Archived Massivetraits - Trait Brainstorming

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The Knave of Rats
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
I have been thinking a lot about the new traits system. Though still in it's infancy, it's pretty amazing already! Flooding my mind have been lots of ideas for other traits that would add to the RP experience.

As a roleplayer exclusively, most of the current traits aren't of much use to me. I love the current emotes as a charisma based character and it got me thinking about more RP based traits.

Here are a few of my crude ideas for new traits that I think could make RP even more fun:

  • +10 More Animal/Mob Emotes: One for each animal/mob in the game. Ever want to cluck like a chicken?
  • +10 Colorful Language: Once per minute can use colored text in chat.
  • +20 Loudmouth: Players can hear what you say from even farther away.
  • -20 Soft-spoken: Cannot yell or scream.
  • -50 Cakeivore: For nobles who only eat cake.
  • -100 Drunk: permanent nausea effect unless drinking (some kind of reverse nausea situation) & speech slur effect
  • -30 Teetotaler: Nausea effects from drinks last twice as long and add blindness.
  • -100 Blind: Permanent blindness effect Already a thing!
  • -100 Bad leg: Permanent slowness effect Already a thing!
  • -100 Old age: 3/4 health and random slowness effects
  • +25 Thrifty: Gain 10 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Entrepreneur: Gain 20 regals per 24 hours
  • +100 Captain of Industry: Gain 50 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Claustrophobic: Bad effects while below block 60 (Elves)
  • +50 Agorophobic: Bad effects while above block 60 (Dwarves)
  • +30 Pyrotechnician: Can use a firework-like effect once in a while.
  • +50 Demolitions Expert: Low chance of keeping tnt even after placing it.
  • +100 Musician: Plays a random music disk (10 min cooldown?)

PS I have no idea how many are possible with the current software. I hope you enjoyed and will share your own ideas below.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
You might be happy to know that there are already traits that give permanent blindness and slowness.
I like them. You can tell who the REAL roleplayers are by who uses the -100 effects. Right now I am racking my mind trying to think of more...maybe a stealthy trait for +50 or +100 that lets one toggle invisibility with a command...maybe when below a certain darkness level. -hasn't looked at the traits currently available...-
I would like to also see traits that could only be granted by permission in special circumstances. If this was implemented special traits could be added for things like:

Regalian Guards
Regalian Nobility
Custom Curses for Individuals
I like them. You can tell who the REAL roleplayers are by who uses the -100 effects. Right now I am racking my mind trying to think of more...maybe a stealthy trait for +50 or +100 that lets one toggle invisibility with a command...maybe when below a certain darkness level. -hasn't looked at the traits currently available...-

No judging in brainstorming, but It's been mentioned a few times in the past that invisibility won't be added because of troubles policing players who are using it. Who knows though, it sure would be fun.
Cakivore, this is just... EPIC. But what if you're travelling around town :O You'll die :O
A couple subrace related ideas I had...

When using tree feller on trees a 50% chance per log to receive two logs.​
When using shears a 33% chance to receive double the wool from sheep​
+15% Bow Damage​
Gains the Health regeneration and Speed I potion affects when in the snow.​
Gain the Health regeneration affect when in light level lower then 4.​
+12% Damage with unarmed. Raw meat fills the same amount of hunger as if it was cooked.​
+8% Damage with Unarmed, Axes, Swords, and Bows. +12% Damage from magical sources.​
Mer Maiar:
Absorption II when in Water.​
Predator Maiar:
+8% Damage when in water. Uncooked food fills the same amount as if it was cooked.​
Reef Maiar:
After not moving in water for 10 seconds they gain the Invisibility potion effect as long as they do not move.​
Shepherd Maiar:
+40% Faster swim speed compared to all other Maiars. Slowness I when on land. Do not loose hunger while swimming.​
Also as someone who never is involved in pvp/factions/survival I like this. RP was what drew we to this server and it has done a great job keeping me here! LOVE IT!!
Some of these would be way to OP. Especially the regals one. People with alt accounts could literally make 100r for doing nothing, and thats only with 2 alt accounts. Also, the soft voice trait would basically be free points for anyone who does not RP, so that is slightly unbalanced.
Some of these would be way to OP. Especially the regals one. People with alt accounts could literally make 100r for doing nothing, and thats only with 2 alt accounts. Also, the soft voice trait would basically be free points for anyone who does not RP, so that is slightly unbalanced.
That is right if this gets added I have loan some friends account. I could easily manage to borrow 5 accounts meaning 250 regals a day. That is a lot.
Hm, I was thinking about a trait like:

Good Listener: Can hear whispers, and speech from a farther distance.

Good for recon characters. I'll probably think of more, but this is all I've thought of.
I have been thinking a lot about the new traits system. Though still in it's infancy, it's pretty amazing already! Flooding my mind have been lots of ideas for other traits that would add to the RP experience.

As a roleplayer exclusively, most of the current traits aren't of much use to me. I love the current emotes as a charisma based character and it got me thinking about more RP based traits.

Here are a few of my crude ideas for new traits that I think could make RP even more fun:

  • +10 More Animal/Mob Emotes: One for each animal/mob in the game. Ever want to cluck like a chicken?
  • +10 Colorful Language: Once per minute can use colored text in chat.
  • +20 Loudmouth: Players can hear what you say from even farther away.
  • -20 Soft-spoken: Cannot yell or scream.
  • -50 Cakeivore: For nobles who only eat cake.
  • -100 Drunk: permanent nausea effect unless drinking (some kind of reverse nausea situation) & speech slur effect
  • -30 Teetotaler: Nausea effects from drinks last twice as long and add blindness.
  • -100 Blind: Permanent blindness effect Already a thing!
  • -100 Bad leg: Permanent slowness effect Already a thing!
  • -100 Old age: 3/4 health and random slowness effects
  • +25 Thrifty: Gain 10 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Entrepreneur: Gain 20 regals per 24 hours
  • +100 Captain of Industry: Gain 50 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Claustrophobic: Bad effects while below block 60 (Elves)
  • +50 Agorophobic: Bad effects while above block 60 (Dwarves)
  • +30 Pyrotechnician: Can use a firework-like effect once in a while.
  • +50 Demolitions Expert: Low chance of keeping tnt even after placing it.
  • +100 Musician: Plays a random music disk (10 min cooldown?)

PS I have no idea how many are possible with the current software. I hope you enjoyed and will share your own ideas below.
There is already used sounds in other emotes. So it should be possible.
Everything chat related should be possible. Because the chat plugin is in-house.
Cakeivore, we already have herbivore and cantremembernameivore. So this should be possible.
Permanent nausea yep possible we already have other permanent effects. And the water thing should be possible to by listening to different events in the bukkit API.
Extra nausea from potions.
Old age. There is health scaling but I am not sure how to use it. Anyway I bet there is a way to do that.
All the money stuff, is possible.
The bad thing when above/below is possible. Either using playermoveevent or checking for all players position every X seconds.
Musician yes possible to play sounds with emotes, so this should work to. But discs work a little different, so I can't guarantee.
TNT keeping yes the most bukkit programmers could code it in 5 minutes.
Firework effect. That is playing particles and I don't know much about that part of the Bukkit API. I dunno if this is possible but I guess it is.

I hope this helps to understand what is possible and what isn't.
what if you made "good listener" a trait that allowed you to hear all channels within a certain distance (so like local, but all private chats and faction chats sent by people within a 50 block radius)... THAT would be a good one to have... Could be countered with a trait called "sign language"...
Fire vulnerable: burning lasts longer, twice as long as usual, thus you take more damage

Horde: your damage increases by 5% for every person that has this trait within a 75 block radius stacks to a total of 100% (Double damage, I think?)
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I would like to also see traits that could only be granted by permission in special circumstances. If this was implemented special traits could be added for things like:

Regalian Guards
Regalian Nobility
Custom Curses for Individuals
This would be really hard to do. Since the amount of nobles and guards are constantly changing, you'd have to remove/give people new traits every day. It could get a bit disorganized and put some stress on the game staff.
Trait Idea's-

Brutal Charge (Positive)- When a player with this trait sprints for 2 seconds, he/she gains speed 1 as well as strength 2. When a player with this trait hits an enemy while sprinting with these traits, he/she immediately gets slowness 1 for 2 seconds while knocking the enemy back and giving him/her blindness for 10 seconds.

Light footed (Positive)- Fall damage is reduced by 75%.

Self-centered (Negative) - When a player with this trait drops below 3 hearts, he/she immediately empties his/her inventory and gains speed 4 and weakness II for 5 seconds.

Lethargic (Negative)- Players with this trait cannot sprint.

Wings of Justice (Positive)(Requires Holy)- When you kill an Unholy player, you gain speed 2 for 10 seconds.

Scum (Positive) - Players with this trait do 30% more damage when attacking another player from behind.

Relentless (Positive)- Players with this trait cannot be affected by knockback.
Eep! I want Claustrophobia! D:<
Arachnid Eyes(-100): Screen shown in 8 sectors
Trait Idea's-

Brutal Charge (Positive)- When a player with this trait sprints for 2 seconds, he/she gains speed 1 as well as strength 2. When a player with this trait hits an enemy while sprinting with these traits, he/she immediately gets slowness 1 for 2 seconds while knocking the enemy back and giving him/her blindness for 10 seconds.

Light footed (Positive)- Fall damage is reduced by 75%.

Self-centered (Negative) - When a player with this trait drops below 3 hearts, he/she immediately empties his/her inventory and gains speed 4 and weakness II for 5 seconds.

Lethargic (Negative)- Players with this trait cannot sprint.

Wings of Justice (Positive)(Requires Holy)- When you kill an Unholy player, you gain speed 2 for 10 seconds.

Scum (Positive) - Players with this trait do 30% more damage when attacking another player from behind.

Relentless (Positive)- Players with this trait cannot be affected by knockback.
Wings of jstice AWESOME, more holy vs unholy traits.
-40 Weak lungs: The player only has 25% of the "bubbles" when diving.

-60 Holy Squire: The player has weakness 2 if there is no player with Holy inside a radius of 20 blocks of himself.
Requires: Holy

+100 Lightning storm: You create a zone within the radius of 10 blocks of yourself.
10 lightnings will strike the ground at random inside the zone within the next 20 seconds.

Cooldown - 1 min and 20 seconds.
Each spell consumes 10 iron.
You may not stand under a block.
(I thought this would be funny to try xD)
The lightning is a terrible idea(In my opinion).. Enough lightning can cause intense amounts of lag, and can even crash the server if there is enough of it. Not to mention.. It would probably be enough to instantly kill someone, and incinerate everything they had..
The lightning is a terrible idea(In my opinion).. Enough lightning can cause intense amounts of lag, and can even crash the server if there is enough of it. Not to mention.. It would probably be enough to instantly kill someone, and incinerate everything they had..
I know that it will cause lag and i don't think it's gonna be added anyway... except if we could get the admins on lots of drugs and send them all to my little pony world ;P
I know that it will cause lag and i don't think it's gonna be added anyway... except if we could get the admins on lots of drugs and send them all to my little pony world ;P
Well.. Then we'd all be doomed, but I have seen lightning strikes absolutely crash a server before.. The strikes were right in front of me, and I was on fire when I finally got back on.. (I literally.. Only hit a skeleton.)
+40 HellHound Dogs have a chance to light things on fire

+40 RabitHound Dogs have a chance of poisoning or nauseating things

+40 HolyHound Dogs have a chance of stunning the enemy on hit

+100 StrongArm You can now throw potions twice the range as usual

-100 BruiseEasy You now take 15% more damage

All I got
+40 HellHound Dogs have a chance to light things on fire

+40 RabitHound Dogs have a chance of poisoning or nauseating things

+40 HolyHound Dogs have a chance of stunning the enemy on hit

+100 StrongArm You can now throw potions twice the range as usual

-100 BruiseEasy You now take 15% more damage

All I got
Unleash the doges!
I'd want a high metabolism trait, maybe deplete your hunger faster or make food less effective so you have to eat more.
I'd want a high metabolism trait, maybe deplete your hunger faster or make food less effective so you have to eat more.
If it were me irl I'd be doomed.
My metabolism is pretty damn fast
Mer Maiar:
Absorption II when in Water.​
Predator Maiar:
+8% Damage when in water. Uncooked food fills the same amount as if it was cooked.​
Reef Maiar:
After not moving in water for 10 seconds they gain the Invisibility potion effect as long as they do not move.​
Shepherd Maiar:
+40% Faster swim speed compared to all other Maiars. Slowness I when on land. Do not loose hunger while swimming.​
Oh I would love these.
Oh, look. I thought of some.

Johnny Appleseed: You'll randomly produce an apple every minute. (Or for any period time.)
Guard's Yell: A special command, or yell, that can be heard from a far distance.
Omnomivore's Diet: You can only eat cookies. Period.

So far that's all I got. You can decide if positive, or negative. Plus the amount. I also don't know if one of these can be implemented. (Johnny Appleseed)

  • -50 Cakeivore: For nobles who only eat cake.
  • +25 Thrifty: Gain 10 regals per 24 hours
  • +50 Entrepreneur: Gain 20 regals per 24 hours
  • +100 Captain of Industry: Gain 50 regals per 24 hours

I only have something against the 4 listed traits.
Cakeivore: Nonivore is already -50 so cakeivore would have to be less (-40 or -45).

Thrifty/Entreprenuer/CaptainofIndustry: Two Words : "Alt farming".

Own suggestions:

  • + 20 Axe_Focus: +25% damage with axes, - 25% damage with swords,unarmed and bows
  • + 20 Sword_Focus: +25% damage with swords, - 25% damage with axes,unarmed and bows
  • + 20 Unarmed_Focus: +50% damage with unarmed, - 25% damage with swords,axes and bows
  • + 20 Bow_Focus: +25% damage with Bows, - 25% damage with swords,unarmed and axes
each of these would stack with the other existing bonus %.
I agree. I never considered the potential for abuse in the money earning traits.

Filthy cheaters! This is why we can't have nice things!

A lot of good ideas here. Keep it up! Get creative!