- Joined
- Feb 2, 2025
- Messages
- 5
- Reaction score
- 1
- Points
- 18
Character Information
Simon belongs to a noble family, born from an emotionally distant mother and a stern ex Colonal of an army belonging to a kingdom in Breizh. He was raised by the head maid of the family, who was also a former lieutenant from the same army as his father, who is the primary reason he grew up to be an emotionally healthy young man, aside from his awkwardness and anxiety. He never took an interest in combat or athletics, much to his fathers dismay, and preferred to spend his time in the library of his family home, learning many various things(this is why so many languages). He inevitably took an interest in magic and wished to try using it, but was quickly ridiculed by his parents and learned that Ailor were not allowed to use magic. The head maid introduced the boy to an old friend of hers, who studied magic. He quickly came to realize his natural talent for magic and his capacity to use a subtype of light magic known as star magic. Upon reaching the age of 16-17, his father decided to send him off to join the army, using his influence to let him join at such a young age. Simon hated the army and in the early days of his enlistment he was picked on by some of the other members of his regiment( there were about 20 boys in the regiment in total), except for one, a young, particularly strong dragonkin by the Name of Corin, who turned out to be the same age as Simon. Corin was not necessarily nice to Simon, but he left him alone and prevented the others from picking on him. after a while, they became friendly, however, the Lieutenant leading their regiment, Daniel Haversworth, a cold, cruel man who held no regard for the enemies lives or the lives of his own soldiers, took an interest in Corin and took him under his wing, training him personally. Simon quickly realized that Lieutenant Daniel was trying to warp Corin's mind to make him become a mindless killing machine capable of only killing and obeying orders. One night, once they reached the age of 21-22, Simon woke up to find Corin running away, with a blank look in his eyes. Corin's last words to Simon before he left were "I'm... tired. I'm going home". Now, at the age of 26, Simon was tasked with the mission of finding Corin in the city of Regalia and deliver him a summons detailing his promotion to Sergeant and a request to return to Lieutenant Daniel, although he personally believes that returning to the army would be the worst thing for him, and intends to tell Corin to not go back.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities: STANCE: Arcane Bolts
Attack Stat: 17 (magic)
Defense Stat: 15 (wis)
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Full Name: Simon Belnadesch
- Heritage / Culture: Breizh Ailor
- Age: 26
- Gender / Pronouns: He/him
- Religion: Unionism (by birth. not devout but still follows the faith)
- Occult: N/A
- Character Occupation: Soldier, rank: private. Scholar. Mage
- Eye Color: lavender/purple
- Skin Color: Pale , covered in freckles
- Hair: Short, scruffy, hay-colored blonde
- Height: 5,10
- Body Type: Average. extremely average. Not too thin, not too muscular, not too fat. the most average male body you'll ever see
- Additional Features: Two star/ diamond shaped marks of a slightly dark purple, one one each of his hands palms. Old, slightly rough glasses with circular lenses
- Hobbies and Talents: Studying, tinkering, exploring interesting or old places, talking to individuals with unique information, Magical talent. (-100 physical abilities)
- Mechanics:
- Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
- Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
- Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
- Languages: Breizh, Common, Calem, Hellas, Canta, Sofaal, Anglisch, Droque, Altalar( not fluent), Agasi(not fluent), Nātl(not fluent), Réginyelv, Înnora, Zahram, Katharic/Pannarokh, Ibeth( cant speak, can read), Oortaan, Pidato, Shalota (very poorly), Vaman, Vasar, Common Sign language
Simon belongs to a noble family, born from an emotionally distant mother and a stern ex Colonal of an army belonging to a kingdom in Breizh. He was raised by the head maid of the family, who was also a former lieutenant from the same army as his father, who is the primary reason he grew up to be an emotionally healthy young man, aside from his awkwardness and anxiety. He never took an interest in combat or athletics, much to his fathers dismay, and preferred to spend his time in the library of his family home, learning many various things(this is why so many languages). He inevitably took an interest in magic and wished to try using it, but was quickly ridiculed by his parents and learned that Ailor were not allowed to use magic. The head maid introduced the boy to an old friend of hers, who studied magic. He quickly came to realize his natural talent for magic and his capacity to use a subtype of light magic known as star magic. Upon reaching the age of 16-17, his father decided to send him off to join the army, using his influence to let him join at such a young age. Simon hated the army and in the early days of his enlistment he was picked on by some of the other members of his regiment( there were about 20 boys in the regiment in total), except for one, a young, particularly strong dragonkin by the Name of Corin, who turned out to be the same age as Simon. Corin was not necessarily nice to Simon, but he left him alone and prevented the others from picking on him. after a while, they became friendly, however, the Lieutenant leading their regiment, Daniel Haversworth, a cold, cruel man who held no regard for the enemies lives or the lives of his own soldiers, took an interest in Corin and took him under his wing, training him personally. Simon quickly realized that Lieutenant Daniel was trying to warp Corin's mind to make him become a mindless killing machine capable of only killing and obeying orders. One night, once they reached the age of 21-22, Simon woke up to find Corin running away, with a blank look in his eyes. Corin's last words to Simon before he left were "I'm... tired. I'm going home". Now, at the age of 26, Simon was tasked with the mission of finding Corin in the city of Regalia and deliver him a summons detailing his promotion to Sergeant and a request to return to Lieutenant Daniel, although he personally believes that returning to the army would be the worst thing for him, and intends to tell Corin to not go back.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities: STANCE: Arcane Bolts
Attack Stat: 17 (magic)
Defense Stat: 15 (wis)
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Constitution: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Intelligence: 3
- [Tech Thruster, Tech Exchange, Tech Auto, Tech ghost]
- Wisdom: 5
- [Chem Feeding, Chem Bang, Technique Parry, Chem Berserk, Chem Purge, Chem Hyperfocus]
- Dexterity: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Faith: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Magic: 7
- [Arcane Healing, Arcane Cleanse, Arcane Barrier, Arcane Revive, Arcane Portent, Arcane Warp, Arcane Sap]
- Charisma:0
- [Ability Name]
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