Mass Thank!

Woooo, my go~


To Jesse (@XxAusFuryxX )
Eee, you're always there for me, you listen, you care, flipping everything. You've been with my at my best and you've been with me at my worst, you don't cast me aside and you accept me. There isn't enough thanks I can give. <3

To Sully (@Sully )
Sadly, I don't see you as much as I wish to, you really are a dear friend to me and I know I don't tell you this enough. I really care for every word, rant, suggesgion and idea, I can't wait till we talk more! I give you all my thanks and always know you mean so much to me. <3

To Kels~ (@Eliza_Nightly )
You are so awesome, amazing, kind, beautiful, intelligent and caring, your art is just absolutely amazing and you are so nice to me and everyone you meet, you are just everything I aspire to be, like, you're like my role model <3

To Meggles (@Sassmaster )
For being such an awesome, ratchet Canadian and listening to me ramble <3

To Billy~ (@BillyA835 )
Tuuuuttt, for listening, caring, responding and everything when no one else would chit chat with me~.

To Kyo (@Kyo Todd )
Even though we dun talk much, I love talking to you when we do! It really is fun and a great little laugh! x3

To NarCat (@xXFallenNinjaXx )
dxgfgcvhbjnkl Valentines buddy <3 You always listen, care, make me smile and make me laugh, you're such an awesome friend and I love love looovveee talking to you so much, best bud <3

To Nether (@NetherSquid )
Eeee~ Of course I'll add you, you ALWAYS listen to me and always give me advice. c:

To Kammeh (@Kammyboo )
For listening, rping with me and just... Everything, you listen, you care, I cant put it all into words. Our little conversations are something I really enjoy, we should talk more ofter :3

To Verity (@Verityg )
I love our little talks so much, you show an interest and you always listen to my rambles, I love when we share laughs and all. Thank you <3

To Bryce (@Brycea1111 )
x3 My friend, I love talking to you, Last time I ended up in tears of laughter. <3 I really enjoy talking to you c:
@fluffing everybody in the whole wide massivecraft and anyone I forgot x3 <3
Ajdhdjahdkagfks!!! ; ^; you're so flippen sweet!!! Ahmigad-- I'm blushing!!!
Ok so, long list with little detail, I am not good with words.

@BillyA835 Thanks for being that big potato bro!

@BigBellyBuddah Thanks for making me notice my inner kinder egg!

@jla129 Is de best <3

@WildRoze I GOT A CHIBI!!!

@MinecraftSpartan You complained in ts and I don't know many sheep.

@Valsparr Undead most wanted


@Th3_Drunk_Monk Didn't think a bouncer could be so derp

@SupremeCripple Without you there is no Seraph

@Seraph without you there is no Cripple

@Jamescl every time I go on the metro between Sunderland and South Hylton and curse at you

@Jaxin I don't own one, friend

@Eyrok Little naga fwend


@Hiu403 So Fabulous

@Omnomivore COOKIES!!!

@Tom1804 LET IT GOOO, LET IT G(voice break)OOO!!!

@Sweet_Dreamer12 you give billeh that sugar rush ;)


Ok, here we go...

I've known you for almost five months now, and I only just noticed. You joined my faction a few weeks after I created it, and at the time, you were just some n00b who didn't know how to use MassiveChat. Two weeks later, he was rolling in diamonds to the extent that he couldn't give us enough of them. A further two weeks or so later, we got talking on Skype, and became pretty good friends.
Then, a few weeks ago, Jakk decided my premium had almost run out, so he bought it for me while I wasn't looking... darn generous bastard.
Laf yoo really.

@Oxoman , @celticwitch , @CallekTheGreat You all helped Massive(craft)ly on my first character app, and I never really thanked any of you properly, so... I'm doing it now. Thanks!!

@Zach Brecher For RP with Noor, joint Write Me Lore lurking,and for random OOCness

@SilverAlbatross You know who you are to me. Just come back, bro. Seriously. -blubbles sadly-

@Abby the Rosee For random trips into the rift, OOC chatting, and NOOT.

Laff yoo, cray cray.

@CrumbleCupcake <3

@Raenve I simply cannot figure you out, man. You should definitely be here, though.

@Verityg , @Tom1804 , @Molimo1 , @XTheIndifferent For making my (short) time in The Cookie Family a pleasure.

@Ryciera For answering my noobish Vampire questions.

@BadassBarbas For letting me join the Paloin family.

@NetherSquid For twerking on lampshades and NOOT.

@Chronicler For helping me get into writing. Or trying, at least, even if it still evades me for the most part.

@Eliza_Nightly For the Paloins, for fabulous art, and for generally being one of the craziest, friendliest, and most talented, people I know.

@The Shadow King For, although you may not know it, originally having encouraged me to write lore.

@Jake.S.Fruit (I think that's your forum name, Skriibled? Forgive me if I'm wrong). For the crazy kid with the bomb. <3

@CreatorO , @Adventurecait8 For fun times with Creator and Cait.
(I'm Sirius, gais. Make this a thing.)

@SH4TZY Eheh.
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@Antoinette Well Erin, it seems that somehow we've gotten to know each other fairly well. From bickering and hating each other, to more bickering, and sometimes friendly conversation or a good laugh. Out of all that bickering, I'm still able to forgive you, because Erin, you're still going to be the only friend who I can speak to about my crazy ex-girlfriend, and look up to for a roleplay idol. I do hope one day Erin, that you'll be up at the top of all the other roleplayes. (Because you're a better roleplayer than a good bit of people already, including myself.)
[As well, I'll be adding more peeps from my assumption, since this is all I could write at three am.]
love you to bits you lil' sh**.
Here we go... the one side of me that has never been shown to many people. My soft side.

@BillyA835 -Your number one on this list, because this is more of a confession than anything. What happened between us was necessary, because without it, I wouldn't have changed. I have a lot to thank to you because without you, I would still be that punk you knew almost a year ago. I hope one day we can square off, and end the needless BS.

@Terradax65 Oh dear... I met you in one of the darkest hours of my life, I was down on my luck, and frankly, kind of tired of everything. You put a smile on my face every time I talk to you, so thank you for showing me that someone can be there for anyone, even a lone wolf like myself. -sniffle- And thanks for changing Noor's character upside down, from a sociopath to a loving mother. You brought out the side of Noor that she never knew she had and a part of myself that I buried deep deep down. Catapillr

@Eliza_Nightly Thanks for the mischief that Noor and Ysrael get into all the time, you made Noor a protaganist instead of the antagonist she was supposed to be, it's been a ride, even though it's been a short one.

@Shayin Thanks for letting Noor into the Gauntlet, she was down on her luck at the time, and now, she can serve Regalia (legally) again

@Jared4242 My man, taking a Qadir's side even though you were supposed to take the Council's side... I owe you a lot, Noor is alive because of you, and you inspired me (after reviewing my Character App.) to write more, and learn more writing techniques so one day... I can write a full fledged novel, and not just short stories.

@Pyromaniacal Your a recent friend, but we tight bro. Wyll gave Noor a chance even though it's taboo, and thats cool. The Write-Me-Lore-Lurking is pretty fun too, tagging up against people, and we check each other's bases when we review, your a cool dude, stay that way

@panic15 Grey and Noor have a interesting relationship. Grey has always had Noor's back, you've had mine OOC and I'll always have your's OOC and IC.

@Ninjapig @puffy60987 I could say so much to you guys. We're family, I might make fun of you two. (After all, what's a big brother for?) But at the end of the day we always have each other's back and I wake up every day to protect you guys, and keep you on the right track so you don't screw up like I did. And you showed me that no matter how low I get kicked, I can bounce back, and that I can't give up, because people are counting on me. Thank you <3

@SirTinkles For giving Noor a chance to work in the Tavern. And being that sarcastic guy who makes fun of everyone who bothers him, you make me laugh.

@TheNatcanino Nat. It's been real. Brothers to the end. #HyruleNavy2014

@Adventurecait8 Not turning your back on me even when I was a royal asshat. Thanks.

@Kamikaze_Koala We been riden together since Jo'rak and Aiexai, we are equally insane, and hopefully one day we can work together and use our insanity to do something REAL REAL bad in Regalia, and get away.

@XxAusFuryxX Thanks for giving Noor and Issam a chance, without you Noor wouldn't be the powerhouse she is today, and would probably be where Issam is, DEAD. :)

@SacredTrout I have to thank you, as much as it hurts me to increase your ego. It's been real dude, we can't like each other because we are too alike, whether either of us want to admit that or not. And now that zxdcf21 is gone, I hope we can improve our friendship a little.

@ChibiKitten Chibi... my first RP buddy, I almost left you out of the list, thank for riding with me and putting up with my BS for so long. I can't really say much more because I don't know /what/ to say.

@XxnmysightsxX You aren't around that often in RP, and are kinda a no body on the server, but you help me through a lot of BS and we've gotten into a lot of antics over the past 6 months. You build for me at Estwald, and dig materials for me as well. Basically, your my slave, and I thank you for that. We tight bra.

For anyone that I left out... thanks for whatever you did to contribute to my character and life... EVER by me.
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@Antoinette -
I absolutely adore you! You're literally my best friend online, and you forever will be <3 We originally met during the Victoria familiy [pft] and I recruited you as a servant with a few of your friends; but you always stuck out. We've been through intense situations and have made dear friends together. I'll always remember you and our adventures :3
@Anette1play -
Hullo icecream eater. We've had our fun times- and it was always lovely talking to you! We first met... probably during the Anahera v. Beauveret fued and had a nice lil' friendship start from there.
@Cielian -
Ur mah bae. We work together on a lot of builds- and honestly have been through so much; especially music wise. You joined the Beauverets and I believe that's when we first met, ever since then we've been close.
@Ninjapig -
We've been friends for... like ever. I've known you for such a long time and we've had amazing adventures together- especially on skype! stickyourheadinthefan
@BigBellyBuddah -
Ohmygod. Honestly you're the first staff friend I made- when I needed a few chests removed when I owned the faction Victalia and had our base in Ellador. From the Resistance to the Squid raids we've done it all- and it's been unbelievably fun.
@Chronicler - I
knew you from Jj's faction- I admired you for your stellar role-play and ever since then I've come to you for help ^-^
@HippieLemon -
Gurl. You live by me now and I always have to call the cops on you, but, I still love you <3
@FizzyTea -
I'm pretty sure you introduced me to Lemon when you joined the Beauverets as Estella; I loved your personality and we connected a LOT. We've had some fun times ^-^
@Sassmaster -
Honestly at first I just thought you were a noob rper. However, as time progressed we really hit it off and are like besties now <3 We always skype and have /amazing/ conversations c;
@Metamorp -
Thank you for letting me kidnap you- as well as being kind to me and such; it's been fun knowing you ^-^
@Ellimairy -
The first time I noticed you; was because of your forum avatar- it was so similar to mine and I just knew that we had potential. We're always laughing and have amazing times- especially in our new faction.
@Carling -
Same with Erin; I love you, and always will. We've been best friends ever since the day I started massive as your sister <3 Then we rose the ranks and then died as Beauverets ;c Then you slightly inched away from Massive, but I'll always remember you and your talented voice :D
@DrakeRome -
The first time we met... probably from one of the MPGIS memes. We are now lovers.
@TechPac -
The Infernal Resistance. Some of the best times I've ever had thanks you to c; and your lil' Kevin Bacons.
@LadyHeretic -
okokokok. At first I found you to be the scariest person on the server, with like unlimited power. However, when I joined the Infernal Resistance we became /really/ good friends- and I'll always remember our servants twerking on marty. totallydidn'tgetmetempbanned.
@Verityg -
You were in my faction at one point- we didn't really talk then but later we started to talk a lot and I guess... just hit it off and now you let me eat your eyeballs so it's all good.
@BabaManga -
You provided one of the best rp experiences I've ever had with the Anahera v. Beauveret feud; I will always remember that! You also answer all my pesky questions about rp c;
@MonMarty -
I have a /big/ thanks to you as you were one of the driving forces that kept me on the server for so long- when I was going to leave as Marie due to intense hate ooc. However, you cleared things up and I've had immense respect for you since.
@Ryciera -
You were in my faction as well x3 We've had really good times, especially in the Infernal Resistance c;
@BboyMVB -
You /also/ were in my faction at the time- with your printing press; we had /lots/ of fun times especially during raids.
@Jamescl -
YOU ARE DA BOMB. We've had lots of laughs and really hit it off as friends; you always help me with my questions and such c;
@katiesc -
You are the /best/ skinner on the server- and have provided ever character I've ever had with at least one skin. [besides the victorias because I didn't know you then </3] Now we're pretty good friends- and I adore your rp. OHMYGOd also. Narnia. In my closet- that was the best.
@TiroTypo -
You were one of my best friends at the beginning of massive, you introduced me to the anime world and The DOCTOR d. yaas. Anyways- I always watched you draw- and we used to talk a lot <3
@DanyWood -
Ghot ur amazing. We've raided lots of people and I really enjoy your company. I also ENVY your building skills and love your accent c;
@theinterrogator -
You're probably one of the most vulgar people I know- but also one of the funniest; thanks for all the laughs!
@MrHappyTinkles -
We've been through a lot together- and I've know you for a decent amount of time. Now you're helping me with my building skills c;
@MrWackeo -
You're one of the funnest people I know; you're extremely kind and help me a lot c;
@Luthien -
You make me laugh a lot. I also enjoy scaring you- and following you to dark places for you to turn around and shriek c; So thanks c;
@jla129 -
I've know you for a /long/ time. Mostly from the times that you RAIDED ME AND MY PALACE. Anyways, Ding.
Thanks for being my lover.

Sorry about all the grammatical errors, repeats etc... I had a lot of people to write about ^-^​
@Ninjapig For helping me through tough times, and Helping me improve my RP!

@Zach Brecher. Realest Bro's. #EstwaldNavy2K14

@caelisisawesome for being that noob who I took under my wing, and Since then we've had a lot of fun, don'cha agree?

@da_CamelQueen You were best Sythria leader. and the OOC fun is great too~ :D

@frederik049 For the fun times in Sythria, and the better times in Grimsbane


@stupie BDS for life, My buddeh a lot of fun times

@gizmo BDS 4 LYFE, Same for you and Stupie. Stay safe, and Take care to make sure Caelis doesn't get in anymore shiz.~

@panic15 for the Time in the Radiant Gauntlet, and the current pranks and escapades we have,

@CreatorO HEY M8.

@Eliza_Nightly For all the Shenannigans

@AllTheServerStaff: For making Massive a very fun Server
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I'll probably have to make one aswell then i guess xD

@SkysohMC being one of my best buds on the server. Even tho you're banned i still wish to be your friend! And i hope that you will return to me and everybody else one day. Together we shall rule the lands with our chinese chopsticks!

@TheNatcanino For being that friend who always have been assisting me in the most extreme situations with hooks. Really those things are dangerous O_O

@_Penloy_ Being the true playboy of our faction! "Hey guys it's playboyyy" xD

@MrWackeo I might never have told you this but after you leaved Arthain back in the days of the Argonia war so much cool stuff have happened i mean woooah! Look at you! You even became a staff! Sadly i wasn't there to congratz you but I'll never forgot the good times we've had together.

@2108U9 210 you've been one of my best friends through my years of massive. Without you our faction would never have been the same! Lets have alot of new and funny memories together in the future! friendsneezer!

Davidn. Even tho most people on the servers thinks that you are faction hopper and a traitor you're my friend. No matter what they say we know what is right and we will continue having you as long as we can! ;)

@tommytog and @MDJ
We might be trolling and fighting each others some times over stupid reasons we've been friends for so long.
I'm really sorry for all the stupid ___ i've done but i beleive that our friendship is much stronger than that. We should meet each other in real life one day since we all comes from the same country! Instead of just sending weird selfies on snapchat xD

@drillhamster my best in real life friend. Maybe you're not playing on the server that much anymore but you are the one who told me about it! Can't thank you more for that.

@Wistaf you're pretty much the reason to why i started playing massive for real. You've always been a great leader and i can't thank you more for that. Hail King Wistaf! The True King of Arthain!

@onhaze You replaced me after i started going inactive. Mdj and tommy have told me alot of cool stuff about you and i can't wait to learn more. We should go raid some factions together ;D

@Pascalbv Have your heard?
Babyyy ya all dat i waaant when you're lying here in myyyy aaarrrmmmsss

@Arisreviews i remember when 21 invited you to Grimsbane. It's not even that long time ago but i do really appreciate having you on our team! Now go train harder in da darkroom! :P

@Linus_44 I'm aware of that your brother got you banned... (I have no proofs don't kill meh staffs) I still miss you. I
guarantee you that the day you get unbanned you'll get a high position in our faction! :)

@Grailen for being the best and most powerful enemy i ever have had on massive. Those times you never forget.

@Terrariauk for being that annoying but friendly rock who always stands in my way! Dayum did i just say that? ._.

@Massivecraft for being the best server i ever have played on. I wish to support you as much as i can and eventually (#withinthenextyear) join the staff team! But for now i can only give you my love! <3
@Jonaethiel Thankyou for .... .... .... -thinks- .... Evrything! Without You Over Two Years Ago After My Faction Dispanded. I whould not be here.
@Heliat -||-
@Annaie1 For Being My Personal Translator In The Faction Chat When I Started As Youboy With Really Bad English Knowledge. xD
@bulkh3adsh0t For Being Such Awesome Friend. I Love You Bud <3. "Thanks bud!"
@frederik049 For Everything. And Theeeeeseeeeee Faction <3333333333333333333333333333
@SkysohMC For Being A Great Bud <3333
@Linus_44 I Also You Think You Know How Much I Love You Haha. Ha Det Bra Och Kom Snart Tillbaks!
@_Penloy_ Hey Guys. Its Playboy. Dat Introduction Is Just Like Geeez. Luv Ya Bud!
@TheNatcanino You Are Also A Big Part Of Me! We Recently Met tho. But We Will Not Say That In A Year :)
@Pascalbv We Are Meeting IRL This Summer <3. I'm Comming To Netherlands!
@Davidn2012 We Have Held Together Alot. Hope It Continious
@Arisreviews Da' Prices A' Too' Dam' Ha'
More Is Comming Tomorrow. Too Tierd Now!
I have to many people to thank to tag.
But Thanks to the people of MassiveCraft for helping me on my Roleplay Applications and Making me laugh with jokes. It has really been a pleasure Roleplaying and chatting with people on MassiveCraft.
Hey, don't think she's immortal. One day, she'll instigate a fight, and she will be killed. :P
Oh ho ho. That is the key though. Instigating fights are not my thing. /Especially/ as a Gauntlet...;)

And Noor isn't the most corrupt Gauntlet ever... not at all...
She arrested her own boyfriend, and then turned around and slaughtered 3 civilians with no good reason.
Oh ho ho. That is the key though. Instigating fights are not my thing. /Especially/ as a Gauntlet...;)

And Noor isn't the most corrupt Gauntlet ever... not at all...
She arrested her own boyfriend, and then turned around and slaughtered 3 civilians with no good reason.
If any Gauntlet catches you murdering innocent civilians, we will kill you without any second thought. :D
@Thorjl For giving me a home and a start to the server and being a generally cool guy.
@onhaze For saving my life more times than I deserved and helping me with both of my factions. All around great guy and great friend.
@Jawnson For helping me get my faction off of the ground and making it beautiful ily bae.

that's it i hate the rest of you.
oh goodness.... i have been on massive for so long now that this is pretty difficult for me, but here I am! And I intend to go as far back as I can, with those who were close to me, now, and before!

@Hiddenmonkey10 Oh gosh. thank you for everything, for being an amazing human being, and an amazing friend. you truly are one of the best people on massivecraft that I know, and it is even more than that. I thank you for being overall amazing to me and everyone else. You are truly one of the people who helped me create my name on the server, and being your friend really changed my experience.

@HondaKiku13 Aweeeeeeeee baeeeee <3 I love you! We have been friends for so long, and you are one of my favorite girlies ever. I can vent to you, and you have been there for me as a friend, in minecraft and out of it. we need to talk more! i miss you and thank you for being such a great person.

@Brycea1111 Bryce!!! Although we haven't talked or roleplayed in like, FOREVER ( We really should do that sometime) i miss you and you were one of my closest friends on massivecraft at a time! i remember countless (and interesting) roleplays together, and i thank you for being such a good friend, and a friendly guy overall.

@XxAusFuryxX !!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't i miss the old days! i thank you for being a great roleplayer, person, and friend to me on massivecraft. You are right up here on my list with all of my closest friends, and i thank you for being such an impact on my time on the server. We really need to roleplay more <3

@ravenwolfthorn It really has been forever! Although we have not talked in all this time, you were at one point one of my closest friends on the server. I miss the old days, and I really thank you for being such an influential person to me on the server. (We really need to talk more!)

@Kairi Again, someone I haven't spoken to in far too long! I have missed you, and I am here thanking you because you (along with many others) you helped shape me on massivecraft by being such a great friend, and a great person.

@TechPac We.Have.Not.Talked.In. WAAAAAAYYYYY too long! I am thanking you for being (at a time) a really good friend on mine on this server. You are a great friend in many ways and were a great roleplayer and person for me on the server.

@Akmer007 Well, you really are my newest close friend on the server! I hope we have much more time to become friends on the server. I thank you for helping me re-enter the server after such a long time of me being gone!

@Danl2o2o Although we have not talked in a very long time, but I am thanking you for the time that I was in your faction. Although it was not my first, it was truly one of the first factions that helped shape me as a player on the server.

There are soooo many more people I should thank. I have been on this server for a good amount of time, and I have enjoyed all of my time here. I thank the server itself for being a huge part of my life!

Many of the people I mentioned on here were parts of my earlier time on MassiveCraft, but that time was truly the most influential to me. I miss you guys, and we should seriously consider having a reunion! Thank you thank you thank you <3
...oh no. this is going to take a while.
I'd like to thank (in no particular order):
@Brycea1111 for being my bbz and sticking up with god knows how many freakouts and death threats countless good memories. You underestimate yourself and I'm a bit sad about that, because you really do make me smile when you try.

@Coco Williams for being my gurlie poo that stuck by me for so long and never stopped dancing. Crazy girl.

@Hiddenmonkey10 for never letting me forget about the fantastic past experiences with Alexius and beyond. You were the start of my less-nooby RP, and I'm thankful for that. I would never have even stayed if it weren't for you, really.

@Valsparr for being that creepy bald guy that has a weird thing for ribbons. Sheesh.
Nah, just kidding. Xanny-boy, you aided me in the darkest times. I never knew if I would make it out of my childhood alive until you opened my eyes. I hope you fulfill your dreams as a backpacking doctor (or whatever else you may aspire to do)
but send me pictures because I would never climb Mount Everest.
@Jadex for stalking me in BloodShed and sparking a fantastic friendship that I won't forget for years to come. I was a geeky blonde chick that liked a geeky blonde boy (that enjoyed harassing Tech as much as yours truly), and I'm glad I met you.

@TechPac for being the 2nd-prettiest princess. And for not cutting your hair.

@ravenwolfthorn for being that one chick whom I've known since I was a little nooby-kinz, and you were too. You never ditched me, even after you became a kewl kat
without me you nerd and staff, and you're almost always open for me to vent my random teenage angst to.

@SacredTrout for introducing me to the labors and hardships of RP. It isn't a bad thing, honestly, but you could be a TAD nicer to a hypersomniac. Hey, I can do it if I'm writing this out right now.

@Chronicler for randomly showing up at my door and-- ohwaitno.
YOU CRAZY CAT, you make my day every day.

@everyoneIforgot for tolerating my scatterbrain-ness and knowing that I thank you all so much for just being super friendly or super evil. I love you equally.

How do you all put up with me?
I'll never know.
Stay smiling.

Awwweeeee!!!!!!!!!! I love you boooo <3 Text me!
Eeeeee it's quite alright you were and still are one of my closest friends and it saddened me when you left for a while although i understood once you told me the issue. We really do need to roleplay more. Miss you boo!!! @Coco Williams
this isnt even a chip into the iceberg, but hey.

@AurelienBela. Thanks for being a no good ho who asks for advice and doesn't take it.

@Valia Victoria It would be inappropriate for me to say thank you, but rather, I'm sorry.

@violet_ thanks for being u

@katiesc Thanks for putting up with my ships, and making skins for even my sucky characters <33

@Anette1play Thank you for being my friend, even when I'm a total swine and don't get things.

@Ben_2025 thank you for marrying rose

@Jamescl Thanks for being my close-enough big brother.

@Hiu403 Thanks for being my homie to gossip with (and my go-to shank maker).

@DanyWood ew

@ConfinedPandora Thanks for being a cutiepie <3333333

@Cielian thanks for being a wannabe white girl

@Lady Rose thanks for bein a ho

No, but really, for Rose..
I joined massive a total noob, and you really didn't care. You took me in anyways and kept me when I was ignorant to pretty much everything. You helped me write my first character application, and let me come out of my shell with you and everyone in the faction (long live victalia). After the Beauveret's and the horrific Antoinette, when everyone thought I was a total scrub, you still kept talking to me making stupid decisions with me backing you. We got rid of the pink cloud (huehuehue). When shit got bad for me OOC, you were there for me to rant to. You've been my shoulder to cry on, and I've been yours. We've seen each other at our worst, and yet we still don't rip out each others jugular vein (honestly idk how). Even when we get wrapped up in our own superiority complexes, we still come together in the end. You're one of the best friends I've ever had.
So, I guess..
Thank you for being the worst and best senpai ever. Thanks for watching me eat food that I failed cooking. Thanks for not murdering me in my sleep, even when I'm acting like a little shit. Thanks for not hating me when I assume shit and come off like a prick. Thank you for making me laugh, even when I want to cry. Thank you for not killing me in your genocide. Thank you for standing by my side when everyone else is laughing at me. Thank you for remembering everything, because God knows I won't. Thank you for being my friend, my sister, my enemy, and my boss all rolled into one. I love you more than I love shipping people.
Thank you for.. Pretty much everything.
I have to agree with you about Rose too. we all luff her. And I hope somewhere in that thing about me, was something good..and if it's bad, at least i wasn't the only person on the list that was a ho3...right?
@WitheredDragon THANK YOU FOR CRULY MISJUDGING MY GENDER, GAWSH. No, thanks for basically being awesome and being really nice to roleplay with~

@Kamikaze_Koala Well, without you, Acioa probably wouldn't become my main character because I'm lazy and it took ages to get a friend for that adorable sack of PURE HATE. And then I'd, y'know, just not bother with her.

@CreatorO Thank you for putting up with my /majestic/ flails. On that note:
@MyWebcam Thank you for not breaking. Even though I hit you. Everysingleday.

@Ben_2025 Thanks for letting me into Itomi and putting up with me as a butler x3

@Kandane Thanks for being awesome and putting up with me on skype.

@KSTRandom Thank you for putting the time and effort into commenting on my rubbish old art. Without you, my art would look even more like it was drawn by a potato.

@Sven Tu Thank you for putting up with me and roleplaying with Acioa. Without you, I'd say Acioa would still be fairly OP and not have too many emotions.

@NeroCadhar THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC FOR DARCELL. However, no thank you for the way you act on skype. ew x3

@raynesummer + @Sully Thanks for roleplaying with me as Konala'a! YOU TWO ARE AMAZING.

@Jaxin Thanks for letting me in as a gardener for the D'Mortes.

@SilentsAppeal Thanks for roleplaying with my characters, and being generally awesome.

@Ryciera and @Shuikenai Thank you for letting me roleplay as a Lo, it was a great experience.

@Terence29 Thanks for roleplaying with me! You're an awesome person!

@Suzzie2 Thanks for roleplaying with me and being a generally really awesome person.
Ok my Turn!

@Green_Hood Thx for beign one of the many peoples who helped me Ascend on role-play, for beign always there to hear me even if what i say dont make any sense.

@Feykronos For beign one of the first person to help me on Role-Play on many ways i cant even put there, for beign also a wonderful friend.

@Shuikenai For always welcome me, always hear me and help me when im on need, for rising me to stand where i am now.

@Plecy For beign a Puppet and a Really Cool Nerd.

@Terence29 For beign a true friend, for /always/ in any situation be able to help, for beign a wonderful person and someone i wish was my friend out of the game.

@Eliza_Nightly For role-playing with me, and when i didnt even know you and approached to talk you acted as if i was someone who knowed you by years, making me feel welcome and always beign there.

@Ryciera For helping and accepting me, for caring about me and beign able to be my friend <3 she smells.

@Atkins66 For beign a true friend, and wonderful person.

@Ninjapig I didnt forget you! x3, For beign my first friend, for beign able to role-play with me and beign a this Dude u are.

@theinterrogator Burnie my wonderful Friend!, i thank you for beign almost like a brother, for having brain storm of ideas, and beign my Brazilian Bud 4ever.

@Ben_2025 For introducing me to actual True and good role-play, even if i dont talk to you much anymore, you are still one of mah best buddies and i Thank you for dat! u are so fashionable ok? Now u can go Shooo.

@jla129 AND @Buffy For walking with me by the Beach <3