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Letter To The Public - Official Bar On Magic

Jun 11, 2016
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Kaiserliche Benediktion an alle


Letter to the Public
Official Bar On Magic
From the Desk of His Worship Aelfric Harhold
Chapel of St. Manfried

Greetings and Imperial Benediction,

While it may be quite obvious to the people, it is by the mandate of I, Head Father of the Chapel of St Manfried, Aelfric Harhold, that the casting of magic is hereby prohibited within the interior of the chapel, as in accordance with the newly formed law of His High Eminence, Lord Chancellor Dietrich von Drachenburg, being Arcane Law 3 "To cast Occult Abilities in a building while there is a bar by the owner or head attendant of the building is illegal." We, the shepherds of the chapel clarify that mages in service to our most Holy Empire are always welcome in the interior of our chapel as faithful servants of the Spirit like any other. However, we invoke our right to bar the use of their magical abilities within our house of worship. Our thanks and the utmost of blessings upon all.

Signed with the Love of a Father,
Aelfric Harhold,
Holy Father of the Blessed Unionist Divine,
High Reverend-Emeritus of the Holy Synod,
Official Member of the Holy Conclave


May the Spirit above,
Upon the radiant Imperial Throne,
Protect us against all evil,
Until the day where we his faithful,
Bring forth Paradise to Aloria,
When his light shall shine upon all,
Oratario Paean.