours a week. Do I sometimes think "Wow I put hundreds of hours, and hundreds of dollars into this servers, and some punk can come in, and do what I am doing within a few days" sure sometimes I do, and I get a little upset, but I remember the sunk cost fallacy, and those past hours and dollars mean nothing on my future oppurtunity cost, and I think "This is amazing, I participated in a model economy that has gown so much, I have played a role in 3+ years of economic and technological evolution" When I first joined this server we were literally beating each other with sticks (vampirism plugin). Now the server has advanced to a point where we beat each other with glowing diamond weapons wearing glowing diamond armor. The average 1v1 between top tier pvprs lasting much longer than before.

So no I am not worried about deflation because the market will innovate. Just look at the expansion of out of game markets. People are using the servers fiat currency to exchange for real life things. No one was buying art with regals, or tutoring for regals when I first joined the server.

As for Bitcoin, you literally just have to google "Bitcoin to USD" and it gives you an exchange calculator
Deflation is happening because people have less money to spend... so prices come down with it... The value of the regal is rising, which means the economy is deflating.
you're looking at the past not at the now.
While i can't say that Deflation is happening right now, it is something we should look out for because the premium money injection is gone. Wich was arguable one of teh largest 'gates' trough wich money enterd the system.
Again, with the recent voting increase from 3 to 10 regals that should be sorted, or at least delayed. Deflation/Inflation doesn't happen in a day, or a week, it can take months, years, decennia, before it may become visable.
The lack of scarcity on this server is the real cause for "deflation", and I am perfectly fine with this lack of scarcity.
Increase (or the lack thereof) of suply actually has not much to do with 'deflation' or 'inflation'
you're looking at the past not at the now.
While i can't say that Deflation is happening right now, it is something we should look out for because the premium money injection is gone. Wich was arguable one of teh largest 'gates' trough wich money enterd the system.
Again, with the recent voting increase from 3 to 10 regals that should be sorted, or at least delayed. Deflation/Inflation doesn't happen in a day, or a week, it can take months, years, decennia, before it may become visable.

Increase (or the lack thereof) of suply actually has not much to do with 'deflation' or 'inflation'

The past matters because past trends can be used to predict future trends. There was a time before premiums were given regals, and before voting. From my knowledge The addition of those services really did not have a profound effect on the regal, and in their absence their was not any worry over deflation.

You fear deflation, but deflation really only negatively effects credit, something the massive economy does not have. Deflation is actually really healthy in a vacuum without credit because it lowers prices and increases demand which increases market productivity. There is plenty a case against deflation irl because of Malinvestment due to central banking manipulation of seemingly low credit rates. This is what causes contraction like the recessions in the 1930s and 2008, but there is not credit rates in Massivecraft, and there isn't any case of malinvestment.

There is really no reason not to have a 0% inflation rate because nothing will contract, there will not be a Boom then Bust effect.
No, I'm one of the best enchanters on the server I just don't pull my figures out of my butt like you do.

I'll humor you let''s see this magical process you have for enchanting things that can 10x the possible output.

Hell even if you were doing all level 1 enchants you still wouldn't get 20 double chests because you'd only fill 250 slots which is a little less than 5 double chests. :P
Again, because you are enchanting wrong. I've been open minded about sharing calculations, with a player who won't abuse it for his/her own means (AKA staff). With my enchanting system, guaranteed, you WILL get 829 lv 30 enchants with 250 lvs (And precisely the reason for me not breaking down calculations, otherwise you'd find out the method that I use. A player like you is not trustworthy of such a secret).
Again, because you are enchanting wrong. I've been open minded about sharing calculations, with a player who won't abuse it for his/her own means (AKA staff). With my enchanting system, guaranteed, you WILL get 829 lv 30 enchants with 250 lvs (And precisely the reason for me not breaking down calculations, otherwise you'd find out the method that I use. A player like you is not trustworthy of such a secret).
Obvious troll is obvious. :P
I've been open minded about sharing calculations, with a player who won't abuse it for his/her own means (AKA staff).
Who in their right mind would take this magic method of getting 829 lvl 30 enchants with 250 levels and NOT use it to their own means? I mean... unless its illegal... hmm /seen pokyug
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Again, because you are enchanting wrong. I've been open minded about sharing calculations, with a player who won't abuse it for his/her own means (AKA staff). With my enchanting system, guaranteed, you WILL get 829 lv 30 enchants with 250 lvs (And precisely the reason for me not breaking down calculations, otherwise you'd find out the method that I use. A player like you is not trustworthy of such a secret).
I really hope your /seen doesn't have something to do with this...
Who in their right mind would take this magic method of getting 829 lvl 30 enchants with 250 levels and NOT use it to their own means? I mean... unless its illegal... hmm /seen pokyug
My method for enchanting is not illegal, perfectly legal if I ask any staff member.
Requesting @Staff to please clean up this thread, flame and inappropriate topics are extremely prevalent.
The past matters because past trends can be used to predict future trends. There was a time before premiums were given Regals, and before voting. From my knowledge The addition of those services really did not have a profound effect on the regal, and in their absence their was not any worry over deflation.

Pepps, love your take on all of this, although I'm still worried. Sure there was a time before Premiums were showered with Regals... but back then there was also no cost per chunk being charged daily to factions.

I'm no economics wunderkind so I'll pose the following to the thread: Will faction land charges eventually suck all of the money out of the economy? There's no longer a steady injection of Premium Dollars to balance it out. Sure... money is being injected in from voting but it's a pittance compared to the previous influx from premium. I'm worried that the amount of Regals being 'sucked' out of the economy by land charges is going to outstrip by far the meager amount coming into the economy from voting. Will all of the Regals eventually just disappear leaving no money for factions to afford land, thereby ending the server?
I'm worried that the amount of Regals being 'sucked' out of the economy by land charges is going to outstrip by far the meager amount coming into the economy from voting
I don't think so. Right now you can get around 90r/day from voting, not even considering the 12 hour sites. If I remember land tax exactly, it's about 1r/10 chunks. So in one day you can pay for about 900 chunks, give or take a bit. I don't know exactly how big some factions are, but I think that voting alone can cover the average faction for a good few days or so.
Duping IS illegal. That's why you got in trouble for spreading word of your "method."
My method has nothing to do with duping, make another accusation and I WILL NOT HESITATE TO REPORT YOU. Just making sure you can sure you can read my warning, because obviously you failed to review basic server rules.
Server rules you have broken in your conversation on this thread, include but are not limited to:
  • Do not complain or otherwise accuse others in public chat channels.
  • Never accuse another player of cheating publicly.
  • Do not misuse chat channels for something else than their purpose.
  • Keep calm and prevent situations from deteriorating and be kind.
  • In general, respect each other and do not run around ruining the atmosphere for others just so you can have fun.
  • Staff bans, mutes, kicks, jails or any other form of punishment may not be publicly discussed. If you have a question about your or someone else's punishment, contact the staff on the forum or in game with a ticket. This also covers discussing banned players.
I would kindly remind you to read Massivecraft's Rules before speaking again.
- Click HERE for Server rules -​
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Pepps, love your take on all of this, although I'm still worried. Sure there was a time before Premiums were showered with Regals... but back then there was also no cost per chunk being charged daily to factions.

I'm no economics wunderkind so I'll pose the following to the thread: Will faction land charges eventually suck all of the money out of the economy? There's no longer a steady injection of Premium Dollars to balance it out. Sure... money is being injected in from voting but it's a pittance compared to the previous influx from premium. I'm worried that the amount of Regals being 'sucked' out of the economy by land charges is going to outstrip by far the meager amount coming into the economy from voting. Will all of the Regals eventually just disappear leaving no money for factions to afford land, thereby ending the server?
Nice insight, more players should think like you. After reading all this bullshit from these "PvPers", I'm seriously reconsidering wanting to come back onto the server. You are concise and straight to the point, I like that about you ^_^
I don't think so. Right now you can get around 90r/day from voting, not even considering the 12 hour sites. If I remember land tax exactly, it's about 1r/10 chunks. So in one day you can pay for about 900 chunks, give or take a bit. I don't know exactly how big some factions are, but I think that voting alone can cover the average faction for a good few days or so.
On average players get about 60-90 regals (per voting session) of value. That's not including lotteries, or values on rare items. Completely true. I just wish people understood it the way you did :)
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