
Jun 17, 2013
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Ok so I was hearing rumors of magic. I have never seen it so is it true? Can you master this and how hard is it. Can you say /FORMALA or something like that to spawn a ghast?
Where I come from they are called Hacked clients. It makes you fly, talk quickly, and beat people who have Prot 4 armour with your bare fist!
Hacked clients are very stupid things, and should never be used.
Or you could simply type "Magic" into the search bar. Do some research of your own before you start asking questions.
According to the lore there are almost zero people with magic powers. There is also no magic plugin on MassiveCraft. The only form of magic available at this time is the creation of portals for premium members. In the future I might code and add a magic plugin but that's in the far future.
^ But that would ruin the lore because everyone on the whole server would know how to use magic when the lore states there's only a few.
Cayorion - If you do so make is so that it operates as an opposite of MCmmo (if possible). EX:

Magic - Saps 5 Hearts and 5 Hunger to cast a spell. Activation of Combat Magic resets all PVP MCmmo (Swords, Axes, Bows). Activation of Passive Magic resets all Passive MCmmo (Acro, Taming, Repair). Activation of Resource Magic resets all Gathering MCmmo (Herbalism, Mining, Excavation). If I missed any types of MCmmo then oops lol. You need at least lvl 1000 in any one of your MCmmo types respective to the Magic type (To activate Combat Magic you need to have lvl 1000 Axes/Swords/Archery, min).

That would keep magic rare because many people wouldn't consider a complete reset of their MCmmo skills for all PVP or Passive or Resource to be worth the use of specific spell relating to those subjects - however, someone who specialized in MCMagic could easily become an equal to any warrior, gatherer, or passive master.
To Kirby,
Not really, if you were to give it a tremendously high level requirement in mcmmo in order to cast spells, and then you can only start that mcmmo level path if you are below a certain number in all other stats. One possible solution.
I think there should be an McMMO skill dedicated to magic, and it levels very very slowly. Nobody but the true devotees would try to do magic. Failure at a spell results in negative effects, such as drinking a bad potion.
when you kill someone with a potion it says "(Name) was killed by magic" if not killed by a direct kit from a potion but killed from the radius of it
You do realise MonMarty has said that on Massivecraft there is already a certain extent of magic. Things like your Aura is magic related and some roleplays and lores are being brought into place with some magic involved but it is nothing with a wand or magic spells. Read the lore on Seraphs here as it is the closest thing to magic. The only problem is that there is no actual character that is/will be allowed to be a Seraph as the book or MonMarty says they are all dead according to server lore.
Maybe the mcmmo skill would invlove a new weapon. I think that a cool weapon would be a wand, a.k.a. a blaze rod. When you right click with the rod, it shoots maybe a firework or something in the direction you click at. If it hits something, it adds a random potion effect, depending on your mcmmo level. level 1-250 harming, level 250-500 a chance for harming or poison, level 500-750 a chance for harming, poison, or weakness, and so on. Alongside each level would be a greater success rate. A spell can backfire, putting a negative potion effect on the castor, or a positive effect on the enemy. To nerf the power of mages, each spell would cost about half an exp level. This would put balance on the amount someone can cast, making the pvp aspect fair.