Archived The Removal Of /fix And My Alternative Solution.

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Former Leader of Tyberia
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Tyberian Empire
Fix is an interesting feature on massivecraft, it allows the free (with a limit factor of how much you can do daily) repair of any item you want, while also keeping all of the enchants. This has many flaws. Namely in that it can keep items preserved indefinitely, without costing any resources (excluding real life money to get premium). This is problematic, as it allows a large build up in supply, which will eventually come to a point where items that are typically worth quite a large sum of money, become next to worthless. We've seen this happen on the server in recent months, with the massive dropping of the value of all god tools and weapons. This is caused solely (as demand has not changed) by the massive amount of supply, and we didn't get that massive amount of supply through just an increase of production means, we gained it through a lack of removal from the economy, and an infinite amount of resources.
So, what do we do? Some people's proposed solution is to create sinks for objects such as diamonds, and set a minimum price for them. The idea would certainly get rid of diamonds, and prevent people from selling them for extremely low prices. Other people oppose that idea, as it would lead to a less player-run economy, which to some is a selling point in the server in general. I personally sit in the middle, with a slight leaning toward implementation. While it would definitely assist with the economic situation of the server, I believe that there are better alternatives that do not infringe upon the lassiez-faire economic model we have at the moment.
My suggestion in this thread, is to completely remove the /fix feature, and edit the McMMO repair skill so that, at level 8/8 arcane forging (which is level 1k, but can be changed) enchantments are not lost or reduced, at all. Here are my reasons for why I think this would be the best course of action. Keep in mind I have already explained why fix is hurting the economy, so you may refer to the above for comparison.
First, the repair skill costs resources. When you repair something with McMMO, it takes the resources directly from your inventory to fix it. While this amount may be small at 1k (I do not have 1k repair, so maybe someone with higher fix would know exactly how much you can fix with how much resources at that level) it will still add up, and more importantly, it will cost resources to train in the first place, a lot of resources. This will create an effective sink for resources, not only diamond, but also iron and gold, for those who are training it up to get level 8/8 (they would use those resources as they are considerably cheaper) and increase the demand for them which would of course, raise the price. This is all done without any staff intervention, and keeps the economy the same model. YOU choose to level your repair up to 1k, YOU choose to use resources, or, YOU choose to pay someone to do it for you.
Which brings me to my second point. It introduces another play style, or maybe two. At the moment, there are maybe four things you can generally do on this server. RP, PvP (including enchanting and selling supplies to pvpers), build, and trade lore items for money. There are other ones, but I believe these are the four biggies. You can't brew for money anymore, as potions are craftable. Mining is pretty pointless as you wouldn't be able to sell anything for much. Fishing is only good for getting your salvaging up (which is also tied into repair wink wink). And woodcutting suffers the same problem as mining, although it's lesser. Farming is also pretty pointless, as PvPers usually buy in bulk from people they trust (Such as Jackson) so it makes people with non-Jackson levels of production struggle to make any money off the business. Repair though, is slightly different. The only reason that people do not use the repair skill for fixing things, is because it is unreliable. There's a very high chance that, even with 1k repair, you will loose that sharpness 5 enchant you have on your weapon. That's a /big/ thing to loose, and so effectively, the skill is debunk to the people who need repairs the most. If your enchanted weapon is so lightly enchanted that you don't worry about losing the enchants, you're probably not going to be able to use fix power to repair it anyway (I've not met many prems who do not use god swords, as by the time you're invested enough to purchase prem, you'll have gotten one). If this negative effect were to be removed, instantly repair would become a viable thing to train for some, while for others, it would be more smart just to pay someone who has 1k repair to fix your stuff for you (after all, repair level is hard and pretty expensive to train). This would immediately create a supply and demand set for the repair skill. The supply would be low due to the high investment required to get a skill that high, and the demand would be high because everyone who didn't have 1k repair would suddenly need someone else to fix their stuff for them. Training and focusing on repair would very quickly become viable, and a good way to make some dough if you're willing to invest. This would even make the McMMO boost of prem worth more, which would help offset the loss of value from losing /fix.
Third, the implementation. I have no clue, and I will admit this, to how difficult it would be to remove fix. Maybe a staff could answer that in the comments, I don't know. But I can imagine it would not be /quite/ as difficult to remove a feature as add one, so it seems pretty viable to me to remove /fix. But, even if it was very, very hard, I still think it would be worth it, because if /fix persists, the economy is just going to get worse and worse, before likely collapsing. Now, as for the repair skill, I KNOW this is easy to implement, because we already have McMMO on the server, and changing the arcane forging to not loose enchantments is as easy as changing
May_Lose_Enchants: true
Rank_1: 125
Rank_2: 250
Rank_3: 375
Rank_4: 500
Rank_5: 625
Rank_6: 750
Rank_7: 875
Rank_8: 1000
Rank_1: 10.0
Rank_2: 20.0
Rank_3: 30.0
Rank_4: 40.0
Rank_5: 50.0
Rank_6: 50.0
Rank_7: 60.0
Rank_8: 60.0 <--- This number to 100
Downgrades_Enabled: true
Rank_1: 75.0
Rank_2: 50.0
Rank_3: 40.0
Rank_4: 30.0
Rank_5: 25.0
Rank_6: 20.0
Rank_7: 15.0
Rank_8: 10.0 <---- And this number to zero
You could even change the level of repair you need to get to 8/8 repair if balancing is required, although I'm quite sure 1k is the golden number for balance in this instance.
Well, you've heard my proposal. I would love feedback in the comments as I am certainly no expert and I would love to hear a second opinion on this. Thank you for reading!
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