Archived Massive Shop - Package Deals

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Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
There are alot of players out there who buy Gift4Alls because they like Massivecraft or they want attention. I know from experience that I've denied myself the opportunity to buy Armor4Alls for many reasons, the most prevalent being that it costs so darn much just for one piece. If your going to get an Armor4All you want to buy an entire set at the same time. Donating individually allows for room of error on the name of the armor.

My suggestions - Theoretical Pricing
$45 - Armor4All (Donation package) - Helm, Chest, Leggings, and boots for all ($7 off)
$45 - Weapons4all {Donation package} - Shovel, Pickaxe, Hoe and Fishing rod for all (7$ off)
$35 - Weapons4all {Donation package} - Bow, axe and sword for all (4$ off)
$7 - Food4All (Donation package) - Stew and cake for all {$3 off }

*Edit: I think these package deals should be enabled regardless of it being Black Friday. Players who buys more than one gift4all in a day should get a small discount and plus it makes it so there's a higher chance of players not having enough to inventory space to collect the gift. Reducing the more negative effects of these donations and ensuring a higher donation payment.

@Game @MonMarty @Omnomivore
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I think it's probably a little late tbh :P
Id totally do the armor package if they set it up.
Noted as a feature suggestion. I'm not sure if it's possible to do "package sales" or how feasible it is for players to want to spend larger amounts of money at once.