Massivecrafts Riddle Of The Week!

I can't make any of the cool rhyming ones so here is mine.

An Orc, carrying a bag of silver, a warhammer, and a hostage, is running through the forest. He stumbles over a root of a tree but keeps his balance and continues running. What did he lose?

(to lazy to check if anyone used this yet.)
I can't make any of the cool rhyming ones so here is mine.

An Orc, carrying a bag of silver, a warhammer, and a hostage, is running through the forest. He stumbles over a root of a tree but keeps his balance and continues running. What did he lose?

(to lazy to check if anyone used this yet.)

He lost his pace?
I can't make any of the cool rhyming ones so here is mine.

An Orc, carrying a bag of silver, a warhammer, and a hostage, is running through the forest. He stumbles over a root of a tree but keeps his balance and continues running. What did he lose?

(to lazy to check if anyone used this yet.)

I'm assuming jla or one of those orcs would say something like.

"Silly man, orcs would never stumble over a little root. He obviously didn't lose anything."
He gave him a 'shot'.


No and No, the first one is hilarious once you get it. The second is so simple it borders on stupid. I'd like to note that I gave the first one the same answer you did as one of my attempts on it before my friend gave me the answers haha.
No and No, the first one is hilarious once you get it. The second is so simple it borders on stupid. I'd like to note that I gave the first one the same answer you did as one of my attempts on it before my friend gave me the answers haha.

The second is so simple it borders on stupid.

Well thanks for the motivation.
In my defence, I think too hard, that's probs why. .___.

"Two men walk into a bar. The third man ducks." -@iceman593 for telling me this damn funny joke.

Anyways, I shall toss my 2 IQ out for one here.

"Burn me in the flames of hell, within moments I am once again cold, I am smaller than your hand, but stronger than an army. I feel no pain, I feel no emotion, I feel no pain. However, like all great legends, I may shatter, one crack at a time. I luster bright as day, so much as to me becoming well known by many. What is my name?"
There are mysteries and clues and I know you won't get this, your going to lose! I am a problem, an equation of man; I am task that is down at hand. I am so tricky yet I have no brain; I have nothing at all but with tools I am sticky. Take your time it isn't a race here's a clue: at my head you will find my name with nothing to trace at my feet you will find blank space.
There are mysteries and clues and I know you won't get this, your going to lose! I am a problem, an equation of man; I am task that is down at hand. I am so tricky yet I have no brain; I have nothing at all but with tools I am sticky. Take your time it isn't a race here's a clue: at my head you will find my name with nothing to trace at my feet you will find blank space.

I am actually going to give a wild guess here, perhaps clothing?
At the foot of most clothing, it stops, and with constant working the clothing becomes quite sticky and ew-y.
I am of many within, you try to find my answer and I hold what you're after. this may give away but I have no other clues.
What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?

Not really a riddle so mic as a question but still
Here are some devil hard riddles for ya....

1) The more you take, the bigger I grow.
What am I?​
2) A man walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender pulls a gun on him. The man says "Thanks" and walks out.
What just happened?​
3) When fed I grow weak, when used I grow strong, when aged I grow brittle.
What am I?​

No one has gotten any of these yet...
I come in all colours, red, green and blue.
Also, every other hue.
I can eat a hundred sheep
Yet still be hungry.
What am I?
1) The more you take, the bigger I grow.
What am I?​
I am a hole.

2) A man walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender pulls a gun on him. The man says "Thanks" and walks out.
What just happened?​
As answered, the man had Hiccups.

3) When fed I grow weak, when used I grow strong, when aged I grow brittle.
What am I?​
The Human Body.
I am neither dead nor living, yet I still walk the streets. I can dictate your fate in whatever ways I wish. But when you see me, as pleasured as you may be, as entertained as you feel, the punishment grows more powerful the more I appear.
Tell me who or what I am.

A ghost...?

A group of police men are investigating a possible suicide.

There is a man hanging from the ceiling, but what's odd is that there's no chair or stool to help the man jump from. Only a water puddle is left.

How did the man commit suicide? What did he jump off of?
A group of police men are investigating a possible suicide.

There is a man hanging from the ceiling, but what's odd is that there's no chair or stool to help the man jump from. Only a water puddle is left.

How did the man commit suicide? What did he jump off of?

There was an ice-cube on the floor. He tripped on the cube, and caught himself on a hanging line/string/#whatevadefuqyoucallit. Before the police arrived, the ice-cube had melted.
Also, no. Keep going. ^.^
Hm. I'm no good at answering riddles, but I'll give you gentlemen and ladies one off the top of my head.

Grows without trees. Grows without life. Grows and flows, basking without breath nor thoughts. Endless, it consumes kingdoms and people alike within an embrace uncaring. It is not Time, but time cannot be rid of it. Flame will change the nature of it, but it thrives and grows in heat. Tinier than your fist, but with waves that do not splash, and wind that blinds, circles and lifts- and leaves nothing behind.

It is natural, but it is not nature. It is harmless and numerous, but with little material worth. Left alone with it and it is useless, but travel through it and you will desire anything but it.

What is it?
You walk in some fields to find a little girl sitting beside two small stones and a carrot. She's crying, and has lost something.

You ask what she lost, and she points to the carrot and the two stones. You ask how and she shrugs.
What did she lose?
I am neither dead nor living, yet I still walk the streets. I can dictate your fate in whatever ways I wish. But when you see me, as pleasured as you may be, as entertained as you feel, the punishment grows more powerful the more I appear.
Tell me who or what I am.

