Archived Make All Factions Raidable!

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Holy Emperor of Belgistan
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hey people,
Today I started thinking. Well, I declared war on a faction, since the leader stole many things from me when he was still an ally. But he has an underground faction, he could easily be a coward and say: "I'm not letting you in!". That would make making him pay for the theft very hard. And would make my war with him very, very hard...

I know that this will get a lot of dissagrees, but think of this way. Faction A harmed Faction B. You're faction, faction B, is angry because of this. They want to make faction A pay for it. However, faction A is a coward faction, and never gives you a chance to attack. Now this war is hopeless and you can never make them pay.

My idea is simple. If a war with an Underground faction is approved, the staff will make a tunnel to this underground faction, so that they can be attacked. However, they will only make this tunnel if the underground faction doesn't give the attacking faction a chance to attack the underground faction. This tunnel may not be blocked.

What is the use of a war if there aren't any battles so you can make them surrender? Well, let me say it for you, then there is none. Please don't flame and if you dissagree, also tell me why.

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If its a box then yes yes that's stupid, but every box has a way in. But instead think of it this way. if a little twerpy faction raids you and goes to hide in their little box then your better then them because you don't feel the need to be a coward hiding in in a little box because your afraid someone will attack you. Everything is about your perception of things, because that is how you see things, Psychology class taught me that. Change how you think about things instead of trying to beat down the things that irritate you (unless it is absolutely wrong then yea try to beat it down).
The higher you get the lower the amount of oxygen in the air
The oxygen is still limited though, especially with more people. The pressure is also higher the lower you go, so it gets harder to exhale, you can't go too low unless you're accustomed to it. You could literally burn or shrink into a raisin depending on how low you get.
If its a box then yes yes that's stupid, but every box has a way in. But instead think of it this way. if a little twerpy faction raids you and goes to hide in their little box then your better then them because you don't feel the need to be a coward hiding in in a little box because your afraid someone will attack you. Everything is about your perception of things, because that is how you see things, Psychology class taught me that. Change how you think about things instead of trying to beat down the things that irritate you (unless it is absolutely wrong then yea try to beat it down).
yeah I guess that's true, but you need a bit higher tech than what medieval times give you to make an 'underground base', I don't think it matters all that much to me though as I don't really raid that often...
Here's an idea: Get a spy to go into the faction, then have THEM dig the tunnel out, so that they won't know, and BOOM, you have a way in.
The oxygen is still limited though, especially with more people. The pressure is also higher the lower you go, so it gets harder to exhale, you can't go too low unless you're accustomed to it. You could literally burn or shrink into a raisin depending on how low you get.

yeah I guess that's true, but you need a bit higher tech than what medieval times give you to make an 'underground base', I don't think it matters all that much to me though as I don't really raid that often...

Umm if there is no air holes than boom dead. But There are probs natural cave holes that are wayyy to small to fit a person but let air in. Also With glowstone in the lore you can grow trees. Boom oxygen .

Also the lower you get the higher the pressure. First off being crushed only applies while under water soo yeah. Second off there is no way you could go down that far with acess in medival times for you to be smushed. We still cant go that far
Umm if there is no air holes than boom dead. But There are probs natural cave holes that are wayyy to small to fit a person but let air in. Also With glowstone in the lore you can grow trees. Boom oxygen .

Also the lower you get the higher the pressure. First off being crushed only applies while under water soo yeah. Second off there is no way you could go down that far with acess in medival times for you to be smushed. We still cant go that far
There you go, you need holes for oxygen (also to get there), which you should be able to get through (until the plants grow I guess, but filling the hole would be hard in medieval times). You guys can take this wherever you want though, I'm just leaving info, I don't really have a side on this. In order to keep myself from debating (I love debating... Sorry guys) I'll try not to post more unless you tag me.
EDIT: erp sorry one more thing. If you have holes to the surface, you won't have pressure problems, but that's why I said it makes sense to add them (one reason)... Sorry I'm done... Must keep myself from reading or I'll post again, you guys are fun to debate with.
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