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Lawless Aristocrat: Count Delmotte's Misdeeds Leave Society Aghast!


The Strong Will Bend The Weak
Nov 30, 2017
Reaction score
Lawless Aristocrat: Count Delmotte's Misdeeds Leave Society Aghast!
*This post would be on every board and pillar far and wide, across the city*
I pen to write of Count Markus Delmotte with the utmost Displeasure, for the events of the twilight hour have unraveled a most lamentable Trespass upon the Blaue Blume Cafe establishment. My patience has been tried, and my decorum has been ruffled, to witness the outrageous Crimes he has perpetrated.
For when the closing time was nearing, you entered the establishment despite the clear signs that we were closing for the day. Despite myself and the store owner, Lady Alyssa Norinn,'s polite requests for you and your Gang to leave, you stubbornly refused to do so, as if the closing time Didn't apply to you. This behavior is Unacceptable, especially given your esteemed position as a Count.
Count Delmotte also Mistitled myself multiple times, even after correction. So in response, Count Delmotte, I bear the distinguished title of "Count," a rank that carries its own historical significance and responsibilities. While "Lord" is indeed a noble title, it is crucial to respect the distinctions between titles to Preserve the integrity of our esteemed peerage. However, It seems Integrity is something that you Do not seem to be very well versed in.
What's even more concerning is the fact that you engaged in vigilantism while on the premises. You used one of your Gang members to trash the store so you could act as a hero to gain favor in front of your crowd. Such actions have no place in a civilized society, and I cannot fathom why someone of your status would Resort to such behavior.
Your actions caused Distress to both the customers and nobility present, and have damaged the reputation of the store. It's my responsibility to maintain order and respect the law within the establishment, and I expect the store's patrons to do the same. Consider this letter as a Serious warning to rectify your behavior.
Respect the rules and boundaries of others' property and refrain from engaging in any Vigilantism in the future. If I find you causing any disturbances on the premises again, I will not hesitate to take appropriate measures within the confines of the law to Protect my rights and maintain a Peaceful environment. It's Truly disappointing to witness such a disregard for basic courtesy and respect.
Glory to the Empire,
Signed, Count Sebastian Vszaladesz Of Kiralytaran

[Pinging: @Arhbi ]
Countess Beatrix Vszaladesz would skim the denunciation, lifting her morning tea to sip from as her brows lifted with a huff. "Surprised, I am not.", she'd mutter without inflection, she lifted her pen to scribble a denunciation of her own.

To the Count Markus Delmotte,

To hear of your sordid deeds, though shocking to few, has ruined an otherwise pleasant morning.
Has your house fallen so that you must engage in such crimes as trespassing, disregard for titles, and vigilantism?

I would ask that you deeply reflect on the damage you sow,
And if you find the strength, please do restrain yourself in future.

Countess Beatrix Vszaladesz
*ೃ༄ A prettily written blue-ink response sits neatly below, stamped with a red bird; .ೃ࿐
Good morning, Count Vszaladesz, and my dear readers. I will address the Count directly in the following; but rest assured this is, a majority, exposition for what was conveniently not included.

As a preface. The store's reputation was ruined the moment Lady Norinn instated a two-hundred regal fine for a knight to wear armor inside. To expect the righteous protectors of the city you call home to disarm themselves, so that half of said fine would allegedly go to charity, is absurd. To expect a knight to make themself vulnerable when they could be protecting the peerage and the people, or face a payment worth a month of rent, is absurd.

I will cite your own notice ('your' pertaining to the Cafe), that of one Alyssa Norinn, in my following notes. Please read carefully.

Firstly. If this were a 'letter of warning', as you so claimed, please consider sending it to the recipient instead of posting it publicly, next time. Spreading gossip is not a way to win over the public; if you honestly wanted this to have an impact, it would not have been made public.

Secondly. You claim 'trespassing' as a break of law, and cite 'signage'. The only sign that said 'Closed' was the one you hung up when you stormed out (leaving your Lady alone, despite supposed threats; More on that in point Five), and the mechanical out-doors sign they flipped over while a half dozen people were already inside. You were happy to allow multiple people in after the Count Delmotte, even, serving one Divya and one Countess Lisette far after your claims of 'closing time' in this notice.

Thirdly. The knights in the area were, unfortunately, armored! Ghastly as it is, for us to wear protective equipment on duty, we couldn't do a thing. As per the latest of the Norinn's notices, a Knight MUST remove their armor before entering the establishment, or face a two-hundred regal fine. Quoting now, "...Exceptions to this include chasing after a Vampire, Cahal, Spirit, or a Mage seeking shelter after illegally casting on the streets."

Unfortunately, none of those things were happening. I do so solemnly admit to breaking this rule, once, stepping into the shop's space to collect a cup of water (from you, no less, and without complaint, Count), because my friend had fainted meters from the front door. The Lady Norinn RUDELY interjected, insulting me and scolding me for wearing armor inside, only long enough to collect said water. From that point on, I did not enter the store, and would not, for I did not have two-hundred regals on me.

Fourth. Trashing the store is so inexplicably, incoherently, absolutely such an over-dramatization of the situation. From what I saw (from my spot, on the street, barred entry to the establishment behind a 200 regal fine), was a Kathar mage knock over a chair. Now, normally, this would be something I'd step in on, if it were even against your Business Region's rules (of which I am unaware), given my function under the Aelrrigan Order. However. Again I say; I could not enter, for I did not have the money, and the Lady Norinn refused to give me written permission to enter armored, and I would not risk being flagged for negligence.

And finally, my fifth point. Lady Norinn pulled a gun on us. Which you have so kindly left out. Your retreat to the upper floors, and return in House-Guard (I was unaware a Count could be a House-Guard, especially for a Lady) full-plate armor (notably, not against cafe rules, given he is not a knight. Though neither is Count Delmotte, so where does the nepotism stop?), was in my opinion, highly unprofessional. Not only was it a clear attempt at grabbing for power in a situation you had no control over, but in fact could have turned illegal very quickly. Retainers are not permitted to intervene unless a threat is on the house they serve. For you to state trespassing as a threat on your Lady, especially when this trespassing was falsified by premature closure of the store, is real vigilantism if I ever saw it. Especially given the due fact your Lady seemed incredibly capable of self defense, else there would not have been a firearm drawn. And even in light of House Norinn's past with vigilantism, mercenary-work, and knight-impersonation. However, I understand the urge to protect the peerage, and so will not be further pushing the point.

To make due on this "Charity-Case", however, and to embolden the one good part of Lady Norinn's temporary control of the Cafe you work at, I have placed two-hundred regals in an envelope attached to this flier, as recompence for my evil act of entering the establishment in armor, to bring my unconscious friend water. Take as many as you need, dear readers.

Warmest of Winds,

Lisbeth Fanatio Augustine-Lovette,
Aelrrigan Order,
Regalian Chapter.
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A fin'ullen reads the notice, "For one so insistent that the Consilary is a just organization. I am baffled why he's drawing attention to vigilantism as if it's something his Lordship, clan, and fellows don't engage in regularly?"

"but perhaps this report is correct, I don't know enough to say either way but … my the slight hypocrisy of that part. But it's a most harsh thing to break lower laws on mistitleing as a noble, maybe it's political?"

Edit [Moved other response to blume ntocue] r
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A public letter to the Count Sebastian Vsaladesz and Countess Beatrix Vsaladesz.

I repudiate these heinous allegations. Your affinity to spin the truth to your own liking is appalling, making your own comments on integrity most remarkable.

I shall clarify point-by-point the truth of the matter, so that those not privy to the on goings of the Blaue Blume Cafe might be better informed rather than needing to rely on your dishonest drivel.

1. Everyone else in attendance, as well as I, arrived well before Lady Norinn decided to close-shop for the night, only doing so following an insult-match between myself and the Countess Beauchene
2. In fact, everyone else had arrived entirely separate from myself. Many of these individuals were strangers to me, or at most acquaintances who I have met once. I did not arrive with a gang, partake in vandalism, nor condone it in any sense of the word.
3. I offer my most sincere apologies in mistitling you. I was not privy to you being a Count, because I do not keep up with the politics of backwater Szabadok provinces. However, it is dishonest to refrain from mentioning that you made no indication that I had mistitled you. Not once.
4. You have neglected to mention that the Lady Alyssa Norinn drew and pointed a loaded firearm at my person with the threat to maim, perhaps even render lethal harm, towards myself. This occurred well before any mentions of trespass, too.
5. Not only this, but you yourself Count Vsaladesz implied that you would invade my estate and vandalize it as you are purporting I have done unto the Blaue Blume Cafe.

I am fortunate enough to have numerous witnesses who can confirm my testimony. I shall list them, so that the honorable Viridians who will undoubtedly investigate this issue may cross-reference both stories with those who were there.

The Honorable Fiorenza Garofalo
Miss Yveline
Mister August
Mister Vicelin
Ward-Knight Necalli of the Aelrrigan Order
Ward-Knight Lisbeth Lovette of the Aelrrigan Order

As a final note, the irony behind members of the Consulian Order accusing someone of thuggery and vigilantism is not missed by anybody. Your order is already the subject of harsh criticism from all knightly orders, and this petulant foray into noticeboard politicking does you no favors.

Addendum: It is hardly my fault for not knowing you to be a titled member of the peerage when you swore fealty to the Lady Alyssa Norinn as your liege, despite the fact that she is not titled. This leads one to consider that you very well may have been attempting to abuse the law with a frivolous loophole that would permit you to bear arms against me.

His Lordship, Markus Delmotte, Count of Bastadon

@canaaa @Bunemma @Grimmsome @fantuinn @booette @five_gum
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A notice is marked with black wax and the stamp of a rose.

Count Vsaladesz,
Anyone with two functioning eyes and a cognizant brain would know your papers to be nothing more than an attempt to gossip. A victimizing, poorly written display of wasted ink on a matter that could have, should have, and definitely would have been better placed in the realm of man-to-man conversation. Perhaps in the face of one you couldn't even consider doing so.

Let's skip the unnecessary lists and recounting of points. Everyone else has conveyed that enough. If you earn so much distress and unrest by partaking in this business-running affair, then perhaps partaking at all is a great mistake, indeed. You are a Count belonging to the finest courts and most complicated of politics and you're going to waste your time, and ours, with nonsense like this. What a babble.

Keep your infantile threats away from the Count Delmotte. You have been thoroughly intimidated by a sharper, wittier man and you have no idea what to do about it but to wag your tongue and threaten him for it.

And for the love of the Gods, do not ever publish in this horrible typeface for such a reason again.

- Lady Yvea Peirgarten
The following flyer is posted in response.


What titles can we choose from?
Only Blue Bloods get Titles. You can choose: Baron(m), Baroness(f), Baroq(nb), Count(m), Countess(f), Countirh(nb). In any and all cases, regardless of whether a blue blood family member is titled or not, they are all referred to as Lord(m), Lady(f), Lirh(nb), regardless of circumstances. Title Address is only different for Ministers (Eminence) and the Princeroyals (Highness). There is no foreign nobility that is acknowledged in Regalia, so even if your Character was related to pseudo royalty in the Allorn Empire, it doesn't matter in Regalia because nobody acknowledges foreign royalty as real and legitimate.​
Link to thread: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/aristocracy-registration-manual.101672/


1. Arrived at closing time?

I arrived soon after Count Delmotte. Ten minutes after my arrival, Count Vszaladesz handed me a menu and also gave them to Countess Beauchene and miss Divya, who he served. We had been there for roughly an hour to an hour and a half when closing came up. See below.

2. Gang?

Four socialites, three Silven, two Aelriggans, and a Suvial arrived independently at the only open and manned bar in town. Of these, only three socialites, one Suvial, and one Silven crossed the threshold of the establishment.

3. Refusing to leave at close?

There was no warning about closing time given. In fact, Lady Alyssa Norinn changed the sign to closed with five customers inside, then drew her pistol and began to load it as she threatened us to leave.

4. Mistitling?
According to the latest Palace communique, every noble, regardless of title, may be referred to as Lord, Lady, or Lirh unless they are a Minister (becoming Your Eminence) or a Princeroyal (becoming Your Highness). I have attached the exact page number in the booklet.

5. Trashing the store?

The mage knocked over a chair and a single candle. To fix the mess that was left: pick up the chair and move it to its correct position, and place the candle back upon its stick. Lady Alyssa, a mage herself, could have undone the so-called property damage with a single wave of her hand.

6. Distressed customers?

Countess Beauchene is a woman admired for her calm, and miss Divya has seen worse in her tenure in the Metropolitan. Both were unperturbed by the events of the evening, and largely sat back and watched.

7. Vigilantism?

In order to be a vigilante, one must be taking the law into their own hands, as the Crown has lovingly clarified. Simply standing inside of a place while wearing armor is unrelated to the law, unless it is the Imperial Palace.

8. False accusations?

Count Vszaladesz does not define what crimes were committed besides 'vigilantism', nor his meaning. Count Delmotte and I were present and wearing armor- and two Aelriggans, who may enforce law, found no fault in our behavior.
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A strong defense from the public at large for a Count whose relevance in material terms, on the streets of Regalia, has not existed for years.
[!] A public letter is sent out via a carrier, pinned on every notice board.
To whom it shall concern,

I left my cafe in the hands of my cousin because I am currently working my way through some rather stressful times and the cafe will only wear me down. I am instead greeted with a notice that the beloved cafe that I worked so hard for was trashed.

I am a woman of patience but over this past week, my patience wears thin. Firstly, I am considered 'impolite' when informing a Lothar of raised pricing for them even after they blatantly ignored me when I tried to ask what they wanted from the cafe on multiple occasions to which I was given a grunt 'Nothing' in reply.

Secondly, after receiving an incredibly poor apology from Mister Vicelin which was more akin to a lecture, I informed him that my cafe was lenient as the one across the street had a large sign saying that Lothars were barred from the establishment. I will admit, I stooped to the fellow's level when I insulted his face to which I got the reply 'My apology is not breaking your nose and dragging your head against this place until the wallpaper's red instead of pink.' But yes, we are the ones acting in poor faith. It also appears that Mister Vicelin is spreading vicious rumours about me as random folk I've never met before approach me in the street, calling me by name (which is once again incorrect, I am Lady Norinn-Reinhardt) and accusing me of being awful. Perhaps he's neglected his own words?

Thirdly, I left the cafe up to my cousin because a vampire entered my premises, pulled out a dagger in front of the patrons and I very swiftly dragged any customer behind the counter and out of harm's way. Was it a Lothar who came to the rescue? A knight perhaps? No, it was one Miss Divya who saved us. I felt shaken up after that day and I'm now attempting to recover by relaxing.

Fourth, trespassing because of closing time may not be, but it's certainly trespassing if you did not adhere to the rules given. Perhaps they just wanted your group out, they are very much within their right to do so and after you refuse, it does, unfortunately, become trespassing. I see that Mister Vicelin was there despite me telling him not to come near my family or me so walking into my cafe appears he's blatantly ignoring my request. He's also clearly a terrible witness as he enjoys leaving out incredibly important factors in a story, see above.

Please do not touch my cafe again in retaliation to Lady Alyssa Norinn. It is mine. Not hers.
Lady Charlotte Norinn-Reinhardt
Owner of Blaue Blume Cafe.​
The girlies are fighting!!!
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[!] Someone has posted an advertisement in poor taste on the same bulletin.

Want the comforts of a warm meal without the inconvenience of leaving the house? Contact Doctor Leblanc for top of the line home appliances today! Kaffee machines and toasters are in high demand!

Knights receive a 30% discount on any and all purchases.
An Avantl wandered up to the hurricane-myriad of notices, readjusting his coat. He read over them all slowly before reading the advertisement. He gave an approving nod. "Finally… some real news." He spoke grumbled before headed off.

[!] Someone has posted an advertisement in poor taste on the same bulletin.

Want the comforts of a warm meal without the inconvenience of leaving the house? Contact Doctor Leblanc for top of the line home appliances today! Kaffee machines and toasters are in high demand!

Knights receive a 30% discount on any and all purchases.

A public letter to the Count Sebastian Vsaladesz and Countess Beatrix Vsaladesz.

I repudiate these heinous allegations. Your affinity to spin the truth to your own liking is appalling, making your own comments on integrity most remarkable.

I shall clarify point-by-point the truth of the matter, so that those not privy to the on goings of the Blaue Blume Cafe might be better informed rather than needing to rely on your dishonest drivel.

1. Everyone else in attendance, as well as I, arrived well before Lady Norinn decided to close-shop for the night, only doing so following an insult-match between myself and the Countess Beauchene
2. In fact, everyone else had arrived entirely separate from myself. Many of these individuals were strangers to me, or at most acquaintances who I have met once. I did not arrive with a gang, partake in vandalism, nor condone it in any sense of the word.
3. I offer my most sincere apologies in mistitling you. I was not privy to you being a Count, because I do not keep up with the politics of backwater Szabadok provinces. However, it is dishonest to refrain from mentioning that you made no indication that I had mistitled you. Not once.
4. You have neglected to mention that the Lady Alyssa Norinn drew and pointed a loaded firearm at my person with the threat to maim, perhaps even render lethal harm, towards myself. This occurred well before any mentions of trespass, too.
5. Not only this, but you yourself Count Vsaladesz implied that you would invade my estate and vandalize it as you are purporting I have done unto the Blaue Blume Cafe.

I am fortunate enough to have numerous witnesses who can confirm my testimony. I shall list them, so that the honorable Viridians who will undoubtedly investigate this issue may cross-reference both stories with those who were there.

The Honorable Fiorenza Garofalo
Miss Yveline
Mister August
Mister Vicelin
Ward-Knight Necalli of the Aelrrigan Order
Ward-Knight Lisbeth Lovette of the Aelrrigan Order

As a final note, the irony behind members of the Consulian Order accusing someone of thuggery and vigilantism is not missed by anybody. Your order is already the subject of harsh criticism from all knightly orders, and this petulant foray into noticeboard politicking does you no favors.

Addendum: It is hardly my fault for not knowing you to be a titled member of the peerage when you swore fealty to the Lady Alyssa Norinn as your liege, despite the fact that she is not titled. This leads one to consider that you very well may have been attempting to abuse the law with a frivolous loophole that would permit you to bear arms against me.

His Lordship, Markus Delmotte, Count of Bastadon

@canaaa @Bunemma @Grimmsome @fantuinn @booette @five_gum
The notice would be stamped with the Viridian Order's crest. A sign of acknowledgement, and nothing more.
Lord-Protector Howland von Moritz issues the following statement:

We call for calm and a restraint from further public outcry from the knightly ranks of Regalia.

Recall we are charged with holding ourselves to the highest standard of dignity possible. Please avoid lowering oneself to the intrigue of he-said, she-said exchanges on public gossip boards as the Viridian Order takes charge in resolution.

Remember that the Emperor loves all His subjects.