Massivecraft Themes Yeehaw Remix V.3


the only son.
May 6, 2013
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Hi. This is the thread that no one asked for or wanted.

I've never done a country version of this thread because most country-styled music is about trucks, drinking, or women. First come first served, when I run out of storytelling tier country genre songs this thread will be closed. Only one character request is allowed per person. If your character description sucks, you're getting a Florida Georgia Line song fyi.

Like the song? Tag me in the Massivecraft Discord or DM @student center :j
Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal:
Do you like country music y/n:

Character App:

Character Summary: Radomir is the second born son of House Novak's mainline and its chosen heir, who has recently inherited the Lordship. He is a misguided leader who has yet to figure out who he is all while trying to fit his father's mold. At heart, he is a scholarly mage who was forced to adopt thoughts of warfare

Country Music: Um yes Radio XM the Highway top 3 XM radio stations
Your Character Thread: link
Three sentences words that describe your character & current goal: he's literally daredevil
Do you like country music y/n: occasionally
Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: Man she is just trying to live her best life and do what will make people happy. I don't want to speak for her but she really do be trying to make a name for herself and all that jazz and wants to meet more people to interact with. She is also just like one of the coolest people out there.
Do you like country music y/n: Only Nickleback and you know this
Character App:

Character Summary: Radomir is the second born son of House Novak's mainline and its chosen heir, who has recently inherited the Lordship. He is a misguided leader who has yet to figure out who he is all while trying to fit his father's mold. At heart, he is a scholarly mage who was forced to adopt thoughts of warfare

Country Music: Um yes Radio XM the Highway top 3 XM radio stations

Stone by Whiskey Myers
Your Character Thread: link
Three sentences words that describe your character & current goal: he's literally daredevil
Do you like country music y/n: occasionally

Sleeping on the Blacktop by Colter Wall

Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: Man she is just trying to live her best life and do what will make people happy. I don't want to speak for her but she really do be trying to make a name for herself and all that jazz and wants to meet more people to interact with. She is also just like one of the coolest people out there.
Do you like country music y/n: Only Nickleback and you know this

Bluebird by Miranda Lambert
Your char:
Sentences: Lizzie is someone that needs to punch first ask questions later. I love my Victorian street kid vibes, and she just. Fully embodies that rough around the edges archetype of person. At the moment? All she wants is something to keep her entertained (and with a roof over her head).
Do you like country music: MMMMMAYBE.
Your Character Thread:

Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: nice girl. feels like she has to live up to the expectations of her from everyone else. no true goal atm besides making sure she doesn't die and that her family is happy :')

Do you like country music y/n: yes i breathe eric church

Cecil is a capricious Void Mage born with an inherent and terrible ability to manipulate souls and their connection to the Veil. He seeks power, and the assurance of his own survival, turning from religion and ritual to science and self-improvement to make progress. He continually runs from his fire-scorched past, putting body after metaphorical body into the ground to avoid looking his sins the face and realizing that he is no better than he ever has been, and likely never will be.

Do you like country music: As I write this I have Chicken Fried stuck in my head, much to my displeasure. Zac Brown Band makes my timbers shiver. Also, Dolly Parton.

(this one is going to be really hard to put a country song to because cecil is a purple science demon wizard. challenge round.)
Thread: Here
Three Sentences: Ailred is a penitent militiaman seeing himself as meaningless and nothing compared to other entities within Aloria, though still finds enough fight to push on for his own values. His main goal consists of two things: first, the prevention of anyone ending up as himself, whether this be by forcefully beating or curing sanguine and Cahal as they grow more fervent, so past mistakes aren't repeated. Secondly, Ailred seeks to grow and evolve, not just physically, and mentally as well, pushing to increase his ability to survive in combat against the planes, seeing it as his sole way to redeem himself.
Do you like country music?: It depends what mood I'm in, though usually yeah.
Your Character Thread: yuh
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal:
leo is a calm bitch. she is aesthetic and a little bit superficial but overall has her friends' best interest in mind and presents herself as an emotional and moral 'level' in situations that she finds herself in-- even if she maybe actually isn't. she's out for peace, good vibes, and maybe a little money at the end of the day.
Do you like country music y/n: i like kings of leon???
Your Character Thread:❀-amelina-peirgarten-little-dove-❀.49128/
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal:
Amelina is a rich noble socialite who loves to be around people and gossip. She loves to go shopping and also wishes to redeem herself for the bad things she's done in her life and become someone that others will remember in history. Also, she would die for her family!!
Do you like country music y/n: WAY DOWN YONDER ON THE CHATTAHOOCHEE
Your Character Thread:

Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: Aaro is an Eronidas nobleman and skilled poet, with an overall writing aesthetic. He's interested in teaching Eronidas culture through his poetry and reaching out to new people. Aaro loves making new friends and feels lonely when not around people

Do you like country music y/n: I'm not a fan. Mostly because all the songs I know are about beer and guns
Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: Violence.
Theft & crime.
A character which I've actually carefully crafted to make sense while having unique quirks and common struggles to work through; Narla grew up surrounded by crime and violence, a child who tried to prove themselves by continuing the cycle themselves.
Do you like country music y/n: 33% blue.

Cecil is a capricious Void Mage born with an inherent and terrible ability to manipulate souls and their connection to the Veil. He seeks power, and the assurance of his own survival, turning from religion and ritual to science and self-improvement to make progress. He continually runs from his fire-scorched past, putting body after metaphorical body into the ground to avoid looking his sins the face and realizing that he is no better than he ever has been, and likely never will be.

Do you like country music: As I write this I have Chicken Fried stuck in my head, much to my displeasure. Zac Brown Band makes my timbers shiver. Also, Dolly Parton.

(this one is going to be really hard to put a country song to because cecil is a purple science demon wizard. challenge round.)
Ride the Lightning by Warren Zeiders
Your Character Thread:

Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: nice girl. feels like she has to live up to the expectations of her from everyone else. no true goal atm besides making sure she doesn't die and that her family is happy :')

Do you like country music y/n: yes i breathe eric church
Who I Am by Jessica Andrews
Your char:
Sentences: Lizzie is someone that needs to punch first ask questions later. I love my Victorian street kid vibes, and she just. Fully embodies that rough around the edges archetype of person. At the moment? All she wants is something to keep her entertained (and with a roof over her head).
Do you like country music: MMMMMAYBE.
Queen of Hearts by Juice Newton
Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal:
silly flamboyant ithanian duchess who revels in other people's misfortune to compensate for her own insecurities. she's constantly vying for popularity bc popularity = power but also like... this poor woman really just wants some friends who appreciate her for who she is more than anything :(( anyways ty for the short character study xoxo
Do you like country music y/n:

im european??
Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: Charitable, but not quite honorable Countess. Despite her high-born status, she usually jibes better with individuals of the lower-class, if only because they're willing to do her dirty work. She has benevolent goals that may require harsh solutions, but she is willing to undertake such in order to succeed.
Do you like country music y/n: yes :)

Character Summary:
Once a knight in shining armour boyscout, turned reluctant, bitingly sarcastic, and reckless, with a talent for humour in all the wrong situations. With a recent hotstreak of trouble listening to orders and refusing to back down from his beliefs, he is the archetypal lone wolf; a grief-stricken man who makes his own way, with the repressed anger and willpower to fight the Void itself, if he could. In spite of his flaws, he remains in service of others, protecting the innocent as best he can with magic, mind, and steel.

Do you like country music:

Blue tacoma
Thread: Here
Three Sentences: Ailred is a penitent militiaman seeing himself as meaningless and nothing compared to other entities within Aloria, though still finds enough fight to push on for his own values. His main goal consists of two things: first, the prevention of anyone ending up as himself, whether this be by forcefully beating or curing sanguine and Cahal as they grow more fervent, so past mistakes aren't repeated. Secondly, Ailred seeks to grow and evolve, not just physically, and mentally as well, pushing to increase his ability to survive in combat against the planes, seeing it as his sole way to redeem himself.
Do you like country music?: It depends what mood I'm in, though usually yeah.
Lord Knows I Tried by Bad Flamingo

Your Character Thread: yuh
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal:
leo is a calm bitch. she is aesthetic and a little bit superficial but overall has her friends' best interest in mind and presents herself as an emotional and moral 'level' in situations that she finds herself in-- even if she maybe actually isn't. she's out for peace, good vibes, and maybe a little money at the end of the day.
Do you like country music y/n: i like kings of leon???
Plain Jane by Hailey Whitters

Your Character Thread:❀-amelina-peirgarten-little-dove-❀.49128/
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal:
Amelina is a rich noble socialite who loves to be around people and gossip. She loves to go shopping and also wishes to redeem herself for the bad things she's done in her life and become someone that others will remember in history. Also, she would die for her family!!
Do you like country music y/n: WAY DOWN YONDER ON THE CHATTAHOOCHEE
A Good Man by Emerson Drive

Your Character Thread:

Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: Aaro is an Eronidas nobleman and skilled poet, with an overall writing aesthetic. He's interested in teaching Eronidas culture through his poetry and reaching out to new people. Aaro loves making new friends and feels lonely when not around people

Do you like country music y/n: I'm not a fan. Mostly because all the songs I know are about beer and guns
Fire On the Mountain by Iron Horse

Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: Violence.
Theft & crime.
A character which I've actually carefully crafted to make sense while having unique quirks and common struggles to work through; Narla grew up surrounded by crime and violence, a child who tried to prove themselves by continuing the cycle themselves.
Do you like country music y/n: 33% blue.
Pitchin' Fits by Drayton Farley

Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal:
silly flamboyant ithanian duchess who revels in other people's misfortune to compensate for her own insecurities. she's constantly vying for popularity bc popularity = power but also like... this poor woman really just wants some friends who appreciate her for who she is more than anything :(( anyways ty for the short character study xoxo
Do you like country music y/n:
im european??
These Boots Were Made For Walkin' by Nancy Sinatra

Your Character Thread:
Three sentences that describe your character & current goal: Charitable, but not quite honorable Countess. Despite her high-born status, she usually jibes better with individuals of the lower-class, if only because they're willing to do her dirty work. She has benevolent goals that may require harsh solutions, but she is willing to undertake such in order to succeed.
Do you like country music y/n: yes :)
Bottom Shelf Gin by Bad Flamingo
[Doesn't have a youtube video]


Character Summary:
Once a knight in shining armour boyscout, turned reluctant, bitingly sarcastic, and reckless, with a talent for humour in all the wrong situations. With a recent hotstreak of trouble listening to orders and refusing to back down from his beliefs, he is the archetypal lone wolf; a grief-stricken man who makes his own way, with the repressed anger and willpower to fight the Void itself, if he could. In spite of his flaws, he remains in service of others, protecting the innocent as best he can with magic, mind, and steel.

Do you like country music:

Blue tacoma
23 by Chayce Beckham