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Lifeguard Decree of Nov. 30, 309 AC:
Good news comes in the form of more and more noble houses employing house guards to ensure their protection in the capitol. The office of the Lifeguard thanks all those houses that have registered their guards and have complied fully with house guard policy and codes.
Additionally, the Lifeguard Office thanks Houses du Poncaire and di Civita for their proactive approach to clarifying the law and policy for house guard armaments, and in turn their compliance with Lifeguard procedure.
Any noble house with any questions regarding house guards or palests whatsoever are encouraged to contact the Lifeguard office. The Lifeguard Office always stands ready to work with law-abiding, cooperative peers.
On House Guard Armaments:
The Lifeguard Office reiterates the following interpretation of the law, which stipulates all house guards may wear no more than 50 percent armor:
The Lifeguard acknowledges House Litvinova's accusations against House Castley, and the alleged role House Castley's house guards played and did not play in what transpired the evening of November 26. The Lifeguard Office discourages the use of house guards in any matter exceeding protection of nobles.
Furthermore, the Lifeguard Office informs Grand Duke Castley that his request for a meeting to propose new legislation regarding house guards has been denied by the Lord Chancellor.
On Palests:
The following rights and privileges are afforded to palests:
House Guard Registry:
The Lifeguard Office reminds all house heads to ensure the house guard registry remains up-to-date with hirings and dismissals. While decrees are released on a monthly basis, the Lifeguard Office maintains an up-to-date registry that the nobility and Violet Order can access by appointment.
((OOC Note: House heads should register their house guards in my forum DMs using the below formatting. Please include character names and usernames. Your message will get lost in my discord.))
Good news comes in the form of more and more noble houses employing house guards to ensure their protection in the capitol. The office of the Lifeguard thanks all those houses that have registered their guards and have complied fully with house guard policy and codes.
Additionally, the Lifeguard Office thanks Houses du Poncaire and di Civita for their proactive approach to clarifying the law and policy for house guard armaments, and in turn their compliance with Lifeguard procedure.
Any noble house with any questions regarding house guards or palests whatsoever are encouraged to contact the Lifeguard office. The Lifeguard Office always stands ready to work with law-abiding, cooperative peers.
On House Guard Armaments:
The Lifeguard Office reiterates the following interpretation of the law, which stipulates all house guards may wear no more than 50 percent armor:
- A house guard may not under any circumstance wear armor over their head.
- A house guard may fully wear armor on their torso AND legs and arms so long as that armor on the legs and arms does not extend beyond their elbow or knee.
- A house guard may fully wear armor on their torso AND fully cover their legs.
A house guard may fully wear armor on their torso AND fully cover their arms.
The Lifeguard acknowledges House Litvinova's accusations against House Castley, and the alleged role House Castley's house guards played and did not play in what transpired the evening of November 26. The Lifeguard Office discourages the use of house guards in any matter exceeding protection of nobles.
Furthermore, the Lifeguard Office informs Grand Duke Castley that his request for a meeting to propose new legislation regarding house guards has been denied by the Lord Chancellor.
On Palests:
The following rights and privileges are afforded to palests:
- Palests are sworn for life to a noble until death. A palest and noble violate their oath by deserting one another for more than a month.
- Palests have access to full armor permits while not in the presence of their sworn noble. Palests act on behalf of the noble they are sworn to, and are always on-duty.
- Palests are permitted certain privileges of elevated status in private not typically offered to commoners, such as eating and drinking alcohol in the presence of their liege.
- To become a palest, a house guard must serve a noble as a house guard for three months before they swear a mutual oath or pact of their own making in the presence of the Lifeguard Officer.
- Palests must not complain, lie to or raise arms against their liege. In turn, a liege must provide for their palest and must not physically harm their palest, deceive them or cause them humiliation in public.
- Any violations of palest policy should be reported to the Lifeguard Officer. Oaths of palestry may not be absolved without court intervention or Lifeguard Officer approval.
- Punishments include fines for the liege noble who violates the terms, and public service for the commoner palest who violates the terms. Recalcitrant palests may face exclusion from certain perks, such as revocation of full armor permissions.
House Guard Registry:
The Lifeguard Office reminds all house heads to ensure the house guard registry remains up-to-date with hirings and dismissals. While decrees are released on a monthly basis, the Lifeguard Office maintains an up-to-date registry that the nobility and Violet Order can access by appointment.
((OOC Note: House heads should register their house guards in my forum DMs using the below formatting. Please include character names and usernames. Your message will get lost in my discord.))
- de Azcoissia: @Birdsfoot_Violet
- Howlester: @Billythescroofy
- PALEST TO RODDERICK HOWLESTER: Dame Eponia di Civita (@RaggedyGrace)
- Dame Humaira di Civita (@Aurelian30k)
- Ser Oscar Theodard (@Matt_DayMan)
- Exuro Weismann (@Burner_Flames)
- Thomas Prescott (@BurnerPlug)
- Ser Tim Borros (@Dodink)
- Cadieux: @canaaa
- Henri Cygne (@Sinister_Selinda)
- Raid Blackbird Fa'Salor (@akusazero)
- Alain Trentine (@RoseMetal)
- Mac Conall: @Farly108
- PALEST TO ALASTAIR MAC CONALL: Sibyllad Lykke (@Sujitation)
- Volesus Stormblade (@Yui_Drax)
- Rydius Dammerherz (@DemoWolf1)
- Aolis Pacyne (@Kyantic)
- Adlane Justyr (@DanwithaPlan)
- Layla Griffin (@Alikiforever)
- Peirgarten: @seoulmate
- Claiomh MacDrocharmadh (@Antimreoir)
- Vivienne Haagensen (@Hautee)
- Du Poncaire: @kirishark
- Florin Rainstadt (@FutureTeller)
- Darth Ragnor (@931Darth)
- Kip (@microwavemmm)
- Laiviaine Himelophi (@Aibori)
- Sorenvik: @AlphaInsomnia
- Aude Gudmundstottir (@Patsie)
- Eerikur Fjordefil (@TheRook1)
- Ina Hvetedal (@Birdsfoot_Violet)
- Isobel Lykke (@DewDrop)
- Taeron Fa'Salor (@HeyItzPotato)
- Snefrid Svenken (@Jonificus)
- Triss Aduro (@TsarMaple)
- Aduro Sekhet (@mcmann)
- von Drachenburg: @FireFan96
- Erwin Braunschweiger (@BeetrootSalad)
- Mila Braunbecker (@Arcanus01134)
- Lupin Lomstedt (@LeonIsLame)
- Hans Nowotny (@_K_Galland)
- Minarith: @joglak
- Morathes: @Ocularum
- Castley: @Nathan
- Baron Harric Longsae (Vivo_et_Vincam)
- Nazareth (@Acosmism)
- Lucadon Reynewood (@Noble_L_2007)
- Leonardo Zucca (@Darkfiresouls)
- Romanian Zola (@Nazcook)
- Hullinera Venicier (@SoggyFungus)
- Constanzo dei Fierdo (@Schooney)
- Rond'e Gamal (@GrunklePeter)
- Pavel Tarknid (@Camzuwu)
- Aaliyah (@AnimalisticArts)
- Benjamin Syldove (@MrNoot1)
- Tammetha von Argelion (@Bayonettarded)
- Akio Windblade (@Yoldahviing)
- Elmo Broddal (@Pantheizm)
- Uruk (@BruhSoundEffect)
- 'Avis' Cordol (@DoctorDuck)
- Divy Rosseau (@cucumber_honey)
- Vegara (@VixenVill)
- Nkosi (@Speedlord)
- Rodrik J (@RockinJ87)
- Kaikko Karhunen (@Yoggery)
- Titus Cretch (@Azuralan)
- von Schwarzkrau @Hemingway7
- Gwendolyn Black (@darkarely)
- Anneke of Havereseen (@nath_n)
- Ser Theodore Vandervelde (@SirFloridaMan)
- Philippe du Langelier (@ContestedSnow)
- Siegfried Faust (@WinningFist)
- Viduggla: @HydraLana
- Signe Fjällslätter (@Spr0nk)
- Ubba Surðrstrønd (@Blackfiish)
- Nordjem: @Annie_Short
- Revna (@Iyyiushi)
- Rodsvar: @BeashSlap
- Froya Fjordehil (@kampferin)
- Litvinova: @AColorfulPigeon
- Bancroft: @LumosJared
- Spathous: @Jouster
- Titos Markellis (@yusuf12323)
- Petrou: @festiveCorvid
- van Hal: @AtticCat
- Baroness Carmen Marth (@falcvns)
- Von Duerr: @Dukuras
- Delmotte: @Arhbi
- Gishkim: (@NoctisUmbra)
- Karchokvor Baritol (@Hye4Life2)
- Faure: @onearmsquid
- Palina de Pierre (CanadianNeighbor)
- Cati Wilson (@Sleepee)
- Guentyr: @NebulaePrimo
- Oloran: @Acosmism