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From The Reliquary Order: Blasphemies, October 26th, 311 Ac


unabashed music and whiskey snob
Mar 12, 2018
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[The Reliquary Order's signet is stamped at the top of a neat, crisp parchment notice that is distributed to all relevant Knightly, Noble and Newtown noticeboards and residences.]


ON THIS DAY, as holy as any other day in our Glorious Empire, the 26th Day of the 10th Month of the Year October, in the 311th Year of our Great Faith and People's Liberation, the Reliquary Order's representatives within the Capital City of Regalia have come to a decision regarding the Blasphemous Acts of Two Members of the Peerage. The Blasphemers, their Crimes, and then the Decided Penances will be listed in chronological order of their occurrence and deliberation within our Order. They are as follows:

I. Riftan Mekrov

The Lord-Protector and Purger-Knight Riftan Mekrov, by unanimous decision of the Reliquary Order's present Regalian members, is hereby found guilty of the orchestrated and executed assault and occupation of an Imperially-Recognized Hallowed Structure (or Temple of a Legal Faith, for the colloquial tongue) and additionally shedding blood in another such one. He pre-meditatively planned to occupy the Temple of the Estelley Faith in the Floralcourt District of the Capital City and led a cohort of Lothar Knights and their allies to do so, preventing its worshippers from accessing it and even assaulting some of said worshippers in the process. After being granted two opportunities to stand down and relinquish his unrightful occupation of said Temple, he refused, and blood was thereafter shed. The Reliquary Order does not recognize the Blasphemous Crimes of those acting beneath Lord-Protector Mekrov's command as being performed of their own volition, and so he will be made to bear their cumulative responsibility. As for his second listed crime, upon his wedding day, the Lord-Protector shed the blood of another Knight within the Unionist All-Beacon Temple.

The Decided Penance is thus:

    • Lord-Protector Mekrov will walk The Burdened Path, a Unionist tradition of symbolic punishment that will culminate in him delivering an apology and request for forgiveness from any voluntary members of the Estelley Faith's priest caste who would make themselves present to receive it.
    • Lord-Protector Mekrov will deliver a summed tithe of 5,000 Regals from either his personal or House's coffers to the communal fund of the Estelley Temple so that they may use it for repairs and renovations in light of the damage done to it by his occupation.
    • Lord-Protector Mekrov will spend every evening of a week of his choice mopping the floors of the All-Beacon in order to understand the work that goes into cleaning it.
    • Lord-Protector Mekrov will never willingly commit a Blasphemy again or guarantee a more severe Penane for future Acts.
II. Ylvi du Roserei

The Lady-Protector and Knight-Confidant Ylvi du Roserei, by unanimous decision of the Reliquary Order's present Regalian members, is hereby found guilty of both threatening and exacting personally inflicted violence upon the gathered worshippers of an Imperially-Recognized Hallowed Structure (or Temple of a Legal Faith, for the colloquial tongue). She encroached on the Baskarr Temple located near the Regalian Park within the capital city, delivered threats unto its people there, and attacked them with a whip all on holy ground. The Holyarm Eleanaire of Jophael will take a brief aside in the midst of this sentencing to editorialize and note that the Lady-Protector is extremely fortunate that the Reliquary Order does not consider petty insults and bigotry directed toward one's blood heritage to explicitly be considered Blasphemous Acts, for if they did the Lady-Protector's following Decided Penance would be exponentially more severe.

The Decided Penance is thus:

  • Lady-Protector du Roserei will publically prostrate herself before the Temple of Baskarr in a kneeled apology (under Reliquary organization and supervision, to verify its occurrence) presented before any of its priest-caste and worshippers who choose to receive it.
  • Lady-Protector du Roserei will deliver a summed tithe of 2,000 Regals from her House's coffers to the communal fund of the Temple of Baskarr so that they may use it for whatever Temple-related operations they see fit.
  • Lady-Protector du Roserei will never willingly commit a Blasphemy again or guarantee a more severe Penance for future Acts.

BOTH ACCUSED PARTIES are required to confer with Holyarm Eleanaire of Jophael to arrange for the public displays listed within their individual Decided Penances and see to their tithes being paid within a week from this missive's delivery, that being November the 2nd, 311 AC. If it is their intention to evade our justice, they are fairly warned here that doing so will only exacerbate the Penance our Order will exact from them.

Glory to the Empire. May you both walk in Their Light from here on out.

[Eleanaire of Jophael's personal Knightly signet seals the end of the decree.]
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