Archived Massivetraits - Trait Brainstorming

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The Knave of Rats
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
I have been thinking a lot about the new traits system. Though still in it's infancy, it's pretty amazing already! Flooding my mind have been lots of ideas for other traits that would add to the RP experience.

As a roleplayer exclusively, most of the current traits aren't of much use to me. I love the current emotes as a charisma based character and it got me thinking about more RP based traits.

Here are a few of my crude ideas for new traits that I think could make RP even more fun:

  • +10 More Animal/Mob Emotes: One for each animal/mob in the game. Ever want to cluck like a chicken?
  • +10 Colorful Language: Once per minute can use colored text in chat.
  • +20 Loudmouth: Players can hear what you say from even farther away.
  • -20 Soft-spoken: Cannot yell or scream.
  • -50 Cakeivore: For nobles who only eat cake.
  • -100 Drunk: permanent nausea effect unless drinking (some kind of reverse nausea situation) & speech slur effect
  • -30 Teetotaler: Nausea effects from drinks last twice as long and add blindness.
  • -100 Blind: Permanent blindness effect Already a thing!
  • -100 Bad leg: Permanent slowness effect Already a thing!
  • -100 Old age: 3/4 health and random slowness effects
  • +25 Thrifty: Gain 10 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Entrepreneur: Gain 20 regals per 24 hours
  • +100 Captain of Industry: Gain 50 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Claustrophobic: Bad effects while below block 60 (Elves)
  • +50 Agorophobic: Bad effects while above block 60 (Dwarves)
  • +30 Pyrotechnician: Can use a firework-like effect once in a while.
  • +50 Demolitions Expert: Low chance of keeping tnt even after placing it.
  • +100 Musician: Plays a random music disk (10 min cooldown?)

PS I have no idea how many are possible with the current software. I hope you enjoyed and will share your own ideas below.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Here are another few ideas I have but I am not sure if they are possible:

+30 IronGripMaster: Add 45% chance to resist disarm.
+50 DisarmMaster: Add 33% chance to disarm target when using bare hands.
+100 LastManStanding: Triggers when 2 or more allys within 20 blocks die and no further allys are within 25 blocks. On trigger: Gives resistance 2 and strenght 2 for 30 seconds.
+50 PowerStomp: When landing on a enemy, the enemy recieves all falldamage you would have recieved.
-75 VeryFragile: maxHealth (nbt tag each player has dictating the base max health) gets cut down to 5 hearts.

Note: Since I am not sure which of both would be something you want more I have then at +- ?.

+- ? TowerStance: Decrease knockback for the player by X% (doable via player nbt tag)
+- ? FeatherStance: Increase knockback for the player by Y% (doable via playern nbt tag)
- Summoning spells
Based on the type of spell, the player can summon one or more potentially hostile mobs with or without armor. Having a cool down or a cost would balance it out. I personally think experience points would be a justifiable cost.
- A trait that mimics the Yanar's ability to heal others and/or themselves
It's balanced because healing allies in the midst of battle is too much of a hassle. Cool down can be added if you're still hesitant on the idea.
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Crawler +25: Move 25% faster when sneaking.

Potion vulnerable +50: All potion affect you 20% more, both buff and debuff.

Noticeable -30: Mobs will detect you further away and become agro quicker.

Weak draw -55: Bows take 20% longer to draw and has 20% less range.

Creeper blood +75: On death, you have a 20% chance to drop an activated tnt block.

Ender blood +75: When near death (half a heart) you have a 10% chance to teleport away for no damage.

Club fighter +50: Shovels deal 75% more damage. (This makes a diamond shovel deal the same damage as a diamond sword.)

Creeper blood +75: On death, you have a 20% chance to drop an activated tnt block.
Imagine being a non prem. You die, and then the TNT you spawned blows up the stuff you dropped.
Anyway, I like the idea as a premium trait. Although it could literally cause suicide bombers in Regalia.
Imagine being a non prem. You die, and then the TNT you spawned blows up the stuff you dropped.
Anyway, I like the idea as a premium trait. Although it could literally cause suicide bombers in Regalia.
I would assume it would be non-affective in Regalia due to no PVP.
Here are a few of my suggestions:

  • +75 Golemancy: Iron Golems have 10% increased health and damage, and will follow you, and attack your targets. Right click with a iron sword to make them go back to 'normal' mode.
  • +75 Coven: If 6+ unholy are gathered in within 20 blocks, they gain a 10% damage increase, and a 15% chance to inflict 10 second wither with both melee and ranged. (if someone already has wither strike, it goes up to 15% with melee, not 20%, and archery stays at 33%)
  • -50 Dazed: 5% chance to be stunned by unarmed, shovels, or axes
  • +75 Scythe Wielder: Pick-axes now deal 9 damage, and have a 15% chance to deal 1 heart instant damage and heal 1 heart. (Pick-axes don't scale with mcmmo, so if someone was using this as their main weapon they have to have some advantages)
  • +50 Charged Jump: By holding shift and space bar, you can 'charge' up a jump, which can go up to 3.5 blocks high by charging for 5 seconds
Aaand back for more ideas (and I got a whole lot of them, some tame, some kinda crazy):

  • +50 PowerLeech: On kill drain 1 power from the opponent to yourself (given the opponent has at least 3 power).
  • +50 ExtendedBackpack (premium only): Extend the Backpack by 9?(18?/27?) additional slots. Warning: If any items are in these slots they will be dropped upon trait removal.
  • -40 WildAffinity: Forfeit the damage reduction in claimed land of your faction (the -30%).
  • +100 Summoner(hostile): Gain the ability to summon mobs by sacrifizing a number of their drops (50 for zombie , skeleton (bone), spider (string) , pigmen (gold nuggets) and slime. 25 for blaze and magma cube. 10 for enderman and ghast.). Ability is disabled in regalia for obvious reasons.
  • +100 Summoner(passive): Gain the ability to summon passive mobs by sacrificing a large number of their drops (50 for pig, cow, ocelot (fish) and horse (leather). 10 for chicken(feather)).
  • +75 Second Wind: When recieving a strike that would have killed you your health gets set to 3 hearts. You gain Weakness X, Speed 5 and Resistance 3 for 3 seconds. Cooldown for this ability is 15 minutes. Cooldown countdown starts when the trait is added or the ability is used (you have to wait 15 minutes after adding the trait for it to become useable).
  • +75 MagicRetrieval: When dying with 20 levels or more you lose 20 levels but get to keep the item in your equiped slot (in pvp death).
  • +75 FastLearner: Mobs YOU kill drop 50% more xp.
  • -50 CrystalAlergic: Take 1 heart of damage every second you wear 1 or more piece of diamond armor.
  • +50 (+75?) LeatherAffinity: Regenerate half a heart every 3 seconds and gain half a drumstick every 3 seconds while wearing full leather armor.
  • +50 (+75)GoldPower: Gain Strenght 1 and Weakness 2 (to balance) while wearing full gold armor.
  • +50 Pack Hunter: +3% Damage per Player with Pack Hunter nearby (25 blocks), caps at 30%. (<-Vespid Ability)
  • +50 NaturalResistance: Gain Resistance 2 While not wearing any kind of armor.
Had a few ones floating about, not sure if they've been suggested yet or not

+30 Butcher: 30% Chance to drop extra loot when killing mobs (Meat only, rotten flesh included)
+30 Domesticate: Can prevent wild wolves from attacking by clicking with a bone, resets them to neutral status and can be tamed furthermore
-50 Acrophobia: 50% more damage from falling, does not work with falldamageimmune(Or whatever its called that removes fall damage)
+150 Berserk: Gains bonus 1 speed, 1 resistance, 1 strength point for every 2 hearts missing, stacks at a cap of bonus 4 speed, resistance, and strength (Does not gain 'charges' when losing health from health boost or absorption, or any out of usual health, Premium only, Milk can remove these effects but not the health, should you want to lose these stats)
+100 SpellResistance: All magical damage is reduced by 30% (Ex Fireball)
I don't know if it is suggested yet, but please add buzz/chirp/click/... emote traits for Meketts!!! :D

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
Had a few ones floating about, not sure if they've been suggested yet or not

+30 Butcher: 30% Chance to drop extra loot when killing mobs (Meat only, rotten flesh included)
+30 Domesticate: Can prevent wild wolves from attacking by clicking with a bone, resets them to neutral status and can be tamed furthermore
-50 Acrophobia: 50% more damage from falling, does not work with falldamageimmune(Or whatever its called that removes fall damage)
+150 Berserk: Gains bonus 1 speed, 1 resistance, 1 strength point for every 2 hearts missing, stacks at a cap of bonus 4 speed, resistance, and strength (Does not gain 'charges' when losing health from health boost or absorption, or any out of usual health, Premium only, Milk can remove these effects but not the health, should you want to lose these stats)
+100 SpellResistance: All magical damage is reduced by 30% (Ex Fireball)
Strength 4 would be Op
I have a couple.

Fat +45: Swords and axes do 30% less damage but you get Slowness 1
Skinny +35: Swords and Axes do 30% more damage but you get speed 2
Holy Brewer +50: Gain a Holy Water bottle every 25 minutes
Fast chewer +10: Eat food faster but have a 40% chance to lose a heart due to choking on food
I would like to add my own ideas: numbers and names are changeable
  • Wooden: Flames do more damage
  • Certain effects only during night and their day counterparts (maybe only if open sky above head?)
  • Weak: All damage does more
  • Strong: All damage is reduced
  • Inner Frailty: All negative potion effects are increased
  • Inner Strength: All negative potion effects are decreased
  • Inner Energy: All positive potion effects are increased
  • Inner Deficiency: All positive potion effects are decreased
  • Stone: Flames do less damage
  • Day Shield: If you have not hurt anyone within X minutes, during the day, you cannot be hurt
  • Night Shield: If you have not hurt anyone within X minutes, during the night, you cannot be hurt
  • Trait Slot: Gives an extra trait slot (does not take one up) in return for points (Can do this trait multiple times?)
  • Trait Points: Gives some more trait points in exchange for a trait slot (Can do this trait multiple times?)
  • Fruition: You are a plant so you produce plant food after a period of time. (Maybe melon or potato?)
  • Power Hungry: You gain faction power faster
  • Power Deficiency: Your max faction power is less
  • Power Capacity: Max faction power is more
  • Slow Rise to Power: You gain faction power slower
  • Deadly Power: Lose less faction power on death
  • Lively Power: Lose more faction power on death
  • Inconceivable: You are dim witted and slow, so you cannot mess with redstone (can still press buttons and pull levers etc.)
  • Insane: Randomly have fits of nausea and blindness
  • Delusional: Will randomly see mobs and things no one else can see
  • Alchemical Retard: Cannot make or use potions
  • Alchemical Expert: Make two potions instead of one
  • Effect Retard: All potions effects are ineffective (they don't do anything)
  • Pi: Can only eat pumpkin pie or numbers
  • Necromancer: Summon Undead at the wave of your hand! (Warning: Does not give truce)
  • Mother Spider: Summon spiders at the wave of your hand! (Warning: Does not give truce) (Cave variant of this trait?)
  • Explosive Device: Summon creepers at the wave of your hand! (Warning: Does not give truce) (Make this more expensive than the others)
  • Ghastly: Summon ghasts at the wave of your hand! (Warning: Does not give truce)
  • And ETC. for mob summoning (maybe add animals too?)
  • Ender Wand: Teleport around like an enderman without pearls! (still does fall damage)
  • SoulBound: Dogs die when you die (if they're not sitting)
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I have a couple.

Fat +45: Swords and axes do 30% less damage but you get Slowness 1
Skinny +35: Swords and Axes do 30% more damage but you get speed 2
Holy Brewer +50: Gain a Holy Water bottle every 25 minutes
Fast chewer +10: Eat food faster but have a 40% chance to lose a heart due to choking on food
I use 150 point on speed 2 and axe expert, to get both for 45 would be OP
Maybe have a Dakkar trait at the same total cost of the combined talents but takes ups less slots because as of now to get to be a Dakkar as they were you basically need all of your slots to do it and Im not sure it is doable as a non-premium.
This may have been suggested before. I skimmed through the previous posts and didn't see it anywhere.
Schizophrenic (-75): Hear random sounds at random volumes, see random mobs that aren't there, and see random particle effects. Random text will also appear in your chat box. Effect gets more common in low light levels. Always have void particles.

I would take that just to see it.
This may have been suggested before. I skimmed through the previous posts and didn't see it anywhere.
Schizophrenic (-75): Hear random sounds at random volumes, see random mobs that aren't there, and see random particle effects. Random text will also appear in your chat box. Effect gets more common in low light levels. Always have void particles.

I would take that just to see it.
oooOOOoooh...That sounds interesting.
That would require access to the graphic drivers on the client. (Correct me if i am wrong)
Anyway thet would require client side stuff. Not possible until we get the plugin API.

Eheheh. The latest versions of Minecraft include some particularly awesome features, such as shaders. There is one shader (already installed, don't forget) that let's you see in a spider's view. That's right; orb-like and in 8 (?) sectors. And, all you need to do is press the 'Super Secret Shaders' button enough times until it pops up!

I have been thinking a lot about the new traits system. Though still in it's infancy, it's pretty amazing already! Flooding my mind have been lots of ideas for other traits that would add to the RP experience.

As a roleplayer exclusively, most of the current traits aren't of much use to me. I love the current emotes as a charisma based character and it got me thinking about more RP based traits.

Here are a few of my crude ideas for new traits that I think could make RP even more fun:

  • +10 More Animal/Mob Emotes: One for each animal/mob in the game. Ever want to cluck like a chicken?
  • +10 Colorful Language: Once per minute can use colored text in chat.
  • +20 Loudmouth: Players can hear what you say from even farther away.
  • -20 Soft-spoken: Cannot yell or scream.
  • -50 Cakeivore: For nobles who only eat cake.
  • -100 Drunk: permanent nausea effect unless drinking (some kind of reverse nausea situation) & speech slur effect
  • -30 Teetotaler: Nausea effects from drinks last twice as long and add blindness.
  • -100 Blind: Permanent blindness effect Already a thing!
  • -100 Bad leg: Permanent slowness effect Already a thing!
  • -100 Old age: 3/4 health and random slowness effects
  • +25 Thrifty: Gain 10 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Entrepreneur: Gain 20 regals per 24 hours
  • +100 Captain of Industry: Gain 50 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Claustrophobic: Bad effects while below block 60 (Elves)
  • +50 Agorophobic: Bad effects while above block 60 (Dwarves)
  • +30 Pyrotechnician: Can use a firework-like effect once in a while.
  • +50 Demolitions Expert: Low chance of keeping tnt even after placing it.
  • +100 Musician: Plays a random music disk (10 min cooldown?)

PS I have no idea how many are possible with the current software. I hope you enjoyed and will share your own ideas below.

+30 Pyrotechnician: Can use a firework-like effect once in a while = negative because it gives away position in combat
+100 Musician: Plays a random music disk (10 min cooldown?) = negative because again it gives away position

-100 Drunk: permanent nausea effect unless drinking (some kind of reverse nausea situation) & speech slur effect = pirate :3
I think gaining regals from traits would result in total mess of economy. Just saying. :-P
The schizophrenia could also make you see mobs that are not there, I don't know if it's possible ^^

However, a couple of ideas.
Squishy: Your flesh is soft and squishy, you take more damage from weapons, less damage from unarmed and from falling.
FightClub: When attacked unarmed, you gain +30% unarmed damage yourself.
ChiBlocker: (that one would cost quite a bit) When attacking unarmed, you have a 10% chance to disable a random positive trait of your victim for 1min. Cooldown of 2min. It could deactivate an already deactivated trait, in which case it resets the 1min countdown.

Also, some racial packs could be interesting, maybe with less slots available (align with non prem, in regards to the EULA) to avoid overpowering.

Two slight suggestions for maiar :
StarveDry: because StarveSunlight is NOT adapted, it drains food quite fast, and much more importantly, when you're at the surface of water, it still drains food.
A modification to FlyWater: nullifies fall damage for 1s after leaving water (because else we die of fall damage when we leave the water horizontally)