Hmm... Here I go! o_o
Luthien you were my first friend on Massive-- at least the first that I could remember ; ^; I've had a blast with you since the beginning through all of our escapades large and small :'3 I also LOVE your artwork and musics x3 Everything you do is amazing :') I loves yuu~ WE NEED TO RP MOAR <3
Green_Hood YOU. Are awesome <3 Again, you're one of my friends from the earliest stages of my Massive life and I am so glad that our friendship had endured. I'm honored to be one of the players that you vanish-teleport to on a daily basis~ I wish we could roleplay more, too ;(
ErrantArchitect You're another of my friends I met in the beginning :') I had an amazing time trying to build Dungeoneer with you and it's a shame we couldn't finish it D': You helped me learn how to roleplay properly (your talent... my God.) and I really enjoy talking to you, even if it is just messages here and there. :3
KanaUshio / @
Chikyu You are AWESOME to roleplay with :3 Thanks for being so patient with Glenn and Ysrael-- I know they could be downright frustrating more often than not x'3 You really deserve an award.
Vortex196 You've been a sweetheart since the first time I've spoken with you (being so patient for that Sekh skin xD) I adore roleplaying with you and you're a great writer and even better friend. :'3 Just... Thanks for being you :')
izzy8765 You. Are. Amazing. AND YOU DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT. -Squishes cheeks- I find you to be one of the kindest people I've met on this server, and with all the wonderful players I've interacted with, that's certainly saying something <3 You need more confidence, gurl. :3
XxAusFuryxX Thanks for being so flippen sweet

I adore rping with you and I especially love that you try to encourage everyone around you. You're a saint and so great for making Izzy feel better about her skills and herself in general. You are awesome. :')
Terradax65 We've had a long run with dear Ashen and Ysrael-- I'm sad to see it end ;( I really love to roleplay with you and I hope we can start a new friendship with my most recent character </3 Keep your chin up, you're an amazing person.
Lithiel A;ALJFLKDSJG;LSKDJFL THANK YOU FOR INSPIRING ME WIF ARTS. You are a super talented artist and you have the heart of a saint. You are such a sweetie and I'm so thankful to have met you!~ Keep up the awesome work! <3
PatrickArrow You, sir. Are a delight. x'D I love all of our late-night rp-sessions (even though they're mid-afternoon for you) and our ooc ramblings x'3 Your characters are so much fun to interact with, mainly your Russian. AHMIGAD.
Ryciera I. LOVE. YOU. You're liek... Amazing. <3 I'm so honored to consider you my friend (I hope that's a mutual thing x'D); you treat others with kindness and respect, which is rare when it comes to server staffmembers (Just... In general. /ALL/ of MassiveCraft staffmembers are so great, and I'm not just saying that~). We need to roleplay more, too :')
davis1814 Thank you for bringing Lance to life :') You do him so well, you don't even realize x'D I wish we could've rp'ed more when Glenn or Ysra was alive-- such a shame x'3
Dipper Thank you for the amazing nickname. Ah luv eet, even though you use it for pretty much everyone else on the server. THAT ISN'T THE POINT. I'll always be "u shit" and that's all that matters. :'D
KraftyKlutz Thanks for trying to keep Ysrael alive

But seriously, you're a pretty cool dude and I enjoy roleplaying with you. Aaaaand getting things thrown at me. Randomly. Ooc. And Ic. <3
Buffy Eeep! You're a delight :3 I /love/ roleplaying with you and your god-like emotes xD You're also a sweetheart~
Nyaninja21 You've been a friend of mine since the earlier days, too :3 I love your roleplay and you're a really neat person-- almost as neat as Telon

Jk jk. You're awesome and I wish we could rp more, too!
SirTinkles Thanks so much for considering me for your Vheone family-- it means so much to me, liek for reals :') Aaaaand thanks for not strangling me for leaving the tavern for the guard (even if it lasted like a day)... Aaaaaand... Thanks for trying to stop Thomas Kade from killing Ysrael-- also meant a lot ;P
Jaxin Thank you for being so nice too!! :'D I'm so honored that you offered me yet another spot in a family :') You're super sweet and I appreciate all that you do for me :'3
panic15 Thanks for swimming with all of us at the Peacock Partay... That... Nude beach scene. x'D You're awesome too :'3 I love to roleplay with Grey (and, by extension, you-- of course

Princess Vyi YOUR ROLEPLAYING SKILL OH MY GOD. Thanks for tending to my characters on a daily basis... They're hopeless without you x'D You're such a nice person and I adore talking with you :') I'd say we need to roleplay more, but I'm sure you're exhausted D':
SacredTrout Thanks for capturing Glenn and shooting Ysrael with a cannon. Jerk. <3 In all honesty, I really like you and I have so much fun roleplaying with you x'D You're super nice deep down, even though you try to hide it with your meanie characters xD
Sully Dude. You are such a good friend. Our convo on the forums is so long x'D You're an amazing person and I am so glad that we're friends :3 I adore roleplaying with you, too and WE NEED TO DO IT MORE OFTEN. OH MY WORD. Luv yuu man.
Teddie000 You are the cutest thing <3 You are so nice to me and I find you to be liek the biggest sweetheart evar. :') Your art is amazing and I'm so toats jelly of it! You've got so much flippin' potential it's scary. xD SO YOUNG. AND SO GOOD :'D
Shuikenai Ohhhhh Shuiiiiikkk... You... Just.. Ahmigad. Thank you for roleplaying with me-- it... Was so amazing. <3 You're awesome and I'm so glad that we got to interact the way we did <3 LOVED EVERY MINUTE-- NO REGRETS~ And~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ squiggles.
Pyromaniacal Thanks for bashing in my kneecaps!~ You're great, dude. I love rp'ing with you and I love talking to you ooc. You're a blast, man
Zach Brecher Thanks for errthang, man. It was a good ride

Er... No pun intended

But seriously, you're awesome and I hope we get to rp more in the future :3 I'm stoked to see how everything turns out
Aira1 Thanks for paying for my house... Essentially. xD You've been a loyal customer and even better friend :3 I think you're great-- keep your chin up, man. I love roleplaying with Durgak-- liek. Srsly.

He da best.
BillyA835 Thanks for being so great, man :') You are so nice to me and I'll never forget your kind heart :3 I wish we could roleplay more ;( I know you're a busy guy :3 Aaaanyway. Thank you. Just... Thank you <3
Jamescl Thanks for the tour in your arctic wasteland <3 You're a sweetheart too :') Thanks for being so nice to me as well-- and sporting that fab qadir skin :'3 You're great.
MinecraftSpartan Thanks for not getting totally freaked out by my constant swooning over Joshua

I find you to be uber sweet too and I'm glad you overlooked my weirdness x3 I miss Joshua. ; ^;
MonMarty Thank you for all your art tips! Oh my /word/. Shading is so much easier for me now... xD And thanks for keeping Glenn alive... I owe you so much

You're fantastic.
ravenwolfthorn Thank you for being so nice ; ^; You're such a kindhearted person and I really miss roleplaying with sweet little Caera ;( I'll never forget that last conversation that Glenn had x'3
Shayin You are so sweet for helping me out with Evergrowth, even though my character got scrapped xD You're so nice and I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up to date on like... Anything. o_o Anyway, you're awesome :3
TazeHD Thank you so much for your generosity! o uo Also, I really enjoy roleplaying with you and we need to do it more often xD I miss Azlak </3
Tom1804 THANKS FOR KILLING YSRAEL, YA BIG MEANIE. <3 No but seriously, thank you for even suggesting me for a Kade position :'3 I'm so... Humbled x') You're great, man.
SupremeCripple AGH! I almost forgot you D: Thanks for being one of the hottest men in Regalia <3 Ehehe. You're such a delight to rp with and I owe you for trying to save Glenn :3
Volkmaris AL:KJFDLS:KHGALKF I forgot! D': I knew I'd forget peeps D: I love you. :3 You're so sweet and I wish I could've been your guard longer x'D
Azas Last but certainly not least, thank YOU. You are so sweet and I absolutely adore you. :3 I think you were the first that I roleplayed with when I came back from my hiatus over the last summer :') You're the best. Really. Thank you. <3 <3 <3~
I know I've forgotten people and I'm gonna be so sad D'x Please remind me if I did forget to mention you! D: