Archived Large Faction Relations

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Mar 24, 2014
Reaction score
With the rise of gigantic faction recently (Tyberia and Enigma) I have found it especially frustrating to find out how many members they have online or who they are truced or allied to, so recently I made a ticket to to find out how, and apparently there is no system in place for finding information about factions so large they fill up your chat bar. My suggestion is this, a few new faction commands that could help this problem. /f relation[r] [Faction] [Truces/Enemies/Allies/]

The command above could be used for finding the relations of several factions, and a slightly modified one could be used to find individual factions

/f relation [r] [Faction A] [Faction B]

Faction A being the large faction or the faction whose relations you are investigating, faction B being the individual faction you are interested in.

Any feedback, negativity, support, but not flame is welcome! [A Flame retardant thread]
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is a wonderful idea. It is super frustrating to not be able to see everything about the faction because its too large.

Also I believe there currently is a way to view the whole /f f readout but it requires you to do /f f (faction name) in game then you have to go in your .minecraft folder and then into your logs folder and then finally you have to find your most recent log and look through it to find it in the chat log. This is very tedious and time consuming so a simple command would be much preferred.
We need this sooo badly! Sollomon supports this :D


Alright Tyberia is a 200+ faction right now. This is a blessing, yet I cannot see which of my members is online at any given time now. The second a large faction such as mine implements titles it worsens the problem to the point where you can't even read how many players are in your faction unless you type /f list. This command addition would help out Tyberia and other large factions immensely. Being able to see which factions are your enemies, allies & truced ones would also be a big plus to any given large faction.

Why don't we just add a faction member cap?

Run away Pariah, the angry villagers approach!!! They all want to join a massive faction and disapear within its ranks!!!

Why don't we just add a faction member cap?



we have no cap!

but seriously @PariahFolk a cap, I think is a bit of bad a idea, it is practical for this problem but limiting the amount of players kinda takes away the point of factions, to grow powerful and be successful, a max would be like us being commanded by a communist dictator telling us how many loafs of bread we can have (for this example I choose Stalin). the idea of a new command or five would be so much easier to run a successful, large, amazing faction.
Alright Tyberia is a 200+ faction right now. This is a blessing, yet I cannot see which of my members is online at any given time now. The second a large faction such as mine implements titles it worsens the problem to the point where you can't even read how many players are in your faction unless you type /f list. This command addition would help out Tyberia and other large factions immensely. Being able to see which factions are your enemies, allies & truced ones would also be a big plus to any given large faction.
I know.. I feel a bit stupid when I have to ask "Is there anybody here?" because I can't tell who is online, but at the same time, there is always someone on.
I Second this, checking enemies, allies, and even online members needs to be easy and fast. @Sollomon666 However, member caps really should not be a thing, keeping factions all in one place is easier on taxes and management. Splitting up a faction with certain numbers of inactive members makes things harder to operate, and can make a faction end up as a house of cards.New players staying in larger factions helps new members gain a sense of community and safety right off the bat, making them more likely to stay on massive to begin with. i support and help run a 250 person faction, its not easy... Adding a member cap would make expansion and growth nearly if not entirely impossible for factions both new and old.
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I Second this, checking enemies, allies, and even online members needs to be easy and fast. @Sollomon666 However, member caps really should not be a thing, keeping factions all in one place is easier on taxes and management. Splitting up a faction with certain numbers of inactive members makes things harder to operate, and can make a faction end up as a house of cards.New players staying in larger factions helps new members gain a sense of community and safety right off the bat, making them more likely to stay on massive to begin with. i support and help run a 250 person faction, its not easy... Adding a member cap would make expansion and growth nearly if not entirely impossible for factions both new and old.
do not know what you are talking about...I am not requesting a faction cap whatsoever. I enjoy expansion, I merely want a system restructure to allow factions like mine to grow and not have the difficulties that I am having with not being able to see my members, allies, enemies & truces. Tyberia promotes community and growth, so Ya....a cap would be hell for us and many other factions who are aspiring to become more than what they once were. Still not sure why you said I was for the cap :/

do not know what you are talking about...I am not requesting a faction cap whatsoever. I enjoy expansion, I merely want a system restructure to allow factions like mine to grow and not have the difficulties that I am having with not being able to see my members, allies, enemies & truces. Tyberia promotes community and growth, so Ya....a cap would be hell for us and many other factions who are aspiring to become more than what they once were. Still not sure why you said I was for the cap :/
yeah i worded that horridly wrong, i was trying to reply to two people at once at 3:00 in the morning... the member cap thing i said was aimed at someone else... just didnt divide my paragraph properly... sorry D: