- Joined
- Nov 20, 2013
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- 763
Character Information
Full Name: Magnatoth Bhal-Khaarn
Heritage/Culture: Demon.
Age: N/A, ancient by some estimations.
Gender: N/A, but prefers male pronoun use.
Religion: They do not answer to a higher power nor want to. They do not have a soul or an afterlife as an immortal Demon.
Occult: Demon and magic user.
Character Occupation: Warden Bound and bidden to serve as a minion to his Suvial master and their kin. Sometimes as a combatant on their behalf or as a sentient forge. They have little considerations or choice for what they may want to do occupation wise, they are a force of nature steered at the whim of his master's beck and call.
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Their corporeal form does not typically possess any eyes. Their body is usually made up of the elements native to Aloria and as such, they perceive the world through the same lens as those elements.
Skin Color: Currently, Magma colored.
Hair: N/A.
Height: Constantly in a state of flux between however big, or small, they wish to appear as. Usually around an average of 6'0 to 7'0 at their max. Sometimes their size is a reflection of their built up elemental power.
Body Type: Much like their height, constantly in a state of flux dependent upon however big or small they wish to be at any given time. Usually they defy mortal body-type conventions and don't appear as being either masculine or feminine, they are a vaguely humanoid and somewhat monstrous approximation of elemental power made manifest.
Additional Features/Notes: The main take away from their appearance and visual design is that Magnatoth is essentially an elemental demon and uses the raw elemental forces of Aloria to make up its corporeal form and composition. Like an Atronach from the Elder Scrolls series or like an elemental fury from Warcraft. Right now their main source of elemental power is fire and rock, making them a magma elemental.
Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents
Magical Talent
No Heritage Traits/Mechanics
Magnatoth understands whatever languages their master speaks, but always knows Common and Altalar at a baseline.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic.
Defense Stat: Magic.
[15/15 Points Used]
Strength 0
Constitution 1
1. Breather Pack
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 0
Dexterity 2
1. Sharp Reflexes Pack
2. Fate's Wheel Pack
Faith 0
Magic 12
1. Arcane Blade Pack
2. Arcane Aura Pack
3. Arcane Snare Pack
4. Arcane Portent Pack
5. Arcane Warp Pack
6. Arcane Cleanse Pack
7. Arcane Barrier Pack
8. Cavalry Charge Pack
9. Cavalry Trooper Pack
10. Cavalry Roar Pack
11. Cavalry Buck Pack
11. Arcane Echostrike Pack
12. Wardrobe Pack (Magical)
Charisma 0
It's difficult to provide an exact date, timeframe or place of where Magnatoth began their existence in Aloria. They could be considered ancient by the standards set by an Ailor's life span, old or perhaps even middle aged by an Elf's, regardless the fact remains that he has existed for a long period of time and has grown more far more accustomed to the idea of living in Aloria than the average demon and has to some extent grown quite attached and fond of it. He has developed a fair bit as the years have progressed that he has some semblance of a personality of his own, whims and desires beyond the realm of which he came.
Despite the vagueness of when and where his time in Aloria began, there are some certainties and a historical record of his "life" in Aloria. Magnatoth was not originally called Magnatoth and didn't really have any name and was instead a lesser impish demonic creature, barely sentient, that originated somewhere in the depths of the Abyss, of what was then known as the Void. He didn't arrive in Aloria of his own choosing and has been torn from his home by a group of cultists gathered around a summoning circle written in blood and lit by dark candlelight that mirrored the Abyss' own crimson twilight. There the gathering of cultists would pry open into the dark in search of a demon to dredge forth and they found what was the diminuitive creature barely a fraction of whom Magnatoth is now today, to use as a font of power for their magicks, a tool of which to cast with. It was easy for the vile hand of their magic to reach in and tear him forth and once there they bound him in magical red shackles that chained him to the circle and one by one each cultist gave to him a name. By the end of the ritual of naming, they had given him Nine names, the first of them being Magnatoth, meaning; 'Thou shalt be bound to and by the Earth', and then upon that name he called out in agony as fire and brimstone engulfed his corporeal form and tore it asunder until he was remade and reforged. Bound to and by the Earth he became, a creature hewn of magma and now a part of the world he was forced to exist.
His being brought to Aloria came as both a blessing and a curse, though forced to be some tool and font of power for selfish cultists to use for their own ends, they unwittingly made him more than what he was and while they took from him what power they had-- they in return gave to him more power than he had ever known. It was because he was brought to Aloria and bound that he would rise beyond the lesser creature he was before, if he had remained in the Abyss it is likely he'd still be the same pathetic mindless wretch. One by one however as the years went on and as his power grew from their reckless casting and selfish ambitions, the more they fed to him the more his fire swelled, he would burn away each name as though the cultists might has well had written it out on a piece of paper and tossed it into a bonfire. This continued until only two names remained, and the last thing the cultists heard before they were enveloped by fire and brimstone were the words; 'Thou shalt be bound to and by the Earth' and then it swallowed them whole. Cementing the first words ever uttered by Magnatoth as his will was now his own with all but two names lingering-- but they became the names he chose to have.
He grew to like Aloria and grew to like the newfound freedom he came to while he was no longer being used as a tool to cultists to empower themselves beyond their mortal means. He was free and admittedly did what nobody might had thought a demon to do. He just left civilization and left much of the known world all together. He was bound to the earth and sought to really understand it. He sought out the wilds, the forgotten places and places of the world that neither human or elven kind had ever touched or hadn't in centuries. He found a place and comfort there and grew a deeper understanding of the world. Somewhere along the lines he fundamentally stopped being the image of what an Abyss demon was and developed into something different and his own sense of personality. He embraced his last two remaining names and chose to seek out power in the elements of Aloria, the ceaselessness of the flowing river, the fury of a volcano, the decisiveness of lightning, he sought and found meaning there.
For the remainder of those years his story didn't hold many large scale events that were worth mentioning but many different things did occur during this time period of his existence. From coming across people lost or wandering the forgotten or remote places of the world and going on some unforeseen adventures to even the times where would-be summoners and warlocks sought to bind him to their will instead. There is a litany of the small scale events that occurred at random along his road. Eventually though he sought to take a break from it all and collect his thoughts, so he turned to the volcanos and the molten lakes of lava there in and submerged himself to 'hibernate' and ponder the many years of his existence he had accumulated thus far.
Until a certain Suvial with a canoptic jar arrived...
Other details/Notes
Magnatoth is designed to be a fairly open ended character with a period of their existence where anyone else could have encountered him in their own story, either as a enemy, or even an unlikely or unexpected ally to a chapter in their own lives. They don't really particularly have a story of their own and exist mostly an as asset to somebody else's as a random occurence along the road. What is written is mostly as a setup to how he came about, where he is from, just how old he is and what his personality might be like. Magnatoth could be loosely comparable to M'aiq from Elderscrolls in how he is randomly encountered in somebody else's tale.
He is a source of power to whomever he is bound to, depending on the nature of his binding this can be either a willing lending and teaching of his power or theft of it. He can provide the following schools, as either one of or all of; Elemental Magic (Fire/Earth/Magma Primarily), Matter Magic (Combined mostly with Elemental Magic to create elemental-themed semi-permanent objects, like a chair made of rock), Enchanting Magic (With the themes of binding elemental magic to objects, think lighting a sword on fire), Golemancy Magic (Think creating Golems from rock or other elemental themes). The general theme will always be elemental focused.
Full Name: Magnatoth Bhal-Khaarn
Heritage/Culture: Demon.
Age: N/A, ancient by some estimations.
Gender: N/A, but prefers male pronoun use.
Religion: They do not answer to a higher power nor want to. They do not have a soul or an afterlife as an immortal Demon.
Occult: Demon and magic user.
Character Occupation: Warden Bound and bidden to serve as a minion to his Suvial master and their kin. Sometimes as a combatant on their behalf or as a sentient forge. They have little considerations or choice for what they may want to do occupation wise, they are a force of nature steered at the whim of his master's beck and call.
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Their corporeal form does not typically possess any eyes. Their body is usually made up of the elements native to Aloria and as such, they perceive the world through the same lens as those elements.
Skin Color: Currently, Magma colored.
Hair: N/A.
Height: Constantly in a state of flux between however big, or small, they wish to appear as. Usually around an average of 6'0 to 7'0 at their max. Sometimes their size is a reflection of their built up elemental power.
Body Type: Much like their height, constantly in a state of flux dependent upon however big or small they wish to be at any given time. Usually they defy mortal body-type conventions and don't appear as being either masculine or feminine, they are a vaguely humanoid and somewhat monstrous approximation of elemental power made manifest.
Additional Features/Notes: The main take away from their appearance and visual design is that Magnatoth is essentially an elemental demon and uses the raw elemental forces of Aloria to make up its corporeal form and composition. Like an Atronach from the Elder Scrolls series or like an elemental fury from Warcraft. Right now their main source of elemental power is fire and rock, making them a magma elemental.
Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents
Magical Talent
No Heritage Traits/Mechanics
Magnatoth understands whatever languages their master speaks, but always knows Common and Altalar at a baseline.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic.
Defense Stat: Magic.
[15/15 Points Used]
Strength 0
Constitution 1
1. Breather Pack
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 0
Dexterity 2
1. Sharp Reflexes Pack
2. Fate's Wheel Pack
Faith 0
Magic 12
1. Arcane Blade Pack
2. Arcane Aura Pack
3. Arcane Snare Pack
4. Arcane Portent Pack
5. Arcane Warp Pack
6. Arcane Cleanse Pack
7. Arcane Barrier Pack
8. Cavalry Charge Pack
9. Cavalry Trooper Pack
10. Cavalry Roar Pack
11. Cavalry Buck Pack
11. Arcane Echostrike Pack
12. Wardrobe Pack (Magical)
Charisma 0
It's difficult to provide an exact date, timeframe or place of where Magnatoth began their existence in Aloria. They could be considered ancient by the standards set by an Ailor's life span, old or perhaps even middle aged by an Elf's, regardless the fact remains that he has existed for a long period of time and has grown more far more accustomed to the idea of living in Aloria than the average demon and has to some extent grown quite attached and fond of it. He has developed a fair bit as the years have progressed that he has some semblance of a personality of his own, whims and desires beyond the realm of which he came.
Despite the vagueness of when and where his time in Aloria began, there are some certainties and a historical record of his "life" in Aloria. Magnatoth was not originally called Magnatoth and didn't really have any name and was instead a lesser impish demonic creature, barely sentient, that originated somewhere in the depths of the Abyss, of what was then known as the Void. He didn't arrive in Aloria of his own choosing and has been torn from his home by a group of cultists gathered around a summoning circle written in blood and lit by dark candlelight that mirrored the Abyss' own crimson twilight. There the gathering of cultists would pry open into the dark in search of a demon to dredge forth and they found what was the diminuitive creature barely a fraction of whom Magnatoth is now today, to use as a font of power for their magicks, a tool of which to cast with. It was easy for the vile hand of their magic to reach in and tear him forth and once there they bound him in magical red shackles that chained him to the circle and one by one each cultist gave to him a name. By the end of the ritual of naming, they had given him Nine names, the first of them being Magnatoth, meaning; 'Thou shalt be bound to and by the Earth', and then upon that name he called out in agony as fire and brimstone engulfed his corporeal form and tore it asunder until he was remade and reforged. Bound to and by the Earth he became, a creature hewn of magma and now a part of the world he was forced to exist.
His being brought to Aloria came as both a blessing and a curse, though forced to be some tool and font of power for selfish cultists to use for their own ends, they unwittingly made him more than what he was and while they took from him what power they had-- they in return gave to him more power than he had ever known. It was because he was brought to Aloria and bound that he would rise beyond the lesser creature he was before, if he had remained in the Abyss it is likely he'd still be the same pathetic mindless wretch. One by one however as the years went on and as his power grew from their reckless casting and selfish ambitions, the more they fed to him the more his fire swelled, he would burn away each name as though the cultists might has well had written it out on a piece of paper and tossed it into a bonfire. This continued until only two names remained, and the last thing the cultists heard before they were enveloped by fire and brimstone were the words; 'Thou shalt be bound to and by the Earth' and then it swallowed them whole. Cementing the first words ever uttered by Magnatoth as his will was now his own with all but two names lingering-- but they became the names he chose to have.
He grew to like Aloria and grew to like the newfound freedom he came to while he was no longer being used as a tool to cultists to empower themselves beyond their mortal means. He was free and admittedly did what nobody might had thought a demon to do. He just left civilization and left much of the known world all together. He was bound to the earth and sought to really understand it. He sought out the wilds, the forgotten places and places of the world that neither human or elven kind had ever touched or hadn't in centuries. He found a place and comfort there and grew a deeper understanding of the world. Somewhere along the lines he fundamentally stopped being the image of what an Abyss demon was and developed into something different and his own sense of personality. He embraced his last two remaining names and chose to seek out power in the elements of Aloria, the ceaselessness of the flowing river, the fury of a volcano, the decisiveness of lightning, he sought and found meaning there.
For the remainder of those years his story didn't hold many large scale events that were worth mentioning but many different things did occur during this time period of his existence. From coming across people lost or wandering the forgotten or remote places of the world and going on some unforeseen adventures to even the times where would-be summoners and warlocks sought to bind him to their will instead. There is a litany of the small scale events that occurred at random along his road. Eventually though he sought to take a break from it all and collect his thoughts, so he turned to the volcanos and the molten lakes of lava there in and submerged himself to 'hibernate' and ponder the many years of his existence he had accumulated thus far.
Until a certain Suvial with a canoptic jar arrived...
Other details/Notes
Magnatoth is designed to be a fairly open ended character with a period of their existence where anyone else could have encountered him in their own story, either as a enemy, or even an unlikely or unexpected ally to a chapter in their own lives. They don't really particularly have a story of their own and exist mostly an as asset to somebody else's as a random occurence along the road. What is written is mostly as a setup to how he came about, where he is from, just how old he is and what his personality might be like. Magnatoth could be loosely comparable to M'aiq from Elderscrolls in how he is randomly encountered in somebody else's tale.
He is a source of power to whomever he is bound to, depending on the nature of his binding this can be either a willing lending and teaching of his power or theft of it. He can provide the following schools, as either one of or all of; Elemental Magic (Fire/Earth/Magma Primarily), Matter Magic (Combined mostly with Elemental Magic to create elemental-themed semi-permanent objects, like a chair made of rock), Enchanting Magic (With the themes of binding elemental magic to objects, think lighting a sword on fire), Golemancy Magic (Think creating Golems from rock or other elemental themes). The general theme will always be elemental focused.
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