Mechbank Seeks New Branches Across Aloria!

Both you and Alex are officers correct? If that is the case I rather think that you need Ulu to override an officer (unless your faction has well labeled ranks like mine). As for 9thLegion being a warmonger faction I have not seen this ever. You fight when you need to and when you are threatened, not simply for the joy of it like Alamut.
Well, I am not an officer. However, I have two other officers to back myself up Zero_00 Erdu Cololee and schepper Schepper
At me, or Artilles? If me, sorry. The impact of them is still there IMO

At you both - I asked for a faction leader to be the one to do it but thought that you were an officer and thus could be trusted. Artilles though has no good reasons I've seen not to allow a Branch in Roma.

Either way I don't want to piss off 9thLegion so if it comes down to it I won't make a branch there.