Archived Local Chat Colors (colored Conversations)

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Do f(r): or something for red text
you can change the letter for another color and this makes it so your local chat color is in that color
when you want to join someones conversation switch to that color.
this way you know what conversations are grouped together and others can easily see people join their conversations.

If this is vague and hard to understand its because I wrote it while in the middle of role play. (role play is damn hard! so much text in the pug :S)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Dworvin Umm.. I don't even understand the purpose of this. Elaborate more or at least explain it better.

How many suggestion threads have you made in the past two days Dworvin? You're at it again...
Nice idea but I can see this being abused and cluttering the chat and confusions may be made with other channels.
Agreed maybe have it so its your name then shows your chat room Dworvin [ch2] says"Good morrow"
Something like this would be less destructive and it would help you distinguish different conversations from eachother.
this way if you where following a conversation of picked up on something it would be easy to follow it because everyone that you may not know that would be talking in it would be in the same [ch?]
Hmm. Interesting idea. Not sure I like it though; it's good in concept, but I think the colours would get confusing, especially with all the other chats. As to the chat room idea… again, nice in concept. I think it would be too confusing, though possibly if there was a way to grey out the other chat rooms, and make the current one bold?
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