Archived Make Normal Players Names More Noticeable In Local Chat

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
Personally I find it very difficult to keep up with peoples names in roleplay when there's a sea of white in chat. Leaving normal players names the same color as actual messages makes it extremely difficult to pick their messages out from where another message ends when you're having a fast paced roleplay or are in a large area. Some people solve this by adding them to their fav list, but to me the fav list should stick to being just that, a favorite's list. A list you put your friends on so you can keep track of when they're online or not.
I think that the easiest solution to this problem would be to simply make normal players names a dark or light grey. It sticks out but isn't flashy like the dark blue and orange that (su)premium players have. It'd make chat much easier to read and a lot more organized while keeping the special feel for those that donate to the server. Another method would be to add a prefix to the chat like public chats have (Such as general and trade).
I would think that both of these solutions would be relatively simply and quick for the tech staff as I've worked with chat plugins before and if I remember correctly it was just a simple change to the rank config or chat config (Correct me if I am wrong). I don't see this as being something that takes a lot of time out of the busy tech staff's schedule.
Do comment below, telling me what you think of this idea or if you think it should be implemented. Personally I think it'd solve a problem I've had when roleplaying on the server for a long time, while being a simple fix. What do you think?

In summary
  • Make normal players names more noticeable.
  • Do this by either making their names a grey color or by adding a prefix to rp chat like general chat.
  • Should be a simply fix for the tech staff while solving a big issue.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'd say give them the silver name tag or one of the bright grays if this was implemented
Massivecraft's roleplay chat plugin severely lags behind competition. Not by a year, but by approximately half a decade.



Apart from offset character names, the following should be considered:
  • Coloured emotes with highlight for in-emote dialogue.
  • Ability to set character statuses before a nick.
  • Ability to change vision of player IGN name overlays to RP names
  • Modification to the quiet ($) chat to be muffled/hidden if line of sight is not met (behind walls, outside room, etc.)
  • Ability to set one's own emote colours
  • Ability to ignore the emote colours of others and have everything displayed in a colour specified.
  • Ability to bold or italicise letters within normal sentences.
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Piggybacking on this- you should also have ways to make individual players names stand out as well- allowing the color change you can apply with /rename to be able to be seen in local chat. Favoriting people doesn't always solve the issue if well, you have a lot of favorites already.
I like his idea besides setting the title on the name like Reaganism suggested, I think finding out titles should remain an in-character thing. Also the prefix thing, don't really enjoy that- much prefer changing the name color to something like silver.
Turning off nameplates entirely is something I have wanted for a long time. In crowded RP situations, sometimes it is literally just a blob of jumbled text overlaid over everyone's characters. It looks ugly and its doubly annoying because going into F1 mode doesnt remove the names because of how Massivechat handles rendering or some jazz.
Turning off nameplates entirely is something I have wanted for a long time. In crowded RP situations, sometimes it is literally just a blob of jumbled text overlaid over everyone's characters. It looks ugly and its doubly annoying because going into F1 mode doesnt remove the names because of how Massivechat handles rendering or some jazz.
The only issue with this is in pvp and factions, the nameplates turning off would have to be something optional or only off in Regalia so that they can be accessed in factions.

Unless that's what's being suggested and I missed it.
As a follow up more addressing the actual topic rather than a related topic:

Letting people set different emote colors might make things look a bit messy. If I had an ideal setup, if you be: All Says are in white. Rank colors only apply to a symbol in front of everyone's name (/nick'ed or not) to declutter chat and make things easier to read (dark blue is a terrible color to try to read at night when I have my monitor's brightness turned down to reduce eye strain). All emotes get put in Yellow for normal emotes, Orange for favorited people, and an option Red for Notice. Being able to add text in emotes and not have it color/italic would be amazing too like the screenshots above show.

All the ranges and types of emotes and symbols need documented too somewhere: Guessing the range of a say or a mutter is kind of obnoxious and trial and error study to figure it out is tedious.

Unless that's what's being suggested and I missed it.
Yep lol. Just for crowded situations or for if people wanna do cinematics or get good screenshots of crowds etc.
I like his idea besides setting the title on the name like Reaganism suggested, I think finding out titles should remain an in-character thing. Also the prefix thing, don't really enjoy that- much prefer changing the name color to something like silver.

That is not much of a place for title, but a status extension that gives players place "above" the character limit of a nick. Some people use it to denote status - [Injured], [Sleepy], [Angry] - others use it to represent temporary stuff - [Pregnant], [Soaking wet], [Carrying a Sword] - and there are also those who use it to mark OOC information - [Open for RP], [AFK], [Slow typer].
That is not much of a place for title, but a status extension that gives players place "above" the character limit of a nick. Some people use it to denote status - [Injured], [Sleepy], [Angry] - others use it to represent temporary stuff - [Pregnant], [Soaking wet], [Carrying a Sword] - and there are also those who use it to mark OOC information - [Open for RP], [AFK], [Slow typer].
Those still feel like they'd make the chat a bit cluttered when we can just express those things through emotes or OOC chat.
That is not much of a place for title, but a status extension that gives players place "above" the character limit of a nick. Some people use it to denote status - [Injured], [Sleepy], [Angry] - others use it to represent temporary stuff - [Pregnant], [Soaking wet], [Carrying a Sword] - and there are also those who use it to mark OOC information - [Open for RP], [AFK], [Slow typer].
Those still feel like they'd make the chat a bit cluttered when we can just express those things through emotes or OOC chat.

I can see the use of that, but having it in the chat itself seems a bit annoying. It would be a lot more work, but removing the useless Shift + Right-Click crap that we have currently and replacing it with a little card anyone can set up with a basic blerb of text would be more useful. Brand it as "Examining" or w/e.
I think finding out titles should remain an in-character thing
Absolutely agree with this.

Turning off nameplates entirely is something I have wanted for a long time. In crowded RP situations, sometimes it is literally just a blob of jumbled text overlaid over everyone's characters. It looks ugly and its doubly annoying because going into F1 mode doesnt remove the names because of how Massivechat handles rendering or some jazz.
The only issue with this is in pvp and factions, the nameplates turning off would have to be something optional
I think that it'd be great if a feature like this could be accessed through a player-side command. /nametag toggle, or something like that. I don't know if that's what you guys were already thinking but there you go.

As for the titles thing, I'm personally against it. It feels like it would just add to the clutter in local chat that this thread is trying to remove. Flaunting your title in you nickname or whatever seems a bit... pretentious. I also agree with what Attic said- it would give you meta knowledge that's better to find out In-Character.
I feel like changing the white names to a tint of grey won't change anything, because there will still be a bunch of names with the same color.
Perhaps an alternative:
A different outlet that will temporarily change the color of a specific person's chat messages (only to you, like how favs work) but for a limited amount of time. So say you are in a crowded room talking to one person you would go /chat highlight Notch and all of Notch's chats will be green for say, 15 minutes, but only for you.
I feel like changing the white names to a tint of grey won't change anything, because there will still be a bunch of names with the same color.
Yes, but then the name stands out from the white text that they're saying.
However, I think they should only be made grey while in local chat, also.
Yes, but then the name stands out from the white text that they're saying.
However, I think they should only be made grey while in local chat, also.
I dont like gray as a color for names personally. I feel like it will be harder to read. The more I consider it though theres not much option.
I honestly don't know if this is been suggested, because I didn't read all the replies

The premiums can do /rename and you can use color codes to set them to whatever you want so if I was just regular white name and you wanted to make me silver or something you could do

/rename add Zacatero &7Zacatero
I honestly don't know if this is been suggested, because I didn't read all the replies

The premiums can do /rename and you can use color codes to set them to whatever you want so if I was just regular white name and you wanted to make me silver or something you could do

/rename add Zacatero &7Zacatero
this made me a level of happy that I haven't been since the cold war
I honestly don't know if this is been suggested, because I didn't read all the replies

The premiums can do /rename and you can use color codes to set them to whatever you want so if I was just regular white name and you wanted to make me silver or something you could do

/rename add Zacatero &7Zacatero
so I tried this and found it doesn't actually work in local chat.
Or, we can do what Massive's big competitor does, and allow everyone to set a unique color for their RP messages.
I will take a small risk suggest the macro/kebind mod as a quick fix.
The mod can recognize regular patterns allows to highlight text.

As an example, one can go to chat filter and add the following filter:

This will add a ~ that appears before any chat message where a character speaks.
I have added all of them for the various forms of rp chat (whisper, say, exclaim, shout, scream, announce)
The result is the following:

You can modify the pattern so that it recognizes when someone says the name of your character, when a specific character speaks or something else. I consider the mod essential for rp although the mod is illegal in massive (I consider its use for chat ethical and I admit using it this way).