I have massivecraft to thank for so many wonderful people, I apologise for anyone I may miss, but here goes...
SupremeCripple: You had to be first man, you were there for me ever since we were accepted into the guard together, you became a very close friend, and even now, are my best friend. You are practically brother, and I cant thank you enough for helping me through so many dire situation in my personal life, and in Massive. Mithril wouldnt be standing today if it wasnt for your help when we were a bunch of little newbies.
Jamescl: For being a great buddy, you introduced me to a whole new aspect of the server as well as a whole new social group. Before you rescued me from that small Mithril Ts server, I had no idea what the people on here were like, and I have many thanks to you for it. You were the dwarf that got me interested in the Regalian guard too

So without that, I probably wouldnt have met Cripple. Thank you man. For everything.
Th3_Drunk_Monk: My Brooda! Monk, you are easily one of the nicest people anyone could hope to ever come across on this server, and man... you have helped me out so many times, I cant even count them anymore. Thanks for being there bud, and all the advice. I wouldn't be a staff member now without you inspiring me to want to give back to the amazing people on this server. <3 Thanks big brother.
Sweet_Dreamer12: For improving me in so many ways, you've shown me how to be a better faction leader, and you saw the flaws in me, but still cared for me. I wouldnt be the guy I am now without you. Im not going to get too mushy, but thank you so so much you little sweetheart. And thank you Massive for introducing me to this wonderful woman. I wont ever forget the story of our meeting, and to this day, its still my favorite tale to tell.
spectec @
gridiron1024 [Magnanimus]: Yes, Thank you guys. Without you bashing my skull in day in and day out, I wouldnt be the faction leader I am now, my stats also would be quite low. You introduced me to the intense parts of the server by raiding me, but again, without that, I wouldnt have trained, I wouldnt have improved, and I wouldnt have lasted long here. Thanks guys.
BabaManga: Haha, thanks Baba for introducing me to the more... intriguing aspects to Regalia rp. It was yourself that pushed me to apply for nobility, and I will be ever grateful for it.
VestaliaGoddess: Leo! Thanks for being there mate, you're a great guy and I just wanted to show you my appreciation for all the times you kept me interested in rp, and reminded me that there is more to rp than meets the eye. Stay great dude.
Adventurecait8: One of my first friends on the server. You've always been very supportive of everything I have done on here, as well as my own life behind the monitor. You are one of two girls on this server I consider a little sister, and no matter what I will always be here to support you. Thanks for giving me such an amazing experience.
Claradwor: The other little sister I always wanted. Like Cait, you have been here to see me at my best and my worst, and no matter the situation you always were there to support me. Even when there have been dark times, you have never said a bad thing about me, nor have you ever lost faith in my leadership. You are one of the most loyal members I have ever had, but besides the faction aspect of things, you have seen me down, depressed, happy and joyful. I could rely on you to be my shoulder to lean on when I was upset. You better visit someday you! Thanks for being there to hear me be sappy about a certain someone and still put up with my nonsence. Best little sister a brother could ask for.
ELtongo: Hahaha, Tongo. I started Mithril with you as my nemisis, and now you are one of my closest friends. You're like family to me now, and I really do appreciate you being there as a big brother for me, especially relationship wise. No matter what, you have been loyal to me, and to Mithril and I wont ever forget it bro. Thanks man. You're the best.
Tom1804: I didnt know what to make of you when I first started speaking with you, but I quickly came to admire you, and consider you one of the most respectable players I have ever met. You know what you are talking about, and although some of your actions can be hot headed, I have still stuck by you mate. You are going to go far with your new faction and I hope to still be around with Mithril to see it when the time comes. Mithril will miss you as a member, but you will always be a Mithrillian in my heart and mind.
Brycea111: Ermagerd Bryce. The Knight of Mithril, If I could count the amount of pvp sticky situations this guy has got me out of... Well, I would never get this post up. This guy is one of the most talented all around players I know. He is an amazing pvper, and even though the few times that he gets a little annoyed, and leaves for a bit, I can always count on him returning. You're one of Mithril's most valued members, Bryce... you taught our members how fun pvp is and Mithril wouldnt be the same without you.
Kyo Todd: Dude, not matter what has happened between us, silly mistakes and all that, I still value you as a close and amazing friend. Sorry for all that has happened, and I hope sometime soon, we can talk and be great buds again. I appreciate you dude.
Sorry for the long post, there are many more that I wish I could have included, but this post is getting a little long, thanks to all above and all of you players that make my experience memorable! Stay amazing chaps!